
Hot Air: Why increasing taxes for LNG corporations probably won’t work to create a better society.

A critique of the social democratic argument that increasing taxation on LNG companies is part of a viable strategy for a better society.

Calling all junglists: a short report from Amazon Hemel Hempstead

A good friend and former colleague of ours from west London worked at Amazon in Hemel Hempstead in the run up to Christmas 2016.

Looking back on Obama's deportation regime

The Obama administration's approach to illegal immigration was to severely enforce penalties for immigration related crimes. This approach led to record deportation numbers and an unprecedented explosion in the immigrant prisoner population.

Radical education in Liverpool

A very brief look at some examples of radical schooling in Liverpool during the 20th century. A version of this article appeared in The Blast, a non-regular publication of Liverpool Class Action.

Looking back at Obama’s bailouts: HAMP

Former Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner

As Obama leaves office, a quick look back at a little known chapter in his administration reveals much about his presidency.

Take the power back: breathing space, friendliness and solidarity at work

We felt like writing a basic article about workers' solidarity and daily resistance. It addresses the atmosphere we face at work, where the management regime is so rigid that even small collective steps seem like minor revolutions. The article will be published and circulated in our newspaper WorkersWildWest no.5

Beyond the IWA: An Interview with the CNT’s International Secretary

Discretely, almost silently, something is happening which will have serious consequences for the future of the international Anarchist movement: the reorganization of anarcho-syndicalism on a global scope, at the initiative of the CNT. Following the agreements of its XI Congress in 2015, the CNT – together with the German FAU and the Italian USI – has organized an international conference of anarcho-syndicalist and revolutionary unions (November 26-27, Bilbao). To understand the goals of this conference, we have interviewed people from the working group of the CNT’s International Secretary, in a conversation which aims to go to the root of the question, without dogmatism or mythology.

Consigned to the memory hole: the content of the DNC leaks

Hidden from the media narrative of Russian cyber sabotage is the content of the DNC leaks, and how the leaks revealed the arrogance and corruption of the Democratic Party elite.

Review: 1% Free - MaximumRockNRoll political columnist's sci-fi novel

1% Free

A review of a science fiction novel by political writer and MaximumRockNRoll columnist G.A. Matiasz.

USI speaks out on the recent developments with the IWA

Liberal commentators respond to election catastrophe by lashing out

The catastrophic election results have left Democratic Party hacks lashing out at, well, pretty much everyone for failing to support their miserable candidate.

Libcom traffic analysis 2016

Cat using a smartphone

An overview of visits to over the past year.

Black Panthers at 50: Reflections on their legacy

Black Panther logo

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, founded in Oakland, California. I went to the Oakland Museum of California to see the exhibit "All Power to the People: Black Panthers at 50" and it got me to reflect on how the Panthers and other movements of that era affected many radical projects that continued in their legacy.

Books against borders

Short review of three books on migration, the drug trade, the drug war, and violence in Mexico and Central America.

#WTF2016? Living The Dream takes the down bound Trump Train out of here

In this episode of Living the Dream (a podcast from The Word From Struggle Street a collaborative anti-capitalist blog from Brisbane) Jon (@jonpiccini) and Dave (@withsobersenses) talk about the weird as hell political environment of the Age of Trump.

Bolívar City and Venezuela in Ruins

Venezuela is breaking into pieces, and the violence in Bolívar City may be just the beginning.

The CNT and the IWA, part 2: The crisis in the IWA as seen from the CNT

The CNT and the IWA, part 1: The CNT since Franco

The decision that the CNT took at its eleventh congress (December 2015) to re-found the IWA is the latest act in the process of updating anarcho-syndicalism which began with the resurrection of the CNT in 1977, and which still isn’t finished.

#CUB55 My part in their victory

Latest blog post from from The Word From Struggle Street a collaborative anti-capitalist blog from Brisbane. Here I make some personal reflections on my very marginal participation in the #CUB55 struggle and then some more general observations about the state of the trade unions and class struggle.

Universal Basic Income: freedom for workers?

Robot book fetcher

A post on why workers should oppose automation unless we can carry it out in our own interests and why a Universal Basic Income is not going to be the answer to the resulting immiseration