

From traitor to patriot: how the US right fell for Julian Assange

"A dead man can't leak stuff," Bob Beckel once huffed of Julian Assange on a Fox News panel. "This guy's a traitor, he's treasonous and he has broken every law of the United States. And I'm not for the death penalty, so ... there's only one way to do it: illegally shoot the son of a bitch."

This was in 2011, when Beckel, a Democrat, appeared on a handful of Fox shows to suggest balance on a station dedicated to defining, patrolling and enforcing the Republican Party's ideological line. (Though how Assange, the Australian founder of WikiLeaks, could be considered traitorous or treasonous to the US is anyone's guess.)

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Trump accepts Russian hacking findings

In a reversal of what has been his boss's position, Reince Priebus says Donald Trump accepts the US intelligence community's conclusion that Russia was behind cyber attacks meant to disrupt the presidential election.

Assange is now loathed or lionised (depending on your world view) for helping bring Donald Trump to power by publishing embarrassing material stolen from Democratic National Committee computers by Russian-linked hackers.

It is instructive to look back over the shifting views on Assange.

In 2010, when many American conservatives were calling for Assange's execution, he had launched himself as a global force by publishing the terrible gunsight footage of a 2007 US Apache helicopter attack on a handful of innocent men in Baghdad, including a Reuters journalist and his driver. The video, and the chilling radio chatter between the gun-crew and its ground team, solidified global opposition to an already catastrophic war and prompted a surge of support of WikiLeaks. In turn this led to WikiLeaks' collaboration with major media outlets including The Guardian and The New York Times, and to a lesser extent Fairfax Media.

The left embraced Assange as a hero, a man willing to stand against the US war machine.


But the WikiLeaks collaborations collapsed when Assange proved not only to be "arrogant, thin-skinned, conspiratorial and oddly credulous", but resistant to the constraints of the derided mainstream media – old-fashioned habits like redacting information that might put innocent lives at risk.

In June 2012 Assange went into exile in the Ecuadorian embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden where he was wanted for questioning over rape allegations. Assange and his supporters claim he remains in the embassy to this day not to avoid the one still-extant allegation – which he denies – but extradition to the US, which he believes Sweden would facilitate.

Assange's public support among the left collapsed last year when he launched a determined and prolonged assault on Hillary Clinton, whom he saw as a personal threat and as emblematic of a US empire that he loathes.

While espousing a philosophy of "radical transparency" in the interests of true democracy, Assange's leaks against Clinton were designed and timed to tilt a free election. The dumps of stolen material began and were dribbled out at critical moments throughout the year. That last dump was signalled by Roger Stone, a key Trump agent, before it had taken place.

Throughout the year the WikiLeaks Twitter feed looked like a rogue Republican campaign tool. In one ugly but not atypical example WikiLeaks tweeted a poll asking if readers believed "Hillary Clinton's collapse on Saturday, prior coughing fits & unusual facial & body movements" were best explained by "allergies & personality", "Parkinson's", "MS", or "Head injury complications".

As Assange's attacks wore on US intelligence agencies continued their investigation into the hacking. They now collectively believe the data was stolen by Russia and disseminated with the intention of benefiting the Trump campaign. In a demonstration of the strength of political tribalism over national interest, the right-wing love affair with Assange grew with each leak.

Last week Assange came full circle, sitting down for a long interview with Sean Hannity, an advisor to Trump who in his nightly program veers hardest to the right on Fox News.

Hannity lobbed soft balls to Assange, adding little, if anything to the public record. The two agreed fiercely over the perfidy of the mainstream media, Clinton and the Obama administration. Again Assange was given the opportunity to dismiss allegations that Russia was his source.

"Can you say to the American people, unequivocally ... a thousand per cent, that you did not get it from Russia, or anyone associated with Russia?" Hannity asked.

"Yes. We can say, we have said, repeatedly that over the last two months that our source is not the Russian government and it is not a state party."

How Assange knows this is not clear, given that he insists that WikiLeaks systems make it impossible for anyone to trace the source of submitted material.

Nor is it clear why Trump or the patriot Hannity would chose to believe Assange over the entirety of the American security apparatus.

"I believe every word he says, to be perfectly honest," Hannity later said of the interview.

As evidence that the American agencies are either wrong or lying about Assange, his supporters point to the intelligence failures leading up the invasion of Iraq.

Fair point, but there is a significant difference here. The greatest failing of US agencies before the war was not in the gathering of intelligence, but in defending that intelligence before an executive determined to manipulate it.

In this case the agencies are coming forward to insist on their findings even though they know they are acting against the interests of the incoming Trump administration. In both cases the Republican Party was determined not to hear the truth.

Secondly, just as we know that intelligence agencies can fail, we know that Assange can lie. He has lied about his role in WikiLeaks, the size of WikiLeaks, about WikiLeaks' structures and processes. He has, according to one former insider, lied about the access to documents he gave to the pro-Kremlin anti-Semitic writer Israel Shamir.

We know that Assange is reticent to criticise Russia even as he attacks the US, due to his regard for the "many vibrant publications, online blogs and Kremlin critics" he says exist in that country.

We know that Russia's ties with Assange go back years and there is strong evidence that Assange accepted payment from Russia after a US government crackdown stopped credit card companies from accepting donations for WikiLeaks.

We don't know how long Assange will remain in exile in the Ecuadorian embassy. If it is true he is seeking protection from the US government rather than from Swedish prosecutors, perhaps he will emerge soon.