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Weekly Horoscopes by Madalyn Aslan


Staying in your head can cause you to internally combust. Turn to action by following through on your plan to share your stake in something. You pick up on things faster than most, so be patient when your planned big reveal isn’t immediately recognized for what it is. Look for the delayed reaction.

More Aries


You’re not in the mood for idle chit chat right now, but instead would prefer to discuss things which have become increasingly important. You want to further explore recent observations which as they occurred to you have spiked your curiosity. This week presents opportunities for some deep and revealing conversations with friends.

More Taurus


Your thoughts turn inward at the beginning of this week. In reviewing those personal reflections you initially intended to keep to yourself, you recognize the benefits of a sounding board. With your ruler Mercury correcting its orbit by the week’s end, sharing your impressions with a partner will provide valuable insight.

More Gemini


You’ve been dreaming about a trip which began as your idea, but after reaching out to someone close you now have a fellow traveler. Whether the expedition is real or imagined is of no consequence. A weekend internet chat further establishes the vision of your journey, so allow you thoughts to creatively meander.

More cancer


Time to reconsider what to do with some jointly held resources. Feeling a reward is due, you’re ready to indulge in a pleasant diversion, but it’s probably not the best time. Try readjusting to the rhythm of the work day and reconsider the plan after you’re back into the groove of it.

More leo


After focusing hard to process and organize some new information, worry has taken over. When that brain of yours is working over time, it’s very difficult to turn it off. Try to unbraid it a bit and let it relax. Avoid those grittier chores and set up a truly stress-free weekend.

More virgo


You continue to enjoy a period of real personal growth. It’s been busy lately, and you’re still cheerfully endeavoring to honor those obligatory but overextending commitments you made. You must allow yourself to pull back and review all that’s gone on this past fall. Recognize and appreciate the extent of your progress.

More libra


Some recent and gratifying diversions you’ve enjoyed have primarily been spent on your own. The lone wolf in you has been stalking solo experiences, and reflects just what you’re looking for, as opposed to pursuing shared ones. Mercury’s forward shift mid-week will make collaborative pastimes much more interesting.

More scorpio


You’ve got issues which should be more closely examined. If you’ve managed to find the right path recently, you’ve already started this journey. A woman at work will be helpful to you in figuring out what you need to be taking seriously. Hopes and wishes only happen when you stick to them.

More sagittarius


It hasn’t been easy to express some of what you’ve been experiencing lately. Vague and nebulous aren’t anything you have much use for. What’s concrete and solid makes far more sense to you. By the weekend your physicality returns and you’re finally able to feel the ground where you’ve been standing.

More capricorn


Although you’d rather hang with your group, there’s that pesky deadline. This presents an interesting opportunity for you if you can mindfully observe how you approach the project. Notice how you work, and what habits you fall into. Which could be used more effectively to get the job done in a timely manner?  

More aquarius


You want people at work to feel you are more transparent. Your responsibilities are moving into a group-oriented setting, and it’s up to you to see that everyone meshes properly. By demonstrating you consider no task to be beneath you, you prove your commitment and you gain everyone’s respect.

More pisces
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