Britain needs to be free of the EU to negotiate the right trade deals with the world’s faster growing markets

The trade data for June and 2012Q2 were released last week and made for shocking reading. The deficit on goods and services was £11.2bn in 2012Q2, compared with £7.8bn in 2012Q1.

These data strongly suggested that the rebalancing in the economy towards export-led growth (which had looked so promising last year) has reversed.

Doubtless the June figures were distorted by the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations but the underlying trends do not look encouraging. The Governor of the Bank of England recently commented on the ongoing eurozone crisis’s negative implications for Britain’s trade. He was right to do so. In addition slowing growth in the US and the emerging markets such as China will also hold back exports.

Governor of the Bank of England Mervyn Kind has highlighted the negative impact of the eurozone crisis on Britain's trade balance

Governor of the Bank of England Mervyn Kind has highlighted the negative impact of the eurozone crisis on Britain's trade balance

But, putting aside short-term woes and concentrating on longer-term trends, the 2012Q2 trade data showed a quite remarkable feature. For the first time in many years, quarterly exports of goods to non-EU countries exceeded exports to EU countries in 2012Q2.

Granted, some of the recent downturn in exports to EU countries reflects the current recession in the eurozone, and may be reversed by recovery there, but the trends are clear. Exporters are re-orienting their activities towards the world’s faster growing markets and away from slow-growing Europe. Amidst all the near-term gloom Britain’s economy is shifting towards a more global future and away from Europe. This trend can only be expected to continue.

Admittedly, the EU’s share of Britain’s goods exports is still nearly 50% according to these data, but these crude figures exaggerate the importance of the EU to Britain’s trade. Firstly, trade in goods, visible trade, is of course only part of Britain’s trade. Britain’s services trade is also extremely significant and is traditionally more heavily biased towards the non‐EU markets. Taking the exports of goods and services together the EU's share has fell from 54½% in 2001 to 47½% last year.

Deficit: Britain is importing more than it is exporting

Deficit: Britain is importing more goods than it is exporting

Secondly, the goods trade data are significantly affected by 'entrepôt' trade distortions. The 'Rotterdam-Antwerp effect' is probably the most important of these for the UK, because many UK exports are routed through Rotterdam and Antwerp for other destinations. Doubtless some of these exports go onto other EU countries, but equally doubtless many do not. UK 'exports' to the Netherlands and Belgium, and hence the EU, are therefore distorted up. In addition about 20% of UK goods 'exports' to Ireland are re-exports from other countries imported through Belfast Harbour, thus distorting up British exports to Ireland. Unfortunately, the ONS has no hard evidence about the size of these 'entrepôt' effects. But, on reasonable assumptions, they could knock the EU’s share of trade in goods and services down to 45%.

Moreover it is not just that trade with the EU is a declining part of our trade – it is also less GDP-enhancing. Britain’s trade with EU countries was in deficit, detracting from GDP and jobs, whilst trade with non-EU countries was in surplus in 2011, adding to GDP and jobs. The top two surplus countries were the US and Australia.

These developments argue strongly for developing Free Trade Agreements with these Anglophone countries. Indeed we should be considering membership of the NAFTA (the 'North American Free Trade Agreement' could become the 'North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement') and creating a Commonwealth Free Trade Area. Both these economic blocs have better demographics and better growth prospects than the ageing and dysfunctional EU and are more attuned to the global economic shifts that are happening and will continue to happen throughout the 21st century.

The 'Amsterdam-Rotterdam effect': Trade figures do not take in to account goods exported to non-EU countries via ports such as Rotterdam (pictured)

The 'Amsterdam-Rotterdam effect': Trade figures do not take in to account goods exported to non-EU countries via ports such as Rotterdam (pictured)

As one of the world’s major trading countries this is of supreme importance to the future prosperity of this country. And this country, with almost unparalleled international links, is quite large enough and significant enough to negotiate its own trade deals. 

But we cannot unilaterally pursue optimal trade policies whilst we are in the EU’s Customs Union. The EU’s Trade Commissioner, Karel De Gucht, negotiates the deals he considers in the interests of the EU, understandably, and not in the interests of any one member state. There are currently no deals with either the USA or Australia or, indeed, with New Zealand. 

If Britain were free of the EU we could push ahead and negotiate the right deals for this country. We could negotiate a Swiss-style relationship, based on free trade and mutually-beneficial bilateral agreements, with EU countries. And, yes, they would trade with us, given that it would be in their economic interest! And we could negotiate deals with favoured non-EU countries and blocs starting with NAFTA and the Commonwealth. If these links were developed Britain, rather than being 'isolated', would actually be better internationally networked and better placed, especially with the world’s growing economies, than currently as a member of the EU.

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