Mark Hamill revives his iconic role as The Joker to mock Donald Trump's new year tweet by reading it in the voice of the Batman villain

  • Star Wars's Mark Hamill recorded Trump's NYE message in character as Joker
  • Hamill played the villain in cult 1990s show Batman: The Animated Series 
  • Fans applauded the prank, although it's not known if there will be any more 

Star Wars actor Mark Hamill has found a new use for the endless barrage of Donald Trump tweets, by turning them into dialogue for Batman villain The Joker.

Hamill, who first voiced the psychopathic clown in Batman: The Animated Series in 1992 and has continued to portray him in movies and video games since, posted a recording of himself as The Joker on Saturday.

The clip, titled 'The Trumpster quote #1' and hashtagged #ANewJeer'sToast, recreates Trump's New Year's Eve message as a threat from the creepy villain- and it's scarily convincing.

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Joking around: Mark Hamill (right), who played The Joker (left) in Batman: The Animated Series, used the character's creepy voice to recreate a Donald Trump tweet on Saturday

Parodied: This is the tweet that Hamill parodied, garnering acclaim from the actor's 1.54m followers. Hamill returned to the role of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

On December 31, Trump wrote: 'Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. Love!'

That passive-aggressive tone translates eerily well to the cartoon villain - particularly Hamill's drawn-out, hissed interpretation of the word 'Love'.

Unsurprisingly, the celeb's audience of 1.54 million people received the recording with open arms.

Author Lisa Mantchev wrote: 'The only light in this tunnel is knowing that our heroes are going to be trolling him HARDCORE for the next for years. <3'

And Mike Denison posted a bizarre sketch of Trump as Joker's villainous girlfriend Harley Quinn, cozying up to Vladimir Putin in clown makeup.

He added that fans 'need' to hear Harley Quinn's voice actress, Tara Strong, as Vladimir Putin. 

It's not yet known when - or if - Hamill, best known as Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars movies, will record another of Trump's tweets as The Joker.

But he appeared to have got inspiration for the creepy prank from another Twitter user, Matt Oswalt.

Oswalt, a writer and actor, retweeted Trump's New Year's Eve message on December 31, with the caption 'This sounds like something the Joker would say right before releasing a swarm of killer bees into Gotham.' 

Hamill re-tweeted Oswalt's gag just before he posted his 'Trumpster' sample.

Mockery: Hamill's fans joined in the mockery. This user called for Tara Strong, who voiced Joker's psychopathic girlfriend Harley Quinn in the cartoon, to play Vladimir Putin

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