
Terror, triumph and the Terminator: What it's really like interviewing famous people

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The first thing Arnold Schwarzenegger says to me is do I mind if he smokes.

I'm not going to say 'No' to Arnie. Of course not, I say, 'Please carry on'. He looks at me and says bluntly: "How can I carry on if I haven't started?" 

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He's not being rude – it's just that my exact wording doesn't compute. It's not dissimilar to the Terminator's robotic literalism and lack of understanding of human behaviour. It's the "Why do you cry?" line from Terminator 2. I am talking to the real-life Terminator in every sense. 

As he tells me during the interview for Terminator Genisys, while puffing away on a huge cigar, director James Cameron said after the original Terminator film came out in 1984: "The reason why Terminator works is because Schwarzenegger talks like a machine."   

Schwarzenegger is a joyously colourful and satisfying experience in interviewing a famous person. Imagine the most overblown, hammy impersonation of Arnie – those unmistakeable, thick strangulated Austrian vowels, the larger-than-life presence – and it doesn't even come close to being how Arnie, the real Arnie, actually is. 

It's a funny old gig, interviewing famous people. Arnie is a particularly amplified version but in the main, on the judgment call you can make over meeting someone for 10-15 minutes, people are relatively normal. 


Matt Damon wins hands-down the most unassuming, down-to-earth person – there's not a hint of anything remotely showbizzy about him. But most people are generally personable. At the end of the day they are selling something – a movie, a show, a tour – so behaving badly is not going to be particularly helpful. 

Is it nerve-racking? Yes, it can be, but it's not down to being starstruck. It's that for the 10 minutes or so, the pressure is on because you only have one shot. There's no chance for a follow-up or retake, so you really don't want to screw it up. 

Film junkets involve a fair bit of waiting around in posh hotels. When your allotted time is looming, you're brought up to one of the hotel rooms where the interviews, either filmed or as a one-to-one chat, happen. You're seated rather unceremoniously on a chair in the corridor outside while the journalist ahead of you finishes up and it's not dissimilar to waiting to see the dentist. 

It's here that, outside of the interview proper, lots of interesting things can happen. On my first junket, Steve Carell​ came walking down the corridor towards me. He wasn't one of the actors from this particular film, Anchorman 2, I was scheduled to interview – I was waiting for his co-star Paul Rudd. But caught off-guard, I found myself staring at Carell in full dropped-jaw, mouth-breathing fashion for several seconds before realising he was looking straight at me and likely thinking, 'What on earth is wrong with this moron?' 

Same corridor, same spot on another occasion, I was waiting for Joanna Lumley and Jennifer Saunders for Absolutely Fabulous and was first up after their lunch break. Lumley came sashaying along the corridor, got right into my face, smelling slightly of cigarettes, grabbed my hands and said in the most exuberant manner: "Hello, little one!" It was like a lovely but slightly batty great aunt talking to an infant. She beckoned me into the room, but the protocol is not to enter until the stars are propped up, make-up retouched, shots set up and the PR gives the OK, so I gently emphasised she should go on ahead, but for a minute it was a bit of a struggle against her warmth and persistence. 

I was also first up for the interviews for Magic Mike XXL with Channing Tatum and Joe Manganiello. The door was ajar and I could hear the camera crew setting up. I heard one voice say: "What does the journalist look like?" A face peered around the door, gave me the once over and then the door was quietly closed. I'll never know what the assessment was, or what the particular criteria is for sitting opposite two buff actors playing male strippers. 

With the one-to-one chats, it's relatively easy to strike up a rapport with a celebrity. With a camera off them, they don't have to perform and it's much easier to strike up a more natural conversation.

Filmed interviews are tougher. Everything is crammed into a hotel room with multiple cameras, wires, lights, monitors and a team of camera crew and publicists. The very first one I did was terrifying and the only time I have wanted to bolt on the spot.

I wasn't prepared for all the equipment and people in the room, which was particularly small in this case, heightening the sense of claustrophobic doom. There was a light right up in my face, like being interrogated under a spotlight, with its heat helping along my dry mouth and soaring panic.

It takes a minute or so to adjust the camera angles for each interviewer – now, with experience, it's a time for ice-breakers and polite chit-chat – but on this occasion I sat frozen, staring at the floor, with my brain going: "Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod. Can I leave? Can I run? Can I DIE?"  

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a bemused Ralph Fiennes looking at me and very probably wondering why he was about to be interviewed by someone short-circuiting before his very eyes. The interview was fine in the end, by the way, even if I came out feeling like I'd been in a car accident. 

There's always nuts experiences to dine out on. Jack Black was the most fun, a hilarious man. "It's my over-enunciation, isn't it?" he said. "It's the oldest trick in my arsenal."

On the other end of the spectrum, I interviewed Toni Collette and Drew Barrymore about cancer drama Miss You Already and we all ended up crying at different points of the conversation, which is no mean feat over 10 minutes.

There's the brilliantly weird and wonderful moments like chatting to Tom Jones about the time he was in his Vegas dressing room bathroom and came out of the shower cubicle to discover Elvis had done a poo in the room at the same time. Or interviewing the delightful Jacki Weaver for 30 minutes and coming out having had a great conversation but very little in the way of usable quotes because she didn't want to give too much away about the show she was on and kept asking questions about me. "I hate talking about myself, that's why I'm an actress because I find other people far more interesting," she said.

But back to Arnie, he may not be up there on the Oscars-front like Weaver, but he's a blockbuster attraction, all right. At the end of my interview, I asked if I could get a photograph with him. Sometimes it's OK to ask for photos, sometimes it's not. On this occasion I wasn't sure, but I asked anyway – f--- it, it's Arnie.

His assistant asked if she should take it. 

"No," he boomed, in the most Arnie voice ever, as he sidled up to me. "She can take a zelfie."