Alabama Republican Wants To Give You A Hand In The Bathroom

You look like you need some assistance. Alabama state Sen. Phil Williams is here to help.
Didn't have the right look, probably.

Trump Expands Enemies List To Include 89-Year-Old Inauguration Announcer Guy. WEAK! SAD! DICKISH!

In the annals of Trump Dck Moves, this is a fairly minor one. But it's dickish all the same.

Dem Leader Chuck Schumer Shows Signs Of Usefulness: Trolling Mitch McConnell To All Hell

Schumer came up with a fun and hilarious way to tell McConnell to eat a bag of dicks.

Trump’s Cabinet Brings The Circus To Washington. Wonkagenda for January 10, 2017

Trump's nominee's face the music, Jason Chaffetz is a spiteful cry baby, and Senate Dem's ruin sportsball with a talk-a-thon. Your morning news brief!

Open Thread: Study Suggests Link Between Swearing And Honesty. NO SH*T!

This research is Not Safe For Work. Oh, my word, no.
Reality once again renders the internet moot.

No, Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is Not Resigning Because Trump Won, Or Resigning At All. Jesus!

Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn't resigning from the Supremes, though Diana Ross left in 1970.

Trump Will Tap His Son-In-Law Jared Kushner, Which Is Illegal In All Fifty States

For a White House position! Get your minds out of the gutter, you pervs.
This is clearly photoshopped, as bicycles were not even invented until after Einstein's death.

Trump Firing People Who Maintain America’s Nukes. Is That Important?

Does the agency that makes sure our nukes are properly maintained even need a director? Leadership is overrated.
A smirking asshat who loves Trump? Imagine that.

Pharma Douche Martin Shkreli Creeping His Gollum Hands All Over That Badass Teen Vogue Writer :/

This Internet thing is not really working out so good.

Right-Wing Media Is 100% Of The Problem

Hillarites and Berners, let us once again love each other and stick it to THAT OTHER GUY.

Kellyanne Conway Says Meryl Streep Is The REAL Disabled-People-Abuser, This Is Our Shocked Face

She really sucks at damage control. Also, she lies a lot, and is a bad person.

Looks Like Ivanka Trump Is Stiffing Contractors For $5 Million. Like Father Like Daughter!

Oh, hey, Ivanka Trump doesn't pay construction contractors either. Wow. How unexpected.

Entire Universe Dares Donald Trump To Call Meryl Streep ‘Overrated,’ And Trump Delivers!

Trump actually got on Twitter and talked smack about Meryl Streep. Weak! Sad!

Hollywood Pees On Donald Trump’s Golden Rug. Wonkagenda for Monday, January 9, 2016

Senators are gearing up for confirm-a-palooza, K street is being flooded by Trumpkins, and Meryl Streep leaves Trump with butthurt. Your morning news brief!
Thou hast in thy skull no more brain than I have in mine elbows.

Deleted Comments: You Secular Porn Addicts Are Destroying America And Have Never Read Shakespeare!

We thought we were smart, but it turns out we're porn-addicted dummies who've never read Shakespeare. Ay, me!
Just me, showing off my meat.

Beef Wellington: Proof That I Have Lost My Damn Mind

Are you ready for Pinkham's meat?
we're from the wall street and we're here to help

Wall Street Landlords Making Tenants Yearn For Creepy, Negligent Archetypes of Yore

The rent? It's JUST RIGHT! LOLOLOL just kidding it is too damn high.

Glenn Beck Overcomes Brief Flirtation With Sanity, Is Back To Old Tricks

Maybe he will go back to wearing costumes again?

Your Weekly Top Ten Is Crying With Michelle Obama, But In A Good Way (We Guess)

Best Game Ever!

Hey, Remember That Card Game We Made? Yeah, We Still Have Hundreds Of Them, Let’s Fix That!

Remember when we had 'elections'? Oh, those were the days! (Also too, it's your OPEN THREAD!)
WikiLeaks needs more lady rasslin'

Wikileaks Really Mad Somebody Leaked CIA Report Before Russia Could

Life During InfoWartime.
He gets cranky when he has the sniffles

Butthurt Donald Trump Still Butthurt About Russia Maybe Stealing Election For Him

Donald Trump's statement after his big boy intelligence briefing leaves much to be desired.