
ANZ sells UDC Finance to China's HNA Group in $628m deal

ANZ Bank is building up more capital to plough into its core banking businesses through the $NZ660 million ($628 million) sale of its New Zealand asset finance arm to China's HNA Group.

In the latest asset sale under chief executive Shayne Elliott, ANZ on Wednesday said it would book a $100 million gain by selling UDC Finance, which provides equipment financing to business customers in the New Zealand market.

Bell Potter analyst TS Lim said the deal would deliver ANZ the strongest capital position among its rivals, lifting ANZ's capital ratio by 10 basis points to 10.1 per cent.

While the business being sold is profitable, it is outside ANZ's core markets where Mr Elliott has vowed to focus the bank more closely: retail, commercial and institutional banking.

In just over a year in the job, Mr Elliott has embarked on a series of asset sales, disposing of lower returning businesses in Asia and other parts of the bank that are not seen as core parts of the lender.

Mr Lim said in selling UDC, ANZ would forego about $NZ59 million a year in earnings, which is less than 1 per cent of total earnings.


He estimated UDC had a slightly higher return on equity than ANZ overall, but said the deal made strategic sense because the business being sold was relatively small and asset financing was probably outside ANZ's core business.

"They are sort of selling the crown jewels, this is a very profitable business. You lose that profitability but gain 10 basis points of capital," he said.

"It's small enough, it's probably non-core."

The deal comes after ANZ last week sold a 20 per cent stake in Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank for $1.8 billion, which is set to lift the bank's capital ratio by 40 basis points.

More asset sales flagged

ANZ still holds other minority stakes in banks in China, Malaysia and Indonesia that it is open to selling, though these stakes could be harder to offload as there has been speculation about them being sold for years.

Mr Elliott may also sell its life insurance and superannuation businesses this year, after ANZ said in November that it would launch a strategic review of its wealth arm, where returns have been below par.

ANZ's New Zealand chief executive David Hisco said the sale aligned with its plan to simplify the bank.

"HNA is well placed to invest in specialist asset finance products and systems which will help UDC expand further in the future," he said.

Goldman Sachs analyst Andrew Lyons said in a note to clients the sale was a sign of further progress in ANZ's plan to streamline its business and boost capital efficiency.

As well as the NZ business, HNA Group is also buying the name and trademark for a car financing business, Esanda, in Australia and New Zealand, for an undisclosed sum.

ANZ sold the Esanda business in Australia to Macquarie in 2015, as pressure on local banks to build up more capital began to intensify. HNA Group, a conglomerate that also owns assets in logistics, transport, and tourism, was also one of the rival bidders for Esanda.