
Updated: 18:38 EST

1950s downtown being built in warehouse in San Diego to help dementia patients

The Glenner Town Square will open in 2018 as an immersive experience for adults with dementia and Alzheimer's to help them discuss the past and have a better quality of life through reminiscence therapy. Reminiscence therapy helps patients by discussing past events and experiences and has been shown to give patients a better quality of life and improve their cognitive functions like memory, reasoning and attention. The imitation town square (pictured bottom right as an artist’s impression, top right in construction and main, the completed town hall) will be in a warehouse in a San Diego suburb and will be the first of its kind in the US, though there are other similar care centers around the world. There will be a movie theater showing films, a pet store with real animals form the local rescue society, a beauty salon for patients to get their nails done and even a real 1959 Thunderbird (inset) for them to tinker with.

THOUSANDS of women in Britain are having IVF unnecessarily, an infertility expert has claimed, when they are able to have a child naturally, a Scottish professor has claimed.

New runners often want to quit after first starting because of the body's wear-and-tear. Running expert Dr Vybarr Cregan-Reid urges not to give up so quickly and how you can stick it out.

Anyialah Greer had her tonsils out at the Children's Hospital of Michigan in Detroit to cure sleep apnea. The 40-minute operation ended up taking two hours. She died hours after being discharged.

It sounds like the premise of a sci-fi film. But, believe it or not, scientists at Boston University claim to have discovered a game-changing blood test that could help predict lifespans.

Doctors at the University of Pennsylvania have workout out how to manipulate lesions so they heal as regenerated skin as opposed to scar tissue.

A tumor with a miniature brain inside was found growing on the ovary of a 16-year-old Japanese girl who went in to have her appendix removed. It was benign and could be removed surgically.

Having youngsters in the home tends to discourage everyday drinking, but a major study suggests many women feel the need to occasionally let their hair down with a glass – or three – instead.

Boy with world's largest head has surgery to remove fluid from around his skull

A young boy from India has undergone successful surgery to correct a condition which saw him possess the world's largest head. Mrityunjay Das, who is just seven months old and suffers from hydrocephalus, was relieved of nearly four litres of fluid, which inflated his face to the size of a watermelon. As a result, the diameter of the youngster's head has been reduced by 26 cm - from 96cm to 70cm - over six weeks of treatment.

According to a new study, eating disorder symptoms in children may be detectable as early as nine years old. Results showed that these children were most likely to have greater symptoms at age 12.

She is known for her nauseating skill of lancing puss-filled cysts. So it's probably little surprise that Dr Pimple Popper is back in action with another stomach-churning procedure.

Frustrated with his crooked teeth, James Draper tried the Iman Aligner - a little-known brace which focuses on the front six teeth of both the upper and lower jaw.

Canadian research has delved into the phenomenon of people who do not respond to exercise. And an Equinox trainer gives his top tips on how to get past the issue.

As winter progresses, common colds are more likely to occur. If you do catch one, nutritionist Sarah Flower offers some natural remedies to ease your symptoms and have you feeling better quickly.

The latest study by researchers at University College London to raise health concerns about the fashionable devices found cinnamon-flavoured e-cigs in particular make sperm slower swimmers.

Parents release shock footage of daughter screaming in agony during painful epilepsy seizures that are now CURED after medical trials

A young girl's medical journey has become an internet sensation - after medical trials cured her rare form of epilepsy. Grace Hall, from Devon, started suffering sudden seizures when she was just a few months old. To highlight the little-known condition, West Syndrome, her parents captured the fits in a series of disturbing videos that have now amassed more than 2 million views.

A crisis-hit hospital in Worcestershire has been described as being 'in meltdown' after two patients died in over-crowded corridors - and a third was found hanged on a ward.

A research team from the University of Manchester's Business School asked people about their own well-being, and their relationship with their boss, and found toxic bosses make employees behave badly.

The annual US News diet ranking named the DASH diet as the best overall diet. It's designed to lower hypertension and cut salt. The report also ranked the best diets for heart disease and weight loss.

Shocking images show plight of cancer-stricken child, 3, with kidney tumour the size of a

Dramatic new photographs have illustrated the plight of children suffering from a common form of pediatric cancer. The three snapshots, taken in India this week, offer graphic insight into the pain of Wilms Tumours, which are a rare form of growths that target the kidneys. 

We know pregnant women should avoid smoke exposure. But new research by Duke University has shown this risk was identical in lab rats exposed to tobacco before conceiving.

In this photo provided by the Carrie Stevenson, her daughter Estelle holds a bag of peanut snacks in her pediatrician¿s office at age nine-months, in Columbus, Ohio. Most babies should start eating peanut-containing foods well before their first birthday, say guidelines released Thursday that aim to protect high-risk tots and other youngsters, too, from developing the dangerous food allergy. The new guidelines from the National Institutes of Health mark a shift in dietary advice, based on landmark research that found early exposure dramatically lowers a baby's chances of becoming allergic. (Carrie Stevenson via AP)

Officials at the National Institutes of Health insist earlier exposure could dramatically reduce the number of children with allergies.

Northampton woman diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease aged just 36

It is a condition that's typically associated with the elderly. But mum-of-two Carla Brammall has become one of the UK's youngest Alzheimer's patients - after being diagnosed with a rare mutation of the disease aged 36. Speaking out in support of Alzheimer's Research UK, the former court worker, from Northampton, first began showing the symptoms when she was just thirty and is now wheelchair bound.

The likelihood of catching a cold depends on your family. Researchers at King's College London found that nearly three-quarters of immune traits are influenced by genes, which he inherit.

According to health experts in Washington DC, artificial tea lights have a hidden danger lurking - thanks to the tiny button batteries which generate them.

Towels can act as a filthy haven for bacteria, funghi, dead skin, fecal matter, urine, and many of the other germs, according to a New York University hygiene expert Professor Philip Tierno.

A study found those who take proton pump inhibitors, or PPIs, are nearly four times as likely to be struck down by campylobacter – the most common food poisoning bug.

Toddler celebrates first birthday after she was born with bowel OUTSIDE her body

Sydney Groves’ bowel was protruding from her stomach and had to be wrapped in Clingfilm and gradually drawn back in, before being stitched up. It was days before the baby from Essex could go to the toilet, and weeks before she could eat, due to her condition: gastroschisis.

Cancer deaths have dropped an astonishing 25 percent in the past two decades, largely due to the decrease of smokers and the closing of the racial gap as minorities became more insured.

A Scottish study of pensioners with this diet found their brain shrinkage, associated with memory loss and Alzheimer’s, was half of others their age.

In an experiment for a TV series, women who chewed every forkful of their pasta dish 35 times ate nearly 30 percent less than those who chewed just 15 times.

Researchers at the Children's Hospital Los Angeles discovered that stutters have reduced blood flow in region in the frontal lobe of the brain linked to speech production.

The breakthrough from researchers at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center could help researchers to explore how certain diseases and drugs affect the human stomach.

Morning sickness pill endorsed by Kim Kardashian 'does not work', new study warns

The morning sickness pill Diclegis, endorsed by Kim Kardashian, could in fact increase the risk of birth defects, a new study finds.The just-found 1970s study questions if the pill should have been approved by the FDA and whether it was ever proven effective before.

Scientists at the University of Toronto and Public Health Ontario found people exposed to traffic fumes and noise were up to 12 per cent more likely to develop the disease.

The NHS will roadtest new smartphone technology in a bid to diagnose patients. Starting at the end of January, more than a million residents of north London will trial the triage app.

Terminally ill mother, 39, makes emotional plea for cancer drug to remain free on NHS - so

A terminally ill mum from Croydon is pleading for a cancer drug to remain free on the NHS so she can live long enough to see her son start school.  Bonnie Fox, 39, was diagnosed with secondary cancer in July 2015, just four months after her child Barnaby was born. When the two drugs she is currently on to treat her breast, bone and liver cancer stop working, the only strong medication she would be able to use is Kadcyla - costing £90,000 per patient. But the NHS has argued the medicine isn't cost-effective. 

A new study has found that adding just four milligrams of zinc to your diet reduces 'wear and tear' on the DNA, extending your lifespan and benefiting your health by fighting infection and disease.

A long-held belief has been that healthier foods were more expensive while unhealthier foods were cheaper. Three marketing experts explain that health and price don't necessarily correlate.

Scientists from the University of Washington believe video games can help treat depression by targeting the underlying cognitive issues, rather than just managing the symptoms.

Florida woman diagnosed with cancer after gynecologist said there 'nothing to worry about'

When Sheryl Newman-Overton went to her gynecologist in July 2015 with a bloated and swollen stomach, she was told it was nothing to worry about. However, five months later, the mother-of-six and grandmother-of-18 was diagnosed with Stage IV ovarian cancer. Sheryl, a U.S. Army soldier from Tampa, Florida, suspected something was wrong, even though she had never discussed cancer symptoms with her gynecologist. But after voicing her concerns, only to be told it was nothing, the 54-year-old felt reassured. Now, she has a 17 percent chance of living to 59. Pictured: In hospital (left) and with six of her grandchildren (right) since being diagnosed. 

Gonorrhea has been pinpointed as the most likely sexually-transmitted disease to become un-treatable in the near future. But a new breakthrough in the UK could change that, scientists claim.

The 360 Smart Bed was unveiled this week by Sleep Number at the CES technology show in Las Vegas, where it was awarded the 'Best of Innovation' Honoree.

A recent survey found that four out of five women have struggled with tiredness and two-thirds of women have experienced more than one episode of exhaustion - in part due to an iron deficiency.

A review of drinks that use artificial sweeteners found there was no basis for claims that sugar free soft drinks can help fight flab or stop diseases such as Type 2 diabetes.

Adele Uden forced to defend boyfriend after mystery illness causes bruising to her face

A Nottingham woman has been forced to defend her husband-to-be - after a mystery illness starting causing inexplicable bruising on her face. Adele Uden, 26, first began to suffer from problems after her seven-year-old son, Zak, was born via emergency caesarean section in 2010. Since then, she has been left distraught by the unfounded rumours, which she says have worsened her as-yet undiagnosed condition. 

Health stores across the US have insisted the popular ingredient be restricted for people under 18 years because of fears it could pose health risks.

A subdermal implant is being developed by scientists in Boston, who believe it could be a game-changer in the fight against AIDS - thanks to fact it would release a regular dose of PrEP.

It's often considered to be a sign of good cleanliness. But manually removing earwax could actually damage a person's hearing, according to new guidelines by experts in the US.

Official advice on healthy eating could be making millions of people sick, new research claims - by discouraging us from taking supplements. So are you at risk?

Florida toddler dubbed 'Baby Hulk' after rare genetic mutation causes swelling in her arm

Madison Gatlin, from Crestview in Florida, was born with CLOVES, a condition that causes lymphatic fluid to swell beneath her arms and chest. The ultra-rare illness, caused by a gene mutation, affects only 200 people worldwide.

Secrets of an A-list body: We reveal how YOU can replicate Eva Longoria's abs

In a recent instagram post, Desparate Housewives star Eva Longoria flaunted her toned abs in a pink and blue bikini. But how does the 41-year-old American actress stay in such taught shape? ‘I do Pilates, SoulCycle, and I’m a runner,’ she has said. ‘I’m constantly doing something. 'It makes me feel better and gives me energy. When I don’t work out I feel lethargic.’ To work your stomach muscles, we recommend the 'press and resist' exercise.

A gene which could explain why some women suffer severe form of premenstrual syndrome may have been uncovered by scientists.

Many young children with medical needs, particularly in rural areas, live more than 50 miles away from a pediatric anesthesiologist according to a new study by Stanford University Medical Center.

Transgender teen plans £60k worth of procedures on the NHS

A transgender teen, who knew she was in the wrong body at the age of seven, is finally the girl she'd always wanted to be – and is planning £60,000 of surgery to look more feminine. Kate Cooch, 18, Staffordshire, although born a boy called Callum, (pictured left aged 14) had longed to be a girl since primary school - and has finally realised her dream (pictured right and inset after her transition). She now hopes to have a number of operations to complete her look, including a tracheal shave, reassignment surgery, facial feminisation surgery, a chin reduction, rhinoplasty, brow bone shave and mini eyebrow lift.

Terrible at keeping your New Year resolutions? Start small. Researchers at Glasgow University recommend switching to Chilean wine, for instance, as it contains more health-promoting compounds.

She’s rarely taken a day off sick, yet the Queen had to delay her trip to Sandringham for the Royal Family’s Christmas gathering, and was still too unwell to attend church on New Year’s Day.

Around 20 per cent of drinkers will develop liver problems that could prove fatal. Professor Kevin Moore of the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust says alcohol can also disrupt your sleep.

Health professionals have issues a warning to people embarking on New Year detoxes - after a woman was hospitalised in Milton Keynes with side-effects of the popular process.

Dying father's video reveals he's selling video games to help family pay for medical costs

A father's dying message has gone viral - after revealing he's selling video games to help finance towering medical bills which have 'crushed' his family. Christopher L King, a video games journalist from Danielsville in Pennsylvania, is battling terminal cancer and shared details of his struggle with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma via social media site Imgur on 2 January. The 27 year-old, who has two children, Destiny and Austin, has now become the focus of global attention after highlighting the human impact of US healthcare.

Eating biscuits and cakes in the office is contributing to the nation's obesity epidemic and poor oral health, according to the British Faculty of Dental Surgery (FDS).

EXCLUSIVE: Dr David West, an interventional radiologist and founder of Veincentre, a specialist vein removal clinic based in London, reveals the most common triggers of vein issues during winter.

While Tania Lee asks our experts if she will one day need an angioplasty or a bypass to treat her heart disease, Philip Hollowell from Surrey wonders if he can run a half-marathon with an injured knee.

The patient from Kelowna, Canada, kneels down to reveal a lump on his back the size of a ping pong ball - that has been growing for 30 years. And, as expected, removing it was no clean affair.

Body builder Alexis Mercer refuses to give up workout regime despite chemo 

Body builder Alexis Mercer, 23, from Effingham, Georgia was diagnosed with Stage 1 Hodgkin's lymphoma in July. A cancer that affects white blood cells, she was told she would have to undergo 12 rounds of chemotherapy. Despite the tiredness and sickness she felt, Mercer decided to stick with her workouts with a positive attitude and prove that if she could do it, then anybody could.

The Dancing On Ice star from Nottinghamshire reveals how he nearly drowned in a riptide in Australia in his 20s, and how he returned to health after many years of sports injuries.

EXCLUSIVE: As tempting as it may be to ask for a best-selling juicer this Christmas, it’s time to think again, says weight loss expert Louise Parker. January juicing detoxes can make you gain weight.

SPONSORED: Surely you can't actually lose weight by eating meals like these? Well, we challenged two women to find out over two weeks. And the results may surprise you....

Jo Maidment had her daughter Betsy in 2012 thanks to eggs frozen during IVF treatment paid for by George Michael. He anonymously donated the money after seeing her on This Morning in 2010.

Bellshill premature twins were saved after a sandwich bag kept them warm

The parents of fragile newborn twins have revealed how bubble wrap and a sandwich bag saved their children's lives.  Lewis and Logan Donnelly, from Bellshill, North Lanarkshire, weighed just 3lb 2oz combined when they were born 25 weeks into their pregnancy in February 2015.

Scientists at Umeå University in Sweden found that women who train harder during the first two weeks of their monthly cycle build up more muscle than they do in the last two weeks.

In this important new series, Dr Muir Gray reveals that if you look after yourself in middle age, it will help you stay fit and well when you’re old - and in this column he tackles healthy eating.

The gel was developed by the UK company Biotherapy Services, and worked in nine out of ten cases. According to research, 40 per cent of diabetic ulcers take at least three months to heal.

Have you ever wondered just how the stars manage to drink and dance all night and still perform on the red carpet the next day? We asked a gang of hardy party people for their hangover cures.

SARA MALM put the new 'micro-resolution' plan to the test... and cured her insomnia

A third of Britons make a New Year's resolution, but almost half fall by the wayside come February. Mail on Sunday reporter Sara Malm found out how a new self-help book can help you strengthen your resolve. Already a bestseller in America and now out in the UK, Small Move, Big Change, by Caroline Arnold, explains how to make ‘micro-resolutions’

Personal trainer to the stars MATT ROBERTS writes an unmissable column where he offers tips on how to lose weight and how to work out after a shoulder injury.

A weight-loss product, called JuniorSlim, aimed at children as young as three is being sold by traders on eBay. It costs more than £43 a bottle and has a laxative effect if taken in high quantities.

Scientists have discovered that our weight peaks on January 3 and many of us will not have shed the Christmas bulge until play starts at Wimbledon at the beginning of July.

US doctors say Mirabegron could provide an alternative for up to one in three men who suffer from erectile dysfunction and fail to respond to Viagra-type medications.

9 oldies in Spain's hub of centenarians give their tips on staying young

With more than 100,000 people aged 100 or over, Spain is the country with the greatest life expectancy after Japan, OECD data and the latest population census shows. Over a year, Reuters photographer Andrea Comas interviewed and photographed Spaniards aged 100 or more across the country from the green-hilled northern region of Asturias to the Balearic island of Menorca. Average life expectancy at birth in Spain is 83.2, according to the latest OECD statistics made available in 2013, just a shade below the 83.4 years on average a Japanese newborn can expect to live.

Family GP Dr Roger Henderson reveals some of the health conditions that can be exacerbated by stress and what you can do to manage them.

St Ives apricot scrub can be found in drugstores across the US, and on the shelves of celebrities such as Gigi Hadid. But now it is the center of a $5 million court case claiming it accelerates skin ageing.

Brain waves play a key role in strengthening memories and now, the Institute of Science and Technology Austria has identified the mechanism that determines the shape and rhythm of the waves.

Data from Public Health England shows reports of norovirus have reached 2,435 – 12 per cent more than the average for the same period over the past five years.

Couple conceive after 4 miscarriages discover their child will need open heart surgery

For most young married couples, getting ready for their first child is exciting. But for Courtney and Josh Hayes the experience is tinged with mourning and fear. The pair have suffered four miscarriages in just two years - both natural conceptions and IVF.  Now, weeks away from finally welcoming their first son, they have received the devastating news that he has a debilitating heart condition, truncus arteriosus. It means he will initially suffer from heart failure, which manifest as rapid breathing, poor feeding and failure to gain weight and grow properly. Without surgery, damage of the blood vessels of the lung could life-threateningly restrict blood flow. To give him the best chance at survival, Courtney and Josh have to relocate from Arizona to Philadelphia, home to some of the nation's top fetal heart surgeons, to begin care eight weeks ahead of the birth. And the wait is agonizing.

Designed by Portuguese scientists, it asks for users to select their age range. They are then made to reveal the amount of fish they eat and which species they consume on a weekly basis.

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic, Minnesota, earlier this year found removing senescent cells - which are unable to reproduce themselves - helped older rodents live 25 per cent longer.

Tarbuck's 14-year run on the ABC soap, from 1996 until 2010, was that of Lady Jane Jacks, the mother of Jax Jacks (Ingo Rademacher). She also had regular roles on Falcon Crest and Santa Barbara.

Some 12,353 incidences of sick bugs were reported by British holidaymakers in Egypt over the past five years. Sharm-el-Sheikh was found to be the worst offenders.

Some 41 per cent of British females reported trying a new diet plan in 2016 in an attempt to shed the pounds, a survey of 2,000 women by Healthista - a healthy lifestyle website found.

The Government's chief medical officer cautioned of a 'direct line' between alcohol consumption and breast cancer. She was accused of having a nanny state attitude earlier this year.

Video shows penis implant get erect INSTANTLY when dropped in a warm bath - potentially curing erectile dysfunction in men who cannot take Viagra

We're led to believe a small blue pill can cure erectile dysfunction. But for thousands of cancer survivors or wounded soldiers, it doesn't always work. So far alternatives have been rudimentary - an inflatable pump that is difficult to implant and awkward to use, or a malleable device that leaves the patient with a permanent erection.

Betsy Ayala, 34, from Houston, Texas, has shifted 103lbs (7st 5lbs) of pregnancy weight after discovering her cheating husband and his lover called her a 'fat f**k' and a 'cow' behind her back.

A study of more than 300,000 people by researchers at Pennsylvania State University found a link between iron deficiency anaemia and hearing loss.

Researchers from Florida Atlantic University found chair yoga alleviated pain in sufferers of osteoarthritis, the most common form, for weeks after they stopped going to sessions.

In 2015/16, at least 2,167 women claimed free maternity care when they were not entitled to do so, This compares with 1,078 in 2013/14. The figures have led to critics branding officials as a ‘soft touch’.

Oxford University and Vrije University Brussel found high pitch notes from a piano or a flute and harmonies enhance the sweetness of a beer (stock image).

Guatemalan authorities investigate death of model Melanie Montenegro

Guatemalan model Melanie Montenegro (pictured), 22, had travelled to the city of Guayaquil to undergo liposuction in a clinic owned by a surgeon named Dr Felipe. The next day, according to police, she suffered a heart attack while undergoing surgery, and died, and the surgeon has now vanished.

Annmarie Bowen, from South Wales, was just 21 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was expected to be left infertile from treatment but was given the all clear in March.

Dutch researchers examined 249 extremely obese patients who had Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, which reduces the stomach to the size of an egg. They all lost weight - but gained indigestion.

Mother dies week after bringing premature triplets home for Christmas

Rachel Park, 39, from Whitehaven, in Cumbria, has died just one week after celebrating bringing her premature triplets home for Christmas. She passed away in the early hours of Tuesday at her home. Just two days earlier Mrs Park and her husband Steven, 37, had spent their first Christmas at home with their daughters after they had finally been allowed out of hospital having been born 26 weeks early. In an interview last week, the couple said the three girls, Poppie, Molly and Evelyn, were the 'only presents' they wanted for Christmas. Mr Park, a chef, broke the tragic news of his wife's death on social media.

Just hours before Debbie Reynolds (pictured) suffered a stroke in Los Angeles after the death of her daughter Carrie Fisher, she told her family: 'I miss her so much. I just want to be with her.'

A study reveals the mind has more control over the heart than previously thought. Experts find that by thinking of positive or negative aspects about a partner can increase or decrease your feelings.

People who eat lots of processed foods will take longer to lose weight because they have a less diverse range of gut bugs, scientists from Washington University in St Louis found.

Putting on weight can make it harder to exercise, not because someone is heavier, but because it alters their brain's reward pathway, researchers from the US National Institutes of Health found.

'They're moving!': Former Marine screams with joy as he wiggles his fingers in video just 4 months after receiving double arm transplant

We all take for granted the ability to move our fingers. But for Marine sergeant John Peck, watching his left hand wiggle ever so slightly was the best Christmas present imaginable. It is barely over four months since the 31-year-old received a double arm transplant, having lost all four limbs to an IED while serving in Afghanistan in 2010. The procedure performed at Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital was incredibly complicated, with doctors trying their best to wire together Peck's nerves with the donor's. And now, in a heart-melting video, Peck has shared the moment he giggled and squealed watching his left-hand fingers move on Christmas.

The U.S. government on Tuesday issued rules for addressing cyber vulnerabilities in these life-saving medical devices as well as, insulin pumps and imaging systems.

Danish researchers found fish oil supplements taken by women after the 24th week of pregnancy helped to reduce the risk of their children developing asthma by almost seven per cent.

First-time mother's adorable time-lapse footage shows her baby learning how to walk unaided - defying doctors who said she may never take her first steps

Bluebell Cousens, from Jersey, was born with hip dysplasia - a congenital condition which caused her problems moving the joint. She was placed in a brace (inset) for eight weeks after being born to help put her hip back into place. Her mother, Sophie, 36, (pictured together left) decided to film the different stages of her development to look back on in the future. Starting when she was four months old, Ms Cousens recorded her for half an hour every four weeks. She kept recording until she was able to walk across the screen when she was 11 months (right) before producing the video.

Forget fast or fad diets, the most popular diet among Australians in 2016 is one that’s been around for quite some time – veganism. According to Google, it was the most searched for diet trend

A double mastectomy -underwent by Angelina Jolie in May 2013 - may protect those at risk of breast cancer. But it may not always be necessary, Michigan University researchers say.

Researchers from Charles University in Prague found that men prefer shapely, perkier boobs, such as those of Jennifer Lawrence, to those that are the largest, and sag with gravity.

Gary Amers, a relationship expert, tells FEMAIL the ten signs to look out for that tell you that you really are in love - and the five signs that prove it's really just lust.

Girl may never be able to eaTagain after stomach left paralysed from gastroparesis

Lily Tock (left with her father, Paul), from Brough, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, has not eaten since January as a result of her gastroparesis. The condition has caused her to suffer from dizziness, nausea and severe stomach pains for the past two years. She is forced to rely on tubes in her heart and small intestine (right and inset) to feed her essential fats and oils, as well as vitamins her body cannot absorb. If she did choose to eat normally, it would cause her to spend days in bed throwing up or potentially a life-threatening bezoar - a blockage in the digestive tract.

Vinnie Holliday, from Moseley, Birmingham, was diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome while he was still in the womb. The rare defect meant when he was born with just half a heart.

Professor Simon Lenton, director of the national drug research institute at Curtin University in Perth says avoiding rounds, having good reasons and getting the support of like-minded people is key.

Using the technology made famous in retail stores, the NHS hope to record every surgical item. Early results from six pilot hospitals suggest the scheme has the potential to save lives.

Kadcyla, widely considered the biggest breakthrough in breast cancer medicine in the last decade, has been available to women in England for nearly three years.

The test that could have saved Sir David Frost's son from tragically dying from heart

Within the space of two years, Wilf and George (pictured right: Wilf, George, Sir David Frost and Miles), the sons of Sir David Frost lost not only their famous father — who died unexpectedly while away in 2013 — but their brother, too. Handsome, successful and physically fit, Miles, the eldest son of broadcaster Sir David (together left) and Lady Carina Frost, collapsed and died last year, aged 31. He had a heart complaint - hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - a condition in which the heart thickens and is prone to beating irregularly.

Contracts allow private firm ParkingEye to manage NHS car parks, including at the Royal Free Hospital in London, for free while making lucrative profits hounding drivers for penalties.

Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard said the delays caused by the high volume of minor ailments could be ‘life-threatening’ for patients with possible symptoms of cancer and other illnesses.

Scientists found that sex improves as we get older because we develop more ‘sexual wisdom’ in our later years. More mature lovers tend to focus on quality over quantity in the bedroom.

A study of more than 24,000 dieters found those who set the toughest goals shed almost a fifth of their body weight - about double the amount of those who lowered the bar.

Connie Johnson pens honest post to highlight how 'cruel and relentless' the disease is

Connie Johnson, the sister of Australian actor Samuel Johnson (left of inset), has terminal breast cancer. Ms Johnson recently penned a moving post about her struggle with the disease and explained why it can be difficult to see the bright side of things. Ms Johnson, 39, said that while things like nausea, fatigue, hair loss and pain are the obvious negatives, there are things 'we don't talk about,' like constipation from pain medication and chemically induced menopause. She also detailed her daily struggles and dealing with having no hair. Ms Johnson said she doesn't want sympathy but simply wants to acknowledge how 'cruel and relentless cancer is' and how hard it is to live with. The doting mother-of-two was diagnosed with cancer when she was 33 and told she would have just six months to a year to live. But she has defied the odds and continues to spread breast cancer awareness through her charity Love Your Sister.

In a new study, researchers found that the effects of these ‘microbouts’ of activity can last all day, and may even help to alleviate food cravings during the workday.

Experts from the University of Michigan say the discovery of the key gene - known as VGLL3 - that controls a woman's immune network paves the way for a drug that targets it.

A nutrition expert explains how beer has 75 calories per tablespoon while oil has up to 120 calories, meaning it could be used as a healthier alternative when cooking.

The clear plastic mask, which moulds around the face, is being tested in an NHS trial as a way of preventing the swelling and pain that follows surgery to extract teeth.

Photograph captures moment mother discovers her baby is finally breastfeeding

This photograph captures the elated expression on a mother's face after she realised her baby was breastfeeding for the first time (pictured) US-based Ashley Rockhill said she recently gave birth to her third child, but it was her first that she'd decided to breastfeed. After two days after trying in vain, she'd contacted a lactation specialist for help. When she was finally successful, Aleaze Jeavons, a photographer based in Park City, Utah, was there to catch the special moment.

Ocean water has higher amounts of minerals and an expert from the University of Newcastle discusses the range of benefits it offers that treats skin conditions, relieving stress and more.

After years of back pain, Pat Taylor, 72, from Suffolk, thought an implant would cure her back pain. But just two years after having an implant fitted, she had to have it removed as her body rejected it.

Public Health England recently raised concerns about the huge amounts of sugar in some yoghurt brands. Here, registered dietitian Kaitlin Colucci looks at the healthy options available.

Man whose 4 STONE leg left him unable to work and causes him excruciating pain

Boonthing Namphet (right), 42, from Thailand, is believed to have suffered from lymphoedema for 10 years. But Monk Bhin (pictured together left), who is famous for bringing aid to the poor, has appealed for help through social media. Currently, Mr Namphet must rely on his wife's minimal earnings - of around 250 Thai baht each day - about £5.50. However, they often have to dig into her earnings when she has to accompany him to hospital and stay overnight there.

Gerald Capon, 69, a lawyer from Felbridge, West Sussex, underwent a new treatment for prostate cancer. It involved him taking a drug that kills cancer cells when it's activated by a laser light.

One reader consults Dr Martin Scurr about his sinus problems. He says it is likely down to chronic perennial rhinitis - long-lasting swelling and mucus production in the nasal passages.

Adults don't take as many risks because of naturally falling levels of a brain chemical called dopamine, University College London researchers say. As people age, they get less of a thrill from taking a risk.

Professor Peter Herman, a psychology lecturer at the University of Toronto, says that the most common reason resolutions fail is because they are unrealistic.

Wife tricks her husband into losing weight by secretly swapping their PLATES

One wife tricked her husband into losing weight by secretly swapping their outsized dinner plates for smaller versions, and lost weight herself in the bargain. Bookkeeper Jackie Galloway, 56, cut hubby Lance's portion sizes in half without him noticing by sneakily replacing their plates - and the duo ended up shedding an impressive seven-and-a-half stone between them (pictured left before the weight loss, and right after). Mum-of-three Jackie, from Milton Keynes, Bucks, used to serve her mountainous home-cooked meals on 11in diameter dinner platters but now eats her tea from a tiny 6.5in diameter side plate (pictured inset).

Key weight gain moments include having children, moving in with a partner and marriage - while major size-drops occur pre-wedding, after the loss of a loved on and following a break-up.

Dr Michael Levin is a researcher from Tufts University, Massachusetts, whose work focuses on organ placement in the body. He believes his work could soon extend beyond animals into humans.

Women over the age of 25 were twice as likely to have acne if they only ate vegetables for three days a week, according to a new study by Italian researchers.

Dr Shelley Carson, a psychology lecturer at Harvard University, says morning showers can help those who are feeling stressed due to work or under pressure to be creative.

Family lawyer Zahra Pabani gives advice for couples planning on surrogacy

Actress Sofía Vergara is locked in a bitter legal battle with her ex-fiancé with Nick Loeb (inset), who has brought a 'right to live' case on behalf of their two frozen embryos despite his ex-partner's wishes. Family law partner Zahra Pabani tells FEMAIL what every couple should know before embarking on IVF (l-r) Tina Malone used an egg donor to become a mother again at 50; Elton John and David Furnish both donated sperm to conceive their two sons; and model Caprice used a surrogate.

Scientists from the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany, have found that hops in beer can lessen the harm done to the liver following a night of heavy drinking.

Ellie Jones, 20, from Rhyl, Wales, was born with a facial deformity that meant her teeth were not aligned. Pioneering surgery helped to fix her deformed face and she is now hoping to be crowned Miss Wales.

The University Medical Centre in Utrecht, the Netherlands, said a 'procedural error' between April 2015 and November this year was to blame. Everyone affected has since been informed.

Researchers at Kyoto University found maintaining eye contact and retrieving and selecting words will compete for mental resources used to perform complex tasks.

The biggest celebrity weight loss transformations of 2016

A long line of stars have shed the pounds this year thanks to gruelling diets and exercise regimes. Left to right: Khloe Kardashian completed her weight loss transformation this year after dropping 2 stone; Lauren Goodger took to Instagram to show off her svelte new figure; and Vicky Pattison vowed to get her bikini body back in time for summer.

An expert from Georgetown University explains that radio waves in a smartphone have really low energies, making it near impossible to damage cells and affect a man's sperm count.

Scientist James Kozubek says altering human genes to cure diseases and disorders could stop the rise of geniuses like Stephen Hawking.

The amount for parking charges have soared by 5 per cent in 12 months and some trusts netted almost £5million in fees and fines. More than half charge disabled patients – including cancer victims.

The husband, Mr Feng, said it was his last wish to meet his wife before he went back home waiting to die in the Chinese city of Ningbo. The 92-year-old man passed away two hours after the meeting.

The heartwarming moment a young girl, 8, hears her own voice for the first time in four years following a life-changing cochlear implant 

Tamzin Stockdale, from Wolverhampton, West Midlands, woke up unable to hear four years ago due to a rare virus she caught in the womb. She has had one cochlear implant installed giving her limited hearing back, but six months ago the virus struck again - robbing her of almost all her remaining hearing. The schoolgirl had a second implant installed earlier this month and doctors activated them both for the first time on Thursday. An adorable video of the 'switch on' shows the bubbly schoolgirl hearing everyone’s voices, all of which sound ‘like a robot.

Guidelines suggest an average man in Britain requires 2,500 calories a day while an average woman should aim for 2,000. But these were drawn up around the First World War.

A protein in the brain is mutated when exposed to a constant supply of drugs. The Medical University of Vienna found it's still detectable after the user dies - suggesting cravings can continue after death.

In 2015/16, bedblockers who were well enough to be discharged spent a total of 1,489,575 days in hospital. Each day costs the NHS an average of £306 - money which could have funded operations.

Orthopaedic problems may be a hangover from when humans began standing up straight on two legs, a study has suggested. And evolution could be to blame for chronic hip pain.

Inside BRAIN museum which boasts nearly 3,000 exhibits

WARNING: CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES The Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Hospital in Lima has a massive collection of diseased and healthy brains, giving researchers and the general public a glimpse of what is going on inside our heads. The hospital, which was founded more than three centuries ago, has a total of 2,912 brains collected over the years. Neuropathologist Diana Rivas (pictured) said female brains are 'more evolved' than men's.

Fertility experts found evidence that natural chemicals in soya – used to make vegetarian and vegan products such as tofu – could damage sperm making it difficult for men to conceive.

A new Reactions video reveals the many ways alcohol affects the brain, leading to impaired thoughts, sound and light sensitivity, and even ‘blackouts.’ The molecule ethanol is to blame.

Scientists at New York University examined the lingering effects of emotional experiences and found that both physiological and internal brain states persisted long after the event.

Watch the heart-warming moment a blind toddler sees Shrek, Donkey and Kung Fu Panda for

Patrick Heaton (left), from Mold, Wales, was diagnosed with cerebral visual impairment when he was just six months old. It has left the two-year-old with severe eyesight problems and he is even legally registered as blind. But he was overwhelmed with joy when he was able to see his favourite movie characters re-created as bright lanterns (right). Patrick's family were offered free tickets to attend DreamWorks Light in Liverpool after the Hollywood movie studio heard about his charity set-up by his parents (inset with mother Lily, 33).

Every festive season the streets fill with the merrily tipsy tripping over kerbstones. But appearing to be drunk can also be the result of a serious health problem.

The figures reveal how 12-hour waits – or longer – in casualty at hospitals in England have become the norm, with more than 500 patients enduring a wait of this period every day.

In studies where scientists removed all fats from rats’ diets, the animals became sick — their skin was scaly and full of dandruff, they lost fur, developed sores and their tails and paws became inflamed.

EXCLUSIVE: Celebrity weight loss expert Louise Parker, who runs a clinic in London, it's possible to stay slim and healthy without sacrificing certain foods over a period of indulgence.

Cotard's syndrome makes patients genuinely believe they are deceased

The mechanic, former soldier and father of two from Braintree, Essex, was utterly gripped by the notion he was a ghost. 'I genuinely believed I'd died in the crash, but for some reason my spirit hadn't moved on. I refused to eat because there was no point,' he says. 'I'd sit for hours in a room refusing to talk to anyone.'

Lead author of the research Professor Kang Chen, from Wayne State University in Michigan, has filed a patent for the treatment, which could be trialled on women within five years.

Dr Megan Arroll, London-based psychologist and co-author of IBS: Navigating Your Way to Recovery, says resist the urge to glug gallons of water thinking it will help ease your discomfort.

Despite the awfulness of being ill at what is, especially for youngsters, such an exciting time of year, everything is done on children’s wards to maintain traditions, writes DR MAX PEMBERTON.

A new study conducted in the UK has revealed the ideal number of sexual partners men and women want in a relationship - and it's the same for men and women.

Christmas pizza from Pizza Express topped with cauliflower contains 1,524 calories

The Cauliflower e Carne pizza Romana contains 76 per cent of a woman's daily calorie intake and the same amount of fat as eight Snickers bars: 89.4g. That's despite being topped with the health food du jour: cauliflower. One nutritionist says the pizza is one in a worrying trend for calorific and unhealthy festive food ranges launched by high street restaurants every Christmas.

The experts from the universities of Durham and Aberdeen are creating a supercharged version of the acid produced by vitamin A rich vegetables like sprouts, carrots, spinach and tomatoes.

The fluctuations in pressure underwater build in the air pockets at the roots of the teeth, causing some divers to surface with broken and shattered molars, University of Buffalo researchers found.

A compound found in deodorant, lipstick and perfumes affects a mother's maternal care, new research suggests. Low doses of BPS found to impair mother’s ability to adjust to child's needs.

In the latest Polish study, women deemed men with tattoos as more masculine. Its long been known that having higher levels of testosterone can tempt women into having an affair.

Anastassia Ontou, from a village near Larissa, central Greece, gave birth to her daughter's baby girl, who weighed 2.6lbs after being born six weeks premature via a Caesarean section.

The 'rupture pregnancy' that left an unborn baby's foot OUTSIDE the uterus

The French mother developed a tear on her uterus, through which the baby's foot, still enclosed in the amniotic sac, popped. Part of the amniotic sac measuring 7.5 by 4.7 by 3.5 inches (19 by 12 by 9 cm) came through, according to a report in in The New England Journal of Medicine. However, after 30 weeks, the mother gave birth to a healthy boy via cesarean section.

A vaccine developed by Merck is the first shown to be highly effective in preventing human infection with Ebola, according to final results from a clinical trial.

Kira Shaw, Postdoctoral Researcher in Neuroscience at the University of Sussex explains how the intense rollercoaster of activity over the festive period can affect our brains (stock image).

An air pollution expert, from the University of Essex, has warned that families could breathe in as many harmful particles over Christmas as if they stood all morning on a busy London road.

The study done in rats targeted one of the most lethal pathogens: multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is found in approximately 33 percent of all burn cases and in 59 percent of extensive burns.

There's no need to drink pineapple juice right before having oral sex. 'No amount is going to make that semen taste like a piña colada,' says New York-based sex therapist Dr Madeleine Castellanos.

An investigation found discount retailer Wilko were selling their own brand Max Strength Sinus Capsules for 95p. But Boots had priced the exact same drug at £3.29 - three times the amount.


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