WA News

'Stop whingeing': Nahan reacts to scores of defects at Perth children's hospital

The WA treasurer has accused the opposition of "whingeing and whining" about the ongoing issues plaguing the new Perth Children's Hospital after it was revealed there were more than 10,000 defects at the site.

The hospital is already more than a year overdue and has been riddled with problems, including lead contamination in drinking water and the installation of roof panels containing asbestos.

A freedom of information request by Labor revealed there were more than 10,000 defects with the construction at the site.

But Treasurer Mike Nahan accused the opposition of "whingeing and whining from the sideline".

He said the government would have been worse off if it had sacked the managing contractor, John Holland.

"You don't want to push somebody off a site and lose the ability to make sure they are responsible for the cost of the delays," he told 6PR radio on Tuesday.


"The number of defects is a large one but it has 14,000km of water tubing alone."

Opposition health spokesman Roger Cook accused Dr Nahan of lying to the public about the progress of the project.

"What these documents show is that while the government was telling the WA public that the hospital was coming along nicely ... (and) it should be finished by 2016, they were receiving absolutely no evidence from the builder that they could back up that claim," he said.