Fairfax Media Case Study: Land Rover The Age/SMH iPad App

Land Rover has had a longstanding partnership with The Age and Sydney Morning Herald iPad apps due to their strength in reaching a hard to reach premium audience that places an importance on quality. Through its continuous presence via innovative full page ad executions, Land Rover is generating strong ad memories, and increasing the overall appeal of Land Rover, both in brand appeal as well as positive perceptions, particularly around quality.

Campaign Objectives:

  1. To drive positive attitudes towards Land Rover as a result of their association with The Age and Sydney Morning Herald iPad apps
  2. To drive advertising recall
  3. To promote Land Rover as a high quality, sophisticated and innovative abrand

Campaign Period:

Ongoing presence on The Age and Sydney Morning Herald iPad apps

Target Audience:

High income earners aged 35-54 years who intend to take a short or long trip in the next 12 months

Research Methodology:

An invitation to complete an online survey was launched via site intercept methodology on The Age and Sydney Morning Herald iPad apps (n=483)

Creative Execution:

The Land Rover campaign was executed as full page ads across The Age and Sydney Morning Herald iPad apps, with a constant ‘always on’ 10% share of voice presence throughout the year.
Land Rover’s high-impact iPad app advertising executions meet campaign objectives of driving advertising recall and shifting positive brand perceptions

The Results:

  • Overall, the Land Rover campaign is seen as a perfect fit with The Age and Sydney Morning Herald iPad apps, with majority (93%) of visitors agreeing that it is very or somewhat appropriate for Land Rover to associate itself with the iPad apps
  • The campaign is highly effective in driving advertising recall, specifically when compared to Global Norms, with ad awareness at 67% (12% significantly higher than Global Norms for online advertising)
  • Land Rover’s presence on the iPad apps has had a positive impact on the brand, with a quarter (23%) of visitors claiming that Land Rover’s association with The Age and Sydney Morning Herald iPad apps has increased the overall appeal of the brand
  • As well as increasing brand appeal, Land Rover’s association with The Age / SMH iPad apps has also driven other positive perceptions, particularly about the brand being seen as quality, sophisticated and innovative
Source: Dynamic Logic Land Rover Custom Research April 2014