Hotel Wi-Fi should come with the room, says Intuit vice-president Nicolette Maury

Nicolette Maury travels with three mobile phones and an iPad.
Nicolette Maury travels with three mobile phones and an iPad. Supplied

Intuit Australia vice-president Nicolette Maury recommends using a meditation app to help ease insomnia caused by jetlag. She answers our Traveller Q&A.;

Most frequented destination

Intuit's headquarters in Mountain View, California.

Most exciting destination you have been for business

Seoul, South Korea – for the neon lights, social atmosphere, culture and history, and having no idea what all the signs say.

In the suitcase

Wrinkle-free clothing, sports gear (including swimmers for stretching out after a long flight) and usually a few packs of Aussie treats (Tim Tams and Fantales) for global colleagues and business partners.

First thing you do when you arrive in a new city

I go for a walk to orientate myself and get a feel for the place, with the bonus of getting some fresh air after hours on a plane.

How do you make the most of a spare afternoon in a strange city?

I check out local cultural or historical hotspots, and browse the shops for local specialties. I love exploring supermarkets in new locations to see what new flavours of foods I can try.

Cure for jetlag

Fresh air, exercise and sunshine, preferably all at the same time. If the weather doesn't suit, then I'll aim for a swim in the hotel pool or some in-room yoga.

Any other travel tips

Bring a lightweight book for when you're stuck in immigration queues, where you can't use mobile devices. That way, you'll enjoy the wait rather than feeling impatient. And have a meditation app on your phone to help you relax before bed and ease that night-time sleeplessness from jetlag.

What technology do you use while travelling?

I travel with several mobile devices: my two Australian mobile phones (always good to have a back-up); a cheap local phone in the United States that I can use as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot rather than using roaming; an iPad with a keyboard for quick access to documents, meeting notes or entertainment; and, of course, a combination of power plugs and converters for portable charging.

Best overseas purchase

I love to buy clothes that later remind me of my time somewhere else. Also, I always come back with children's clothes – they're easy to pack and some have great quirky designs.

Best travel tale

I was once in Munich for Oktoberfest and decided to do a guided bicycle tour of the city. The tour included lunch at the famous Hofbrauhaus, with a compulsory litre stein of beer. Not being a big beer drinker, it was a struggle to get through it, but not nearly as hard as it was to get back on the bike afterwards to complete the guided tour. There was a lot of wobbly bike-riding by tourists that afternoon.

Best thing about travelling

Challenging assumptions, learning about new places, people and cultures, as well as having some quiet reflective time. I love the sense of wonder at unexpected finds, whether they be magnificently beautiful landscapes or structures, or delightful new food and music experiences.

Top gripe

Hotels that charge outrageous rates for internet access. In this day and age it should be included as part of the basic rate. For most people Wi-Fi is more important than having a television in the room.