Fairfax Media Case Study: Mazda CX-5 Good Food

Mazda chose Fairfax Media’s Good Food website to partner with for the launch of the All-New Mazda CX-5 SUV. Reaching an audience of young, well educated food trend-setters who enjoy eating out, with high impact advertising executions, this campaign (and Mazda brand) appealed to the Good Food audiences’ sense of style. The partnership proved to be incredibly successful, with shifts in purchase intention among the best ever seen when compared to global Auto norms benchmarks.

Campaign Objectives:

  1. To drive awareness of the All-New Mazda CX-5
  2. To increase consideration of Mazda CX-5
  3. To increase purchase intention of Mazda CX-5
  4. To convey key brand attributes of dynamic styling and ground-breaking technology

Campaign Period:

1st Dec 2012 – 10th Jan 2013

Target Audience:

Couples aged 30-44 (with a female skew), with 0-1 children in the home

Research Methodology:

A simultaneous capture of control / exposed sample was employed with invitation to complete an online survey launched via site intercept methodology (n=459)

Creative Execution:

Mazda CX-5 took sponsorship of the ‘Eat Out’ section of Fairfax Media’s new Good Food website launched in December 2012 with high impact integrated advertising executions. Homepage and run of the Good Food site banner advertising complimented the sponsorship and reached an audience of young, well educated, high-income earners.

The Results:

  • Overall, Mazda CX-5′s sponsorship of the Eat Out section of the Good Food website drove lifts across all brand metrics, with significant lifts in advertising awareness and purchase intention. The campaign was equally successful amongst the target audience, with strong uplifts of up to +7% points across all brand metrics.
  • The campaign resonated particularly well with younger audience, with exposure to advertising driving significant lifts across all brand metrics including purchase intention which increased by +15% points.
  • One of Mazda CX-5′s key brand attributes of ground-breaking technology significantly increased amongst the target audience by +13% points; and dynamic styling also showed strong uplifts of +5% points.
  • The campaign played different roles amongst the female and male audience; males were more likely to recall the ad and what it said (uplifts of +12% points for both online ad awareness and message association), however amongst women it was more persuasive, generating an uplift of +11% points across purchase intention.
  • The advertising was well recalled and persuasive amongst those in the market for a new car in the next 12 months with advertising awareness, brand favourability and purchase intent increasing by +23%, +12% and +18% points respectively.
  • “Compared to global automotive campaigns, results are well above average, with the uplift in Purchase Intent among the best ever seen.” Dynamic Logic, January 2013