Hunter Hall names interim CIO and CEO after shock exit of founder Peter Hall

Hunter Hall International chairman Kevin Eley says it's "business as usual" at the fund manager.
Hunter Hall International chairman Kevin Eley says it's "business as usual" at the fund manager. Lee Besford
by Alice Uribe

Hunter Hall International insists it's business as usual, appointing interim executives from within to steer the fund manager after founder Peter Hall's shock decision to sell off part of his holdings and exit the business.

In a statement to the market, Hunter Hall chairman Kevin Eley said CFO Paula Ferrao would take over as interim CEO and deputy CIO James McDonald had been appointed interim CIO effective immediately.

Commenting on the appointments, Mr Eley told The Australian Financial Review that: "the appointment of two very experienced, long-term executives from within the management team to these key roles demonstrates that we are focused on maintaining business as usual on behalf of shareholders and investors in our funds".

At the end of December, Mr Hall, who was also the fund manager's CIO, cut a deal to sell a 19.9 per cent stake in Hunter Hall to international conglomerate Washington H. Soul Pattinson at less than a third of face value, or $1 a share, and reached an agreement to sell his remaining 24 per cent in the absence of a higher offer.

Shares plunged in the days after the announcement and questions have consequently been raised about Hunter Hall directors' responsibility to give the market key information about Mr Hall's decision to dump all his shares in Hunter Hall as quickly as possible.

In an interview with the AFR, Mr Hall explained he was not motivated by money in deciding to sell to Soul Patts over other, potentially higher, bidders. His decision was made, he said, to "protect everyone's interests and the security of other people's interests".

Mr Hall will continue to assist the board and management with the transition until his departure from the business.

"The Hunter Hall funds continue to be managed in line with their respective investment objectives and ethical screens," the statement said.

Ms Ferraro has been the global equities manager's deputy CEO since May 2016 and was Hunter Hall's chief financial officer since 2010.

Mr McDonald has been a portfolio manager at Hunter Hall since 2003, Hunter Hall's Deputy CIO since 2011, and the fund manager for the Hunter Hall Global Equities Trust and Hunter Hall Global Value Limited since 2013 and 2015 respectively.

Hunter Hall said it was conducting a formal executive search to fill the CEO and CIO roles permanently.

Hunter Hall Global Value beat the MSCI World benchmark by 6.2 per cent during the year to November, returning 7.4 per cent after fees.