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Twitter is listing all the things Donald Trump finds 'overrated' after his weak rebuttal of Meryl Streep

The contrast couldn't be more stark between Meryl Streep's powerfully eloquent critique of Donald Trump at the Golden Globes on Monday and Trump's weak, petty Twitter blast in response.

In accepting the Cecil B. DeMille Award for her "outstanding contribution" in a career spanning five decades, Streep noted that the "standout performance" of the year (for all the wrong reasons) was Donald Trump's mockery of a disabled reporter. 

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Streep slams Trump's 'stunning performance'

During her acceptance speech at the Golden Globes, actress Meryl Streep criticises US President-elect Donald Trump for mocking a disabled reporter.

"Disrespect invites disrespect, violence incites violence," she said. "When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose."

Her speech immediately made headlines around the world. And it's clearly struck a nerve with the President-elect, too.

Predictably, Trump's reaction was to double down on the bullying that has become his infamous Twitter schtick, describing Streep as "one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood" and a "Hillary flunky who lost big". 

In respectful disagreement with Trump's assessment of Streep, Twitter is now in the process of letting him know that – by listing all the other things they reckon he must find "overrated". Consent, facts, women's rights, black lives, spelling and natural hair/face colour are a common theme. 


Other celebrities are also getting in on the scrap, including Shameless actress Emmy Rossum and model Tess Holliday. 

The moral of the story? Nobody comes for Queen Meryl and escapes with their dignity. Especially not Donald Trump.