
Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe is a BusinessDay contributing editor. He comments on companies, markets and the economy.

Seekers of dark linings to silver clouds are in the process of switching horses ahead of Wednesday's National Accounts ...

Doom and gloom focus switches to GDP

Seekers of dark linings to silver clouds are in the process of switching horses ahead of Wednesday's National Accounts Stakes, jumping off National Income Recession and climbing aboard GDP Dive.

Victoria wants $6.3 billion of federal cash to spend on infrastructure.

What the RBA totally missed about our two-speed economy

Reserve Bank assistant governor Chris Kent missed a major opportunity this week. He delivered a speech about how the various states are travelling but totally omitted a key reason for the two out-performers doing so well.

Donald Trump clearly had absolutely no idea about government debt during his campaign.

Would you trust Trump with $26.6 trillion?

Would you trust Donald Trump with $US20 trillion ($26.6 trillion) of debt? How about lending him another $US7 trillion or so on top of that? You wouldn't be alone in thinking twice about the prospect.