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Buttonwood's notebook

Financial markets

  • Finance and economics

    The Greenspan legacy

    by Buttonwood

    MORE than ten years have elapsed since Alan Greenspan stepped down from the Federal Reserve; a decade that has not been kind to his reputation. Having just read Sebastian Mallaby's comprehensive biography*, "The Man Who Knew", it struck me that his career was a classic example of cognitive dissonance. (Read Martin Wolf's review of the book here.)

    The main post-crisis criticism of Mr Greenspan was that he was a naive believer in market efficiency, failing to pop bubbles in the late 1990s or mid-2000s and failing to regulate the financial sector properly. He was, for a while, a disciple of the libertarian novelist, Ayn Rand.

  • Economics and finance

    The manufacturing jobs delusion

    by Buttonwood

    INDUSTRIAL policy via Twitter is a new development in economics but we may all have to get used to it over the next four (or eight) years. Donald Trump's tweets on the car industry (and his planned cuts to corporate income tax) may or may not have persuaded Ford to keep a plant in Michigan, creating 700 jobs. But the problem with such headline-grabbing is that there are thousands of companies in America, and jobs are being created or destroyed every day; intervening in all these situations is impossible. Even in cars, for example, GM has recently announced 3,300 lay-offs, almost five times greater than the Ford additions.  

  • An updated children’s tale

    Dorothy meets the Mnuchins

    by Buttonwood

    DOROTHY was unhappy. Life on the Kansas farm seemed dull, and her pocket money hadn’t risen in real terms for years. It was time for a change; time to make Kansas great again. Then, as she was sitting in the farmhouse with her dog Toto, a tornado came along, sweeping them up and taking her away, far from reality.

    With a bump, the farmhouse landed on a woman. As Dorothy emerged, she saw a crowd of cheering little people.“You have killed the wicked witch of the east wing” they shouted. “We could not abide her charitable foundation or lax e-mail security procedure. But you have saved us.”

    “Who are you?” asked Dorothy.

  • Wall Street

    Dow 20,000?

    by Buttonwood

    SOME time soon, the Dow Jones Industrial Average seems likely to break through the 20,000 barrier, an event that will be greeted with banner headlines and a sign that capitalism is flourishing again. In fact, the Dow is a flawed measure, which uses the odd approach of weighting its component companies by share price. The biggest stock in the Dow is Goldman Sachs and despite its prominence on the campaign trail (and among Donald Trump’s new team), it is hardly the most important company in America; its weight depends on its near-$240 share price.

  • Economics and politics

    Dude, where’s my toga?

    by Buttonwood

    AS THE parade of billionaires and generals joins Donald Trump's cabinet, it is hard not to be reminded of the Roman republic. Parallels between Rome and America have been made in the past, of course; Paul Kennedy's "The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers" talked of imperial overstretch—excessive military spending that eventually undermined an empire’s position.

    But the current parallels date from much earlier in Roman history; how the republican system eventually turned into plutocracy or "rule by the rich". In her history of Rome, "SPQR", Mary Beard writes that

    The first qualification for office was wealth on a substantial scale.

  • Economics and populism

    Schrödinger’s Brexit

    by Buttonwood

    SOMETIMES an analogy strikes you on the head with the force of a plummeting cricket ball. On Radio 4 yesterday, Hamish Johnson, editor of, had the brilliant insight to explain the British government’s policy in terms of physics; Schrödinger’s Brexit.

    The poor cat is stuck in a box with a radioactive substance and a poison; when the substance decays, the poison is released. Since it is impossible to predict when the substance will decay, the cat may be deemed simultaneously alive and dead. The only way to know is to open the box.

  • The Great Convergence

    The changing face of global trade

    by Buttonwood

    TRADE has changed a lot in the last 25 years. Indeed, we are still struggling to understand why trade growth was so rapid before the 2008 crisis, and has been relatively sluggish since. Richard Baldwin's new book "The Great Convergence: Information Technology and the New Globalization" was reviewed in last week's issue (and here are the thoughts of the FT's Martin Wolf). But the book is so important that it is worth looking again at some of its insights.

    The first is that we tend to think of competitiveness of individual states (particularly in an era of populist nationalism) - the US is competing against China and Germany.

  • Unaccountable technocrats or convenient scapegoats?

    Rethinking central bank independence

    by Buttonwood

    CENTRAL bankers are under fire. In America, President-elect Donald Trump said that the Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen should be "ashamed of herself" for keeping rates too low; in Britain, Mark Carney of the Bank of England has been criticised for his views on the economic risks of Brexit; and in Europe, Mario Draghi has faced attacks from critics in Germany (for being too lax) and Greece (for being too tight).

    In a new paper Ed Balls, who played an influential role in making the Bank of England independent, has teamed up with James Howat and Anna Stansbury to try to think through the role and wider responsibilities of the central bank.

  • Trade-offs

    Brexit means...a lot of complex trade decisions

    by Buttonwood

    POLITICIANS campaign in soundbites but reality deals in awkward paragraphs. For all the sloganeering (Brexit means Brexit) and the prevarication, the British government must finally decide what kind of trade-offs it is willing to accept when it leaves the European Union. The UK trade policy observatory at the University of Sussex has an excellent new paper out on the choices facing the country, which was the subject of a lunchtime seminar today.

    The British government seems to have four red lines.

  • Won’t get fooled again

    Markets are hoping for Bush 3.0

    by Buttonwood

    CONVENTIONAL wisdom gets turned on its head quickly in the financial markets. Although many on Wall Street were gloomy about the prospects under a Trump presidency, the markets have performed a sharp U-turn after the overnight decline on election day.

    So many people (including The Economist) had warned of the crazy policies of Donald Trump that there was always going to be a market for contrarians to say that he won’t be that bad after all. Especially among white, prosperous financial commentators there is a willingness to “normalise” Mr Trump—to tell the groups he has insulted and threatened to get over their fears.

  • Fright night

    Donald Trump’s surprise early success causes a sell-off in equities and the Mexican peso

    by Buttonwood

    FINANCIAL markets went into the election night both favouring and expecting a Clinton victory. And the early results seemed to point to success for the Democrat candidate. But as the night wore on, Donald Trump’s position steadily improved and investors started to lose their nerve.

    The Mexican peso was the most sensitive emerging-market currency to the election news, given Donald Trump’s promises to build a wall on the border and his talk of renegotiating the Nafta free trade agreement. During the day, the peso was around 18.5/$ and it reached as high as 18.18/$ in early polling.

  • Markets and the election

    Should we have faith in the predictive power of gambling markets?

    by Buttonwood

    GAMBLERS seem to think Donald Trump is a 3-1 outsider to win the election on Tuesday. The Predictit market has Hillary Clinton on 77% (where 100% is certainty). But what does that really tell us? On June 21, two days before the British referendum on the EU, Betfair was implying odds of 75% for Remain and 25% for Leave. This was despite quite a large number of polls that showed Leave ahead. As we know, Leave won 52% to 48%.

    The idea of looking at betting markets is that “smart money” can assess all the information far more efficiently than opinion pollsters or newspaper columnists. It’s efficient market theory for politics. But what are the gamblers assessing?

  • Economics and democracy

    The last vote

    by Buttonwood

    THREE years ago, your blogger published a book called “The Last Vote”, a warning about the threats to democracy. It got a couple of nice reviews but disappeared into the morass that faces 95% of all published books; readers have limited time and money and there are too many tomes to choose from.

    But the arguments made in the book seem even more pertinent today, with authoritarian leaders in control of Hungary, Poland, Russia and Turkey, and with the American election just four days away. 

    First, democracy is threatened by a combination of complacency and cynicism. In many western countries, it has existed for all of living memory. It is thus the thing people have to rebel against.

  • Currencies

    Will the dollar rise or fall on a Trump victory?

    by Buttonwood

    YESTERDAY’s decline in the American stockmarket, on news of a narrowing in the poll gap between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump (under two points according to Real Clear Politics), confirms the argument made in last week’s column. A combination of Mr Trump’s adverse policy proposals on trade, foreign policy and the Federal Reserve, and uncertainty about how much of this agenda would get through Congress, would hit equities hard were he to be elected.

    But what about the dollar? The picture is far from clear.

  • Investing

    Irrational tossers

    by Buttonwood

    THERE are few sure things in investing. But the chance to bet on a rigged coin sounds like a good one. Alas, a paper by two fund managers, Victor Haghani of Elm Partners (and co-founder of the collapsed Long-Term Capital Management) and Rich Dewey of Pimco, shows that it is possible to get even that wrong.

    The paper invited 61 people, a combination of college-age students in finance and economics and some young professionals at finance firms (including 14 who worked for fund managers), to take a test. They were each given a stake of $25 and then asked to bet on a coin that would land heads 60% of the time. The prizes were real, although capped at $250. 

About Buttonwood's notebook

Our Buttonwood columnist considers the ever-changing financial markets. Brokerage was once conducted under a buttonwood tree on Wall Street



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