Northwest Anarchist Conference: Anarchist Practice. April 24th - 25th.

A Short Introduction:
The idea and focus behind this conference is to bring different types of anarchist practice to the for-front and begin moving away from specific theoretical engagements. Rather than taking theory and separating it from its everyday practice. This is an attempt at allocating theory the ideas brought up in discussion and talked about and beginning to practice them (IE. Praxis). There will be no specific theory leading the discussions or dialogue throughout the time except for the person. The set up is to have the ability to talk and discuss the ideas in an open manner. So after every discussion there will be a small open dialogue about the ideas.

What is anarchist practice either to the individual or collective? How do different anarchist theories engage in their practice everyday? Is the point to find a comfortable space of habitation within capital? Or is it attack capital at its heart? Or is it to create alternatives to capitalism?

At Evergreen State College
2700 Evergreen Parkway NW,
Olympia, Washington 98505
Room Sem II E1107

April 24th - 25th
Both days from 12:00 - 6:00 PM


April 24th – doors open at 12:30

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM


Neither I nor we.
Experimentation with form, practice, and context as anarchist practice.
Anarchist practice should have the vigor to fail, to stand alone and to work with others. Instead of couching our actions in archaic, or brittle ideas we should dare to try things that we know will not work, work with people we don't particularly like, and suffer alone on points others are ambivalent about.
Drawing from years of working on anarchist projects, from psuedo-platformist, diy lifestylist, to publishing projects I will speak to a practice against imaginary revolutions, false unity (or solitude), and towards the practice of the unknown.

2:30 – 4:30 PM

Apio Ludd

WHO OWNS YOU?: Self-Ownership as a Basis for an Anarchist Theoretico-Practical Synthesis
I don't think that it is possible to separate genuinely anarchist theory and practice. To engage theoretically is to engage practically and vice versa. Stirner's idea of self-ownership provides a powerful basis for anarchist theoretico-practical endeavors with broad and deep implications that, at the same time, provide no easy answers. I will endeavor to show the absurdity of conceiving of theory and practice separately while working out the implications of self-ownership as a basis for anarchist theoretical endeavors and for the synthesis of the various endeavors of different individuals in a way that can strengthen all without enforcing an artificial unity.


April 25th – doors open at 12:30

1:00 – 2:00 PM

John Zerzan

Anarchy in 2010: Are We up to the Challenge?

email us for any other information about the event:

I'll be there!

I'll be there!

woot! woot!

woot! woot!

if you are going to delve

if you are going to delve into "theoretical engagements" maybe you should learn how to spell forefront

shut up bitch

shut up bitch



who cares troll on

who cares troll on

i'm actually really excited

i'm actually really excited that this is happening--wish i could be there. way to go to whoever is putting this together!

zerzan for the win

seconded. zerzan's

seconded. zerzan's conclusions are idiotic, but his critiques are worth listening to and considering. but the whole event seems good!

This sounds horrible in

This sounds horrible in every sense of the word. Being a straight edger at a Rainbow Gathering would probably be less painful.

"Anarchist practice should have the vigor to fail" and "we should dare to try things that we know will not work"

Uh, haven't "we" failed enough? Like for a hundred and fifty fucking years?

i wish i would've held off

i wish i would've held off cause you deserve "shut up bitch" even more.

Too bad, I've been waiting

Too bad, I've been waiting to respond to someone on here with "lick my taint" for a minute now.

yeah, i was also confused by

yeah, i was also confused by this, well actually by all the descriptions...

What exactly do you mean

What exactly do you mean confused? What is confusing? (just in a way that i am more curious not trying to be patronizing).

why should we "dare to try

why should we "dare to try things that we know will not work"? what does "practice of the unknown" mean? i can imagine that all of 3 of these people might have interesting things to say, but the first two blurbs are vaguely-worded, kinda jargony, and the third is, well, not even much of a blurb. that's all.

quit being a troller. nice

quit being a troller. nice way of answering your own question. not really that jargony, it seems as though this conference is more internal not a specifically external event...

""Anarchist practice should

""Anarchist practice should have the vigor to fail" and "we should dare to try things that we know will not work"

Uh, haven't "we" failed enough? Like for a hundred and fifty fucking years?"

If you're unable to understand one of the most basic human disciplines — getting up after you fall down — then you're fucked.

You should have the vigor to fail. Otherwise, you won't be able to supersede your failures or learn from them. The first lesson, IMO, should be not to listen to the ones telling people they should "put in hard, relentless organizing work and good things will come".

it's fucking unclear; the

it's fucking unclear; the second part basically says "we should fail on purpose" and i'm wondering why. the last aragorn workshop i went to he was talking about how people should STOP doing things that they know don't work (which struck as stupefyingly obvious common sense). apparently he's switched stances?

anonn, really? a) one of the

anonn, really?
a) one of the things that people do all the time that doesn't work is "try not to fail" more than they try to learn new stuff.
b) knowing that something doesn't work is different from attempting things that are new/may fail.

your interpretation muscle needs exercise.
it's people like you that make me glad i don't do more workshops.

zerzan for the ultimate

zerzan for the ultimate win

maybe olympia can finally start to get real

I sure hope we can.

I sure hope we can.

olympia will never get real,

olympia will never get real, but
once again, zerzan for the fucking win!!!

As my experience goes with

As my experience goes with this sort of thing, jaw-flapping gatherings at universities tend to be interesting on the theoretico-practical front only insofar as there's usually lots of free food.

here is the information for

here is the information for the event (poster and hand out)

Sure am glad some

Sure am glad some moderating's going on. Posters sure no longer come
off as mostly adolescent jerk-offs (anon. of course) turning off anyone
with sensibilities. Zerzan

That's Ageist!

That's Ageist!

Awe, man I am on the wrong

Awe, man I am on the wrong side of the continent!

Unsure of the validity of

Unsure of the validity of this event.

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