Migration and Health

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Today's globalised world is marked by record levels of displacement and migration. Migrant communities face a range of health problems dependent on the type of migration and the demographic profile of the migrant population. This unit examines public health topics in specific migrant populations including refugees, the internally displaced, asylum seekers and immigrants. Using a social determinants of health framework students explore the ways that health within migrant populations is influenced by social, political, economic, and cultural factors. The affect of migration on public health and public health systems is investigated. Strategies to address health issues in migrant populations are critiqued. The role of nutrition and active living in the health of migrant populations is analysed in particular.   

Unit details

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Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  • Assess trends in global migration and debate their implications for public health;
  • Diagnose the range of health problems experienced by specific migrant populations;
  • Critically evaluate and apply conceptual frameworks to analyse the determinants of health in specific migrant populations;
  • Propose and justify strategies to address the health issues of migrant populations and evaluate the challenges inherent in their implementation;
  • Advocate the role of nutrition and active living in public health for specific migrant populations.
  • Assessment

    Assessment typeDescriptionGrade
    OtherBlog on current news and issues affecting migrant populations and extrapolate how this relates to health and health outcomes (1000 words)20%
    AssignmentWritten assignment on migration and health topic of interest (2000 words)30%
    Case StudyCase study on a specific migrant population (2000 words)30%
    PresentationPresentation on case study (10 mins) (equivalent 1000 words)20%

    Total word equivalence of combined assessment tasks is approximately 6000 words.

    Required reading

    Migration and Health; A research Methods Handbook
    Schencker, M.B., Caseneda, X. & Rodriguez-Lainz (editors) (2014)
    University of California Press

    Where to next?

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    College of Health and Biomedicine

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