Research from Fairygodboss

We generate a ton of unique, proprietary data and content about what women experience in the workplace. Women in our community share their salary and bonus information, departments and titles, as well as their opinions regarding gender equality, maternity leave benefits, job satisfaction levels, whether they would recommend the company to other women and what they believe their employer could do to help retain them. We also regularly poll the women in our community on a number of other job-related issues. Please contact us if you would like to learn more:

The State of Gender Equality in the Workplace 2016: In this 53-page annual report, we summarize our findings about gender diversity and equality in the workplace, share data about why it matters, and what it takes to recruit and retain women. This guide will help employers and HR departments focus on what matters to women in the workplace.

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Men in the Workplace: An in-depth exploration of what men think of gender diversity in the workplace. We teamed up with Artemis Connection to study mens perceptions of gender equality and diversity in the workplace. Heres what we found, and why we concluded that middle management in an important part of increasing the number of women in leadership.

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Do Women Think Their Employers Are Family Friendly? What does it mean for an employer to be family-friendly? Find out what percentage of women believe their company is familiy-friendly and what that means to them.

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More Than Just Equal Pay: Promotions are Key to Retaining Women at Work. While most of our community believes women and men are treated equally at their employer, when women report there is gender inequality at work, the #1 cited issue is with respect to promotions.

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Best Industries for Women: We've identified the top industries for gender equality, women's job satisfaction, and the ones women would recommend to other women. Dig into our slides to see the best industries and find out what else we found.

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Female Job Satisfaction: We've analyzed female job satisfaction in our community and found important links between women's job satisfaction and an employer's culture and benefits. See what else we found.

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Job Factors Important To Female Jobseekers: Other than compensation, what other factors are important to female job seekers? We explore how women prioritize aspects of a job such as flexibility, benefits, company performance and more, when choosing their next job and employer.

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