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Daily Horoscopes by Madalyn Aslan


You’ve been harboring a grudge against a loved one for too long. 2017 is about making amends and mending fences together. Start with this one. Make the call. Be brave enough to confront how this person made you feel. You only poison yourself by holding onto the hurt. Release and be free.

More Aries


A scandal is about to come to light at work. Make sure that you have all your ducks in a row. You don’t want to be the scape goat. Also make sure to remember which coworkers have supported you in the past. They will need your surefire alliance and steady leadership to overcome this. 

More Taurus


Your mercurial nature craves momentum. You must create the change you wish to see. Today attack your tasks with a ferocity you’ve kept in reserves. Do not be afraid to be passionate. You have always been guided by an inner light. It’s time to ignite the blaze. Burn bright and watch what happens.

More Gemini


The best way to keep romance alive is through spontaneity. Today force yourself out of your comfort zone and be bold enough to make a grand romantic gesture. If already coupled, you shall delight your partner beyond belief. If solo, you won’t be for long if you follow your heart.

More cancer


There’s a beast snarling in your guts and it’s not indigestion. Make an appointment to see a physician. It’s best to start the new year in tip top shape. Your health has never been enough of a priority and this is the opportunity to change that. Today, be proactive in the road to wellness. 

More leo


The new week begins and it’s going to require some personal strength. Everything feels up in the air and out of your control. Don’t throw yourself into an anxiety attack. You’ve carried the illusion that you are in control of everything far too long. Let go and make peace with the unknowing. 

More virgo


A problem on the home front has been lurking in the shadows far too long. Today is the day to begin the process of resolution. You’ve been dragging your feet about making a decision. Your swiftness is imperative. Get your house in order in order to flourish or you’ll spend 2017 languishing in half-measures.

More libra


You’ve never been one to be known for your bounty of kindness, but today is the day to change that. Go out of your way for a coworker. Even if it is just an appreciative bouquet or picking up the lunch bill. It’s important for your journey to open yourself up to a generosity of spirit. 

More scorpio


Does it feel like someone else is steering your life? You’ve been gripping hard to the ideals that have gotten you this far. Today it is important for you to acknowledge that you have to trust the universe and put your faith in fate. You’ve been swerving towards destruction, so pause and recalibrate your direction. 

More sagittarius


Already this year is proving prosperous for you and we’re less than two weeks in. However, not all are as fortunate, and unseen pressures are stressing out a loved one. An argument is going to erupt if you can’t diffuse the situation. The best way to avoid a conflict is by offering your assistance. 

More capricorn


I hope you’ve strapped on some personal armor this morning, for you’re going to need it. A masculine force at work is going to throw a ratchet in your whole operation. Remind yourself that you are strong. If you show resilience you will be respected and possibly seen as a necessary asset. 

More aquarius


A personal battle has been won. You’ve managed to defeat self-doubt. How you managed it is incredible. Hold on to that feeling. It’s going to be put to the test at work today. Remember how fearless you can be. When you believe in yourself, you’re unstoppable. Start this year off as the rebranded bolder you.  

More pisces
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