'I look old, drained and sad': Linda Nolan, 57, set to undergo shock facelift... after admitting she's keeping procedure secret from anti-surgery sister Coleen

Linda Nolan has revealed her plans to undergo a facelift at the age of 57. 

The songstress candidly revealed the devastation she feels when looking in the mirror - admitting she feels 'old, worn and drained and just so, so sad' - leading to her decision to go under the knife. 

Speaking to the Mirror, Linda laid her plans bare, before admitting she is going ahead with the procedure without telling her sister Coleen, who is currently starring in CBB, due to her sibling's staunch anti-surgery attitude. 

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Under the knife: Linda Nolan has revealed her plans to undergo a facelift at the age of 57

Linda and her sisters Anne, Denise, Maureen, Bernie and Coleen soared to fame in the Seventies, with their wildly popular girl group The Nolans. 

The group disbanded in 2005. In 2013, Bernie tragically passed away when she lost her battle with breast cancer while Linda was previously devastated in 2007 when her husband of 26 years, Brian Hudson, died after being diagnosed with skin cancer.

A decade later, the singing superstar revealed she feels grief has ravaged her face, leaving to her seeing a visage marred with sadness whenever she looks in the mirror. 

In a bid to change the face she sees, Linda has opted to undergo a laser facelift, a less invasive procedure than a surgery which cuts the skin, after seeing an array of consultants and finally opting to go ahead with the work.

The girl group: Linda (far left) laid her plans bare, before admitting she is going ahead with the procedure without telling her sister Coleen (second left) due to her sibling's staunch anti-surgery attitude (pictured with sisters Maureen and Bernie (second right, right)

A hard time: Bernie (pictured) tragically passed away in 2013 after losing her battle with cancer

Speaking to the publication, she said: 'I look into the mirror and I see sadness looking back at me and that’s no longer how I feel inside... I look so old, worn and drained and just so, so sad.'

Despite the tight-knit nature of the Nolan sisters, Linda made the shocking confession that she has opted not to tell her Loose Women star sister. 

In 2012, Coleen fronted a ITV documentary called The Truth About Eternal Youth, where she explored a number of options to fight the signs of age - including surgery, cosmetics and diet options. 

Riddled with grief: Linda was left devastated yet again when her husband of 26 years, Brian Hudson (pictured on their wedding day in Blackpool), passed away in 2007

Strong views: In 2012, Coleen (pictured in Celebrity Big Brother earlier this week) fronted a ITV documentary called The Truth About Eternal Youth, where she explored a number of options to fight the signs of age - including surgery, cosmetics and diet options

Speaking to the Mirror at the time, after visiting a number of consultants the CBB star opted to shun surgery as she revealed she 'loves old faces'. 

She said: 'In the end I decided I didn’t want to tamper with nature. I know I’ve got more lines than I had in my 20s, but I feel I’ve earned them. I’m glad I have something to show for everything I’ve been through in my life.

'I am getting on a bit, getting older, but why should I be embarrassed?... I love old faces. Plus I’m still not convinced about all the stuff being injected.'

Big secrets: Linda has refused to tell her sister the news of her surgery 

Younger days: Coleen's strong opinions on the subject are undoubtedly the reason Linda opted to keep her out of the loop before her surgery

Sad faces: Speaking to the publication, she said: ' I look into the mirror and I see sadness looking back at me and that’s no longer how I feel inside... I look so old, worn and drained and just so, so sad'

Coleen's strong opinions on the subject are undoubtedly the reason Linda opted to keep her out of the loop before her surgery. 

Linda, who starred in CBB in January 2014, waited until her younger sister, 51, headed into the house earlier this week to go public with news of her surgery - a move which will no doubt astound Coleen when she leaves the show.

She said: 'I decided not to tell Coleen as she was going into Big Brother and I know her views on surgery. She would have told me not to be ridiculous, to have a word with myself and she would have made me promise not to do it. 

'When she sees my new face I’m sure she’ll have a couple of choice words to say! But then she’ll be supportive.' 

Through the ages: Linda, who starred in CBB in January 2014, waited until her younger sister, 51, headed into the house earlier this week to go public with news of her surgery - a move which will no doubt astound Coleen when she leaves the show

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