
Nude Live review: Human bodies in graceful action

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Nude Live
Sydney Dance Company
Art Gallery of NSW, January 8
Until January 23

Was it the dancers? The paintings and sculpture? The music? The audience? The gallery ambience? The nudity that got us there in the first place?

It was probably a mixture of all of the above that makes this Sydney Festival event so special. Its starting point is the AGNSW exhibition Nude: art from the Tate collection. Then there are seven members of the Sydney Dance Company, all naked and milling about with the paying public.

The audience reaction was fascinating. At first people seemed embarrassed by so much nudity so close. Even when the dancers were performing in scattered solos, people were averting their eyes, walking past and focusing on the "dead" nudes on the walls and plinths.

Then they got used to it. About halfway through, in a stroke of brilliance, the dancers sought out audience members and led them by hand or arm to a central room where we all formed a circle to watch an ensemble vignette. The ice was broken. It was a theatrically moving moment, a real coming together of performers and audience that generated a feeling of mutual trust. After that, the live nudes took over from the "dead".

The dancers – Marlo Benjamin, Izzac Carroll, Fiona Jopp, Olivia Kingston, Zachary Lopez, David Mack and Oliver Savariego – are amazing. Regular viewers of contemporary dance are accustomed to a bit of nudity, but this is an astonishing opportunity to view the complete musculature of highly toned human bodies in graceful action. No shyness, no pretence of concealing the obvious.

Choreographed by SDC artistic director Rafael Bonachela, the dancers echo artworks around them. I saw inspiration drawn from Henry Moore and Alberto Giacometti sculptures, paintings by Francis Bacon and Stanley Spencer. There are sensitive solos and duets, a delicate skin-to-skin male trio under the disapproving gaze of Ron Mueck's giant Wild Man, and a feisty female duet to Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring as a finale.

The only drawback is you can't be everywhere at once. You are bound to miss something. But what you see will be worth the visit. More than a viewing, Nude Live is an experience