Boris Johnson has flown to New York for talks with key members of Donald Trump's team

  • The Foreign Secretary is expected to meet Trump's strategist, Steve Bannon
  • He will also meet with the president-elect's son-in-law, Jared Kushner
  • Theresa May earlier labelled Trump's comments about groping women 'unacceptable'
  • But she was quick to add he has now apologised, and she is keen to build ties 

Boris Johnson has flown to New York for meetings with senior members of Donald Trump's team

BORIS Johnson flew to New York for secret talks with Donald Trump’s closest aides yesterday, as ministers tried to mend fences with the incoming US President.

The Foreign Secretary, who branded Mr Trump ‘unfit’ to hold office 12 months ago, became the first minister to hold sit-down talks with the president-elect’s team, ahead of an expected visit by

Theresa May next month.

He was due to meet Mr Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and strategist Steve Bannon, who are widely seen as his closest advisers.

A meeting with Mr Trump himself had also not been ruled out during the visit to his headquarters.

News of the charm offensive leaked just hours after Mrs May branded Mr Trump’s past comments about groping women ‘unacceptable’.

Mr Johnson has performed a remarkable about-turn over the president-elect, recently hailing his victory as a ‘great opportunity for the UK’.

The Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister were among a string of senior Tories to attack Mr Trump during his controversial election campaign.

Theresa May, pictured on today's Sophy Ridge on Sunday, has risked re-opening a war of words with President-elect Donald Trump after saying his 'grab 'em by the p****' jib was 'unacceptable'

In December 2015, Mr Johnson said the maverick billionaire was ‘clearly out of his mind’ after he announced he would ban all Muslims from visiting the US. The then-London mayor went further when Mr Trump suggested parts of the UK capital had become ‘no-go areas’ because of the threat from Islamic terrorists.

Speaking at the time, Mr Johnson accused Mr Trump of ‘stupefying ignorance’, adding: ‘The only reason I wouldn’t visit some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump.’ But last night he was heading for Trump Tower in a bid to ensure Britain’s relationship with the US is not derailed by past controversies.

Today he will hold talks with senior Republicans at the US Congress in Washington, including Speaker Paul Ryan.

UK ministers have been alarmed by Mr Trump’s apparent closeness to Nigel Farage, and were stunned in November when he suggested the former Ukip leader should be made British ambassador to the US.

Last week it emerged that Mrs May had responded by dispatching her closest aides to build bridges with the Trump team. The Prime Minister’s joint chiefs of staff, Fiona Hill and Nick Timothy, were sent on the secret mission to New York and Washington last month because of fears the Government could be sidelined by Mr Trump’s friendship with Mr Farage.

Mr Johnson’s diplomatic trip was also meant to be kept under wraps, but news leaked after he was recognised by a fellow passenger. Government sources last night said that Mr Johnson’s mission had been ‘authorised’ by Mrs May, and stressed that it was not designed to upstage her.

A Foreign Office spokesman said the talks would be ‘focused on UK-US relations and other foreign policy matters’.

Mr Johnson has pointed out that Mr Trump, who also backed Brexit, is keen to strike a trade deal with the UK.

Ahead of the EU referendum last year, outgoing US President Barack Obama warned Britain would be at the ‘back of the queue’ for a deal if it voted to cut ties with Brussels.

n Donald Trump accepts that Russia carried out cyber-attacks to disrupt the US presidential election, his chief of staff indicated yesterday. Reince Priebus told Fox News the tycoon plans to consult with his intelligence chiefs on how to respond. 

Mrs May was asked about the remarks, which emerged in the final weeks of the US presidential election, in her first TV interview of the year.

The Government has scrambled to build ties with Mr Trump after his shock White House victory and Mrs May secretly sent her top aides to see his team before Christmas. 

Sky News's Sophy Ridge asked the Premier to put aside her responsibilities as the nation's leader and reveal what she thought of Trump's remarks 'as a woman'.  

A poker-faced Mrs May responded: 'I think that's unacceptable but I think Donald Trump himself has said that and has apologised for it.

May's office confirmed on Thursday evening that an exact date hasn't been arranged, but the two elected officials will meet soon. On Saturday, Trump tweeted that 'Britain, a longtime U.S. ally, is very special!'

'But the relationship the UK has with the United States is about something much bigger than the relationship between the two individuals as president and prime minister.

'We have a long standing special relationship with the United States, it is based on shared values, and it's a relationship where we feel in the UK we can say to the US if we disagree with something.' 

On Saturday, Trump tweeted: 'I look very much forward to meeting Prime Minister Theresa May in Washington in the Spring. Britain, a longtime U.S. ally, is very special!'

Mrs May's office confirmed on Thursday evening that an exact date hasn't been arranged, but the two elected officials will meet soon.

In November of last year, Trump told May that he wanted to revive the close transatlantic bond enjoyed by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.

The controversial billionaire launched a charm offensive during a ten-minute phone call with the PM, telling her Britain is 'a very, very special place for me and our country'.

The Prime Minister and Mr Trump are due to meet in Washington in the spring following the preparatory meetings by her aides over the Christmas period

The Prime Minister and Mr Trump are due to meet in Washington in the spring following the preparatory meetings by her aides over the Christmas period.

A date for the meeting is yet to be revealed, but it is expected to come within weeks of Mr Trump's inauguration on January 20.

The status of the special relationship between the two long-time allies has faced fierce speculation ever since Mr Trump won the US presidential election.

That speculation has been partly fuelled by the president-elect's apparent close relationship with the former Ukip leader Nigel Farage.

But Mrs May insisted she envisages a bright future for the countries.

"From the conversations I have already had - I have had two very good, positive conversations with Donald Trump already - I think we are going to look to build on that relationship for the benefit of both the US and the UK," she said.

"I think that is something that is optimistic and positive for the UK for the future."

Mr Trump's election and his praise for Russian president Vladimir Putin has also cast doubt on the future of Nato, in particular whether the US will continue to uphold a commitment to come to the aid of allies if they are invaded.

But Mrs May suggested the US remains committed to the military alliance.

She said: "The Article Five of Nato says that we do go to the support of any Nato country that has military action against it."

She added: "Sometimes people think that there is going to be a change in the American approach to Nato. From the conversations I have had, I think America remains fully committed to Nato as we do.

"We are already taking some steps to show the seriousness with which Nato considers its responsibilities. There will be UK troops on exercise in Estonia this year."

Mr Johnson's US visit will also see him meet key figures including Speaker Paul Ryan and senators Bob Corker and Mitch McConnell.

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