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This site was originated by Mark Alder to support the launch of a book by Fr. Aidan Nichols called Christendom Awake. Website Introduction

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Unmasking the Counter-Faith

2 Vital Books by Philip Trower

Turmoil and Truth

The Catholic Church and the Counter-Faith

NEW Book!

Evolution Devolution Science

Maciej Giertych

The Influence of Harry Potter

Imago Dei

Saint John Paul II's THEOLOGY OF THE BODY for Everyone

BBC admits it underestimated the Church’s opposition to Hitler

Travesties of Newman
by Edward Short

The Amazing Literary World of Michael O'Brien

Michael O'Brien's Website

What is gender ideology?

Philip Trower Home Page
Books reviewed by Dr Pravin Thevathasan

Responsibility for the overall website rests with myself, but the particular opinions and theological views expressed are those of the individual authors.

Mark Alder - CyberScribe



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 Site Contents Copyright © ; 2001 Mark Alder & named authors.

Site originated: 10th October 1999
The version of this page: 19th January 2017

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