Fairfax Media Case Study: Fairfax Metro Mazda MX-5

Mazda MX-5 Good Weekend ’52 Weekends Away’ Sponsorship

High impact Good Weekend advertising drives lifts in brand metrics – exposure to the Mazda campaign in the Good Weekend showed significant increases in brand favourability, brand recommendation and purchase intention.

Campaign Objectives:

  1. Increase awareness of the Mazda’New Look’ MX-5 model
  2. Increase purchase consideration
  3. Drive advertising recall through high-impact advertising execution placements in the Good Weekend

Campaign Period:

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Target Audience:

25-44′s with skew towards

Creative Execution:

The Mazda MX-5 campaign was executed in the Good Weekend as a ‘take-over’ cover in conjunction with a full page advertisement and sponsorship of ‘win a weekend away’ competition.

Research Methodology:

A few days prior to the campaign, a benchmark control group was recruited to measure key brand metric levels including brand favourability, brand recommendation, brand consideration and purchase intention (n=1,142)

The second was conducted between 29th October – 1st November 2012 to compare brand metric levels (brand favourability, brand recommendation, brand consideration and purchase intention) and ask questions about the Mazda MX-5 advertising in the Good Weekend to evaluate the advertising execution and messaging itself (n=1,848)

The following results measure the shift in brand metrics between the ‘benchmark control group’ and the Good Weekend ‘exposed group’.

The Results:

  • Overall the campaign drove lifts in brand favourability of 6% points, brand recommendation of 12% points, brand consideration of 4% points and purchase intent for the Mazda MX-5 of 9% points.
  • Purchase intention in particular showed significant lifts amongst males of 8% points.
  • After exposure to the Good Weekend campaign, Mazda had the third highest level of consideration of all the car brands shown.
  • The campaign was very successful in communicating key messages of ‘A new look’ and ‘It makes everyday feel like a weekend getaway’ which particularly resonated with males and 25-44′s.
  • The advertisement was most likely to be described as imaginative and exciting; with majority (80%) stating the ad stood out and over half (56%) indicating that it is an ad they would stop and look at.
  • 72% of the target audience recalled seeing that advertisement with majority (88%) correctly identifying the advertising was for Mazda.
Source: Dynamic Logic Advertising Effectiveness Study January 2013