Dementia Care Group rattles tin for home care

Dimentia Care Group has identified a handful of acquisitions in the home care sector.
Dimentia Care Group has identified a handful of acquisitions in the home care sector. Rob Homer

As the smart money searches for winners and losers in health care deregulation, attention has turned to initial public offering hopeful Dementia Care Group.

DCG has been in front of potential investors in recent weeks, making its home care pitch on path to a pre-IPO raising and a number of identified bolt-on acquisitions.

The pitch is all about the opening up of the home care industry which has been dominated by not-for-profit organisations, but is set for a shake-up following regulatory changes.

It's targeting home care for both aged care and disability services - and wants to consolidate what is currently a cottage industry.

While the pre-IPO deal arranged by Clinton Capital Partners and Ashurst is only small at about $2 million, it is understood to have caught the eye of some well heeled investors.

Already on board are former Macquarie banker Bill Moss and former Paul Ramsay Group director David Herlihy, as advisers and directors, while founder Jon Kontopos will retain more than half of the equity following the raising.

DCG has told investors it intends to seek an ASX-listing in the next 18 months to two years.

DCG's Kontopos formerly worked for RBS in London, where he made investments in health care assets for the bank.