Photo used with permission of Rachel Tribble
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Photo used with permission of Rachel Tribble
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Photo used with permission of Rachel Tribble
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Photo used with permission of Rachel Tribble
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Photo used with permission of Rachel Tribble
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Photo used with permission of Rachel Tribble
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“My purpose as an artist is to remind people that we all come from one place, we all live in one earth, in one universe and one solar system and we should all be happy to be together here."  - Rachel Tribble

With all the recent violence heightening worldwide fear and unrest, Denver based artist Rachel Tribble is gaining new momentum in her long-time devotion to inspiring “Universal Oneness” through her meditative works of art. While her own practice of meditation has always been a key component to the serene, peace inspiring nature of her work, the importance of universal connectedness became instilled in her as a way of life when she took a took a career hiatus to live and work with Native American communities in the early 2000s.

“Everything I learned from them made more sense to me than anything else I had ever experienced in life - how to live in harmony with the earth, rather than try to change it,” she explains.

The experience also allowed Rachel to re-ignite her passion for paint and re-emerge as the purposeful artist she is renowned as today, inspiring others to feel connected to the universe through her art and impacting global change through her altruistic spirit. While her raw, artistic talent has captured an international audience of private collectors and corporate clients, has been awarded the IFEA Gold Pinnacle Award for her work with Walt Disney Co., and her art is gifted annually to A-list nominees at the Oscars, Emmy Awards and MTV Movie Awards, Rachel’s artistic mission hasn’t stopped there. In fact, she has been expanding into new mediums of skateboard design, women’s fashion and most recently, a groundbreaking project that fuses art, music and interior design into a multi-faceted meditative experience that will soon be impacting audiences on a global scale.

“The amount of fear and anger in the world is really just wasted energy,” Rachel says. “It seems people are always freaking out now and my mission as an artist is not only to inspire peace but also to make people just feel happy and bring some of the silliness and creativity back into our lives.”  

In 2013, Rachel began seeing the profound impact of her altruistic mission when her peace inspired pop art became the face of an entire movement aimed at helping at risk youth. Joining forces with Michael Brooke of “Concrete Wave Magazine," Rachel designed skateboards that were donated to “Longboarding for Peace,” a movement that sought to teach longboarding to young people as a way to counteract their cultures of violence and encourage them to trade in their weapons for skateboards. Since then, “Longboarding for Peace” has expanded to over 30 countries and has made international headlines, but Rachel says the true success of the movement is being able to make a difference in so many individual lives. “It’s incredible that through skate culture, ‘Longboarding for Peace’ has been able to unite kids of all cultures and ages, often in situations people would never think possible,” she explains.

Rachel was also recently selected among the socially conscious artists to partner with the new concept fashion company, VIDA. Funded by major investors that include Google Ventures and Universal Music Group, VIDA is capturing attention as a community conscious e-commerce platform impacting positive global change. Partnering with independent artists and manufactures to create “mindful” fashion items (such as scarves, shirts and jewelry) for on-demand buyers, VIDA also ensures the manufacturing locations provide humane conditions and livable wages to the workers in underdeveloped countries. VIDA also offers them three-month literacy and math programs to build better lives for generations ahead.

“To know that we all have the ability to transcend and transform all obstacles is to also know that together, we can save the world before it’s too late,” Rachel says.

Rachel’s signature style of meditative art has also been finding its place in the local Denver arts and business communities. While a selection of her original works are currently on display at A New Spirit (holistic healing center), she is also busy working on an installation design at the new location of The Body Mind Energy Healing Center and starting September 1, 2016, Rachel’s paintings will be featured at the Sol Shine Art Gallery.

Rachel is also currently collaborating with producer and musician, Jeff Ganz and Emmy Award winning production and interior designer, Aaron Osborne, on a new endeavor that is taking her meditative art to a whole new level of universal healing. She calls it the “Reimagine Project” and explains it as her longtime vision of creating peace within people using sound, color and light in a multi-faceted meditative experience. A vision that today’s technology is finally allowing her to achieve and make accessible to audiences worldwide, and a concept that is garnering interest from prominent leaders in healthcare and business communities as well.

After being invited to volunteer at the Denver based 10.10.10 conference in June, Rachel was approached by Vartan Arabyan (CEO of Oxford Health Network) to expand her “Reimagine Project” and design interior concepts for clinical environments that use the effects of sound, color and light to treat chronic pain and depression, and to create a more meditative patient experience to relax them for regular treatments. Rachel has also been approached by Yaakov Lehman (founder and CIO of Wisdom Tribe) to premiere the “Reimagine Project” at a large-scale event that is set to take place in Denver early next year.

“My personal hope as an artist and a person who is concerned with the direction our world is going, is to go beyond my own horizons, to bring transformative sound frequencies, colors and imagery to a wide range of applications in many different aspects of our society,” Rachel says. “To create and hold space for people to feel safe and feel peace, and imagine and reimagine how we can relate to our planet and the different people and cultures living here.”

To find out more about Rachel Tribble, her collection of work and upcoming events, go to the official website

Rachel’s artwork and apparel is also available at: and