'I wanted to strangle him!' Mel Gibson admits he was furious at Golden Globes host Ricky Gervais after the comedian mercilessly roasted him 

It seems Mel Gibson is not ready to forgive or forget just yet when it comes to Ricky Gervais.

When the controversial British comedian hosted the Golden Globes in 2010, he took aim at the Australian actor's DUI arrest in 2006, during which the Braveheart director made anti-Semitic slurs.

Then in 2016, the pair shared the stage and traded barbs, with Mel visibly annoyed, which Mel telling the Sydney Morning Herald on Sunday: 'I remember after the last experience with Ricky, I wanted to strangle him'.  

Oh no! Mel Gibson has admitted admits he was livid about the jokes Ricky Gervais made at his expense at the Golden Globes in previous years, saying he wanted to 'strangle' the comedian

As Mel took to the podium to present an award, Ricky interrupted and said: 'What the f*** does sugart**s even mean?'

It was a reference to Mel's 2006 arrest, where, after being pulled over by a female police officer a decade ago, the Braveheart actor reportedly said: 'What do you think you're looking at, sugart**ts?'

The British comedian could be seen giggling as he wandered back to the side of the stage, leaving Mel visibly annoyed. 

When Ricky, 55, signed off at the end of the show - in reference to Mel's offensive comments about Jews in the past - he said: 'From myself and Mel Gibson, Shalom.' 

Back up! When the controversial British comedian hosted the Golden Globes in 2010, he took aim at the Australian actor's DUI arrest in 2006, during which the Braveheart director made anti-Semitic slurs and again brought up the incident in 2016 (pictured)

Mel got his revenge at the time seemingly, joking: 'I like seeing Ricky once every three years. It reminds me to get a colonoscopy.' 

The two men were civil in public, with Mel claiming there were no hard feelings and 'Everything is fantastic' afterwards.

But the Aussie actor now admits he was livid.

Not a fan: 'I saw (Ricky) later and he said, 'We were great' and I said, 'Yeah right, now move on!''' the 61-year-old says 

'I saw him later and he said: 'We were great' and I said, 'Yeah right, now move on!''' the 61-year-old added to the SMH. 

The Office star's gags were considered quite shocking and not just to Mel, who had to grin and bear them.

However, he's in safe hands this time around. 

The Passion Of the Christ director says he's glad that this year's host is actor Jimmy Fallon, 42, because he is: 'pretty harmless'.

Out this year: Mel says he's glad that Ricky isn't returning to the podium as this year's host, with 'pretty harmless' Jimmy Fallon hosting the award's show this year




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