- published: 08 Oct 2013
- views: 398
A surname or family name is a name added to a given name. In many cases, a surname is a family name and many dictionaries define "surname" as a synonym of "family name". In the western hemisphere, it is commonly synonymous with last name because it is usually placed at the end of a person's given name.
In most Spanish-speaking and Portuguese-speaking countries, two or more last names (or surnames) may be used. In China, Hungary, Japan, Korea, Madagascar, Taiwan, Vietnam, and parts of India, the family name is placed before a person's given name.
The style of having both a family name (surname) and a given name (forename) is far from universal. In many countries, it is common for ordinary people to have only one name or mononym.
The concept of a "surname" is a relatively recent historical development, evolving from a medieval naming practice called a "byname". Based on an individual's occupation or area of residence, a byname would be used in situations where more than one person had the same name.
Grupo HOBB AL FANN - 3º Lugar na Categoria Grupo - Festival Suad 2013 - RJ
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Ba5aweesh Al Fann - Chop Suey
al-Fann. Arte della civiltà islamica by Skira
الفن -- عمرو سليم | Amr Selim -- Al-fann
Ba5aweesh Al Fann - Toxicity
El Fan El Fan 3omri Lel Fan - Mohamed Jamousi
مقطع حذف من اغنية الفن محمد عبدالوهاب بعد 1952 Fann Song
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Groupe égyptien:Wahat Al Fann wa Aljamal
Esta coreografia de Dança Ghawazee também foi premiada com o 3º Lugar na Categoria Grupo Folclore no Festival Lumina Qamar 2013. Muito feliz com a apresentação e com o envolvimento das minhas queridas alunas!!! Coreografia: Nilza Leão; Bailarinas: - Carla Rosa; - Flávia Bittencourt; - Isis Mesquita; - Lillith; - Mariana Cetrangolo. O Grupo também conta com a participação de Bia Lucciola, Laylla Ripardo e Lena Iglesias, que neste evento não puderam estar com a gente. Um grande beijo a todas!!!! E meu muito obrigada. ;-)
Video dell'allestimento della mostra "al-Fann. Arte della civiltà islamica. La Collezione al-Sabah, Kuwait", che sarà visitabile fino al 30 gennaio 2011 al Palazzo Reale di Milano. Curatore: Giovanni Curatola. Sito della mostra: http://www.arteislamica.it/ Catalogo: http://www.skira.net/dettaglio.php?soggetto=&isbn;=8857207452&back;=dettaglio.php&page;=&lett;= Il video è stato realizzato da Alessandro Restelli - Lanterna Magica.
الفنان عمرو سليم وأغنية الفن للموسيقار محمد عبد الوهاب من حفل مهرجان القلعة للموسيقى والغناء 20/8/2016
: كل جديد من اخبار و برامج و منوعات على الرابط التالي https://www.youtube.com/user/cooltounsi https://www.facebook.com/Cooltounsi
مقطع حذف من اغنية الفن محمد عبدالوهاب- صالح جودت بعد 1952 الفن مين يعرفه إلا اللي عاش في حماه والفن مين يوصفه إلا اللي هام في سماه والفن مين أنصفه غير كلمة من مولاه والفن مين شرفه غير الفاروق ورعاه أنت اللي شرفت الفنان و رعيت فنه, رديتله عزه بعد ماكان محروم منه ورويت فؤاده بالألحان برضاك عنه الفن جنه بتسحرنا بألوانها نعيش علي ذكرها و نغني الحانها احنا تاج البلاد الجنة سكانها وانت راعيها وحاميها و رضوانها A section of the song of Abdel Al Wahab (Al Fann- Arts) removed from the song after 1952, because it mentions king Farouk Pictures are for 1- Abdin Palace, built 1863-1874, by Khedivi Ismail Abdeen Palace is considered one of the most sumptuous palaces in the world in terms of its adornments, paintings, and large number of clocks scattered in the parlors and wings, most of...
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الفنان عمرو سليم وأغنية الفن للموسيقار محمد عبد الوهاب من حفل مهرجان القلعة للموسيقى والغناء 20/8/2016
Conférence de Silvia Naef, professeur à l’université de Genève, invitée par "Arl@s" dans le cadre du "Labex TranferS". Elle a donné à cette occasion deux cours d’introduction à l’histoire de l’art arabe moderne Dans le monde arabe, l’histoire de l’art moderne (al-fann al-hadîth), qui résulte de l’adoption de la modalité de production occidentale et de la rupture avec l’ « art islamique », peut être subdivisée en trois périodes : 1. la période d’adoption de l’art occidental, 2. la période d’adaptation à des pratiques « locales » et 3. la période de globalisation, lorsque certains artistes originaires du monde arabe deviennent partie intégrante de la scène artistique internationale. Dans ces deux cours, il est question des deux premières périodes, pendant lesquelles se forme l’art moderne (...
BHL: The Casting Call -- In this episode Black Hollywood Live hosts Tony Moore, Lina Green and Chloe Onyx interview Phaedra Harris. Born in Detroit Michigan and raised in the San Fernando Valley of California, Phaedra Harris has over twenty-five years experience in feature film and television casting. Harris has been involved in the casting of well over 50 films ranging in budgets from the two million dollar independent tele-feature BUTTER starring Terrence Howard, Ernie Hudson, Shemar Moore and Nia Long to the eighty million dollar studio blockbuster THE FIFTH ELEMENT starring Bruce Willis and Chris Tucker. She has also worked on many top rated television series including THE JOHN LARROQUETTE SHOW and WHERE I LIVE. Harris recently fulfilled a lifetime dream of working with her idol, leg...
GIOCHI SCONTATI PC & CONSOLE: http://www.kinguin.it/7en/leesiuloong Iscrivetevi Al Mio Canale Di Informatica: http://www.youtube.com/LeeSiuLoong Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leesiuloong Canale di Keledan75: http://www.youtube.com/Keledan75 Facebook Keledan75: https://www.facebook.com/Keledan75 Server offerto da Nitrado: http://www.nitrado.net Twitter: https://twitter.com/YouTuberLee
Lissander Brasca, Simona Scuri: realizazion video. El Miqel Gilardell al spiega in lombard i concets fondamentai del seed saving, l'art de meter via la somenza dei piante de ort. A conference in Lombard language. Conferenza in lingua lombarda. El Miqel al parla la varietaa de la Vall Seriana, Bergom. I spetador in sala inn asquas tuts brianzœl e milanes, capissen tuscoss, dialogen cont el miqel, ge fann dei domande, lu al ge respond. Tuts se intenden qe l'è un piexer. Se vœlen, i lombards pœden parlar la so bella lengua lombarda intra de lor, ognidun el so dialet. Semper. I conferenze al MilesiLab 2012-2013, l'ultem martedì del mes. Via Sirtori, 1 Monça Organizazion e coordinament: Simona Scuri, Lissander Brasca. Sigla musegal: L'arbor l'è cressud del Lissander Brasca dal cd Sot la cen...
Ecco la seconda diretta su http://www.yradio.it e con questa siamo arrivati alla terza puntata del fantastico programma Young Afternoon Show in onda tutti i sabati dalle 16.00 alle 18.00 e in replica le domeniche dalle 14.00 alle 16.00. In questa puntata lo speciale su Biagio Antonacci e l'intervista al gruppo Out Of Here Per mettervi in contatto con noi potete mandarci una mail a youngafternoonshow@gmail.com oppure sulla pagina fann di Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/YoungAfternoonShow
Ducking through the wave
he's closing his eyes
cleansing his brain of a sensory
holding all his breath
collecting his thoughts
to focus on a goal
i'm under and going down
Fooled by the foam
setting himself free
but the saltwater chokes
robbing him of his feed
he's growling numb to this
or is this bliss
can he be blind to
whats he hiding from
his brain can't remember
that memories never fade
question never answered
what was the purpose
or his self inflicting pain