
Complexities of Autonomy: Part Three of Four

A brief look at Latin American autonomous movements and their contradictions, third part of a four part overview of autonomous movements

Striking Nestle worker murdered by right wing paramilitaries

Striking Nestle worker and trade union organiser, Oscar lopez, was shot four times by multiple gunmen in a local bar. ‘Sinaltrainal’, his trade union had been locked in a bitter dispute with Nestle over union recognition and report receiving several death threats via text message from a right-wing paramilitary group, ‘Urabenos’- the day before Lopez was murdered. The messages read, “We are going to chop you up” and “Death to all Communists”.

Announcing @latinlibnews: keeping you up to speed on Latin America in 140 characters

Announcing a new Twitter account that will provide irregular and brief updates on social movements and news of interest to libertarian communists in Latin America.

11,000 Colombian prisoners on hunger strike for better conditions

More than 11,000 Colombian prisoners across 21 jails are now over two weeks into a hunger strike and other acts of resistance.

Former GM workers sew their mouths shut and start hunger strike

Seven members of the Association of Injured Workers and Ex-Workers of General Motors Colmotores (ASOTRECOL) have sewn their mouths shut and started an indefinite hunger strike until General Motors meet their demands.

The War on Democracy (Documentary)

The War On Democracy was John Pilger's first for cinema. It explores the current and past relationship of Washington with Latin American countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile.

Unions call for house committee investigation of possible misuse of US aid in Colombia

Communications Workers of America (CWA) International President Larry Cohen and United Steelworkers (USW) International President Leo W. Gerard issued the following statement today regarding their request to a member of the House Select Intelligence Committee that there be an investigation of press reports that the government of Colombia may have misused U.S. government aid by spending it to investigate and undermine the activities of labor leaders and union activists in that South American country.

From coca to capital: free trade cocaine

John Barker on the 'War on Drugs', unequal free trade legislation, and their relationship with capitalism and its woes more broadly.

Obama downshifts American imperialism in Colombia

It can be argued that the U.S. owes a collective “morality debt” of diplomatic reparations for centuries of state-sponsored terrorism and deplorable interventionism in and around the Republic of Colombia. Numerous “banana republics” joined Colombia, resulting from 500 years of “gun-point capitalism” fueled by the U.S. State department at the behest of multi-national corporate interests.

War all the time: the differences between the internal and external aggressor in Venezuela

Chávez the militarist

As President Hugo Chávez beats the war drum with Colombia over the presence of US military bases near the Venezuelan border, violent crime and scarcity in the República Bolivariana continue to soar to almost bewildering levels.