Chinese Premier urges Greece, Spain and Italy to sort out debt crisis and admits he is 'worried'

  • Wen Jiabao expressed his alarm at Europe's debt problems after meeting today with German Chancellor Angela Merkel
  • 'Frankly speaking, I am worried,' Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said
  • Merkel is in Beijing for talks aimed at boosting trade and allaying Chinese fears about Europe's heavy government debts
  • China's leaders are increasingly worried about European economies where Chinese companies are expanding

China yesterday sounded the alarm over ‘worrying’ developments in the eurozone and called on debt-ridden countries to put their finances in order.

Speaking after meeting German Chancellor Angela Merkel in  Beijing, Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao voiced concerns over the future of Greece, Spain and Italy and the effects that the eurozone’s problems are inflicting on the rest of the global economy.

The turmoil in the single currency bloc has dented demand for Chinese exports and dragged the country into its worst downturn in three years. In the strongest comments yet from Beijing, Mr Wen said: ‘Recently, the European debt crisis has continued to worsen, giving rise to serious concerns in the international community.

Fears: Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, right, expressed his alarm at Europe's debt problems after meeting today with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, left

Fears: Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, right, expressed his alarm at Europe's debt problems after meeting today with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, left

Trip: Merkel is in Beijing for talks aimed at boosting trade and allaying Chinese fears about Europe's heavy government debts

Trip: Merkel is in Beijing for talks aimed at boosting trade and allaying Chinese fears about Europe's heavy government debts

‘The main worries are two-fold. First is whether Greece will leave the eurozone. The second is whether Italy and Spain will take comprehensive rescue measures.

‘Resolving these two problems rests with whether Greece, Spain and Italy and other countries have the determination to reform.’

The criticism from China is a major embarrassment for eurozone leaders as they struggle to get to grips with the financial crisis. It also underlined the damage the euro debt storm is doing to the global economy.

Europe’s downturn has battered China’s exporters, wiping out thousands of manufacturing jobs. Exports to Italy in July plunged 26 per cent from a year earlier, while those to Germany were down 6.5 per cent. Exports to France fell 8 per cent.

Chinese President Hu Jintao, who met the German leader later in the day, said: ‘The sooner Europe gets out of its straits, the more helpful it will be for the global recovery and stability and China’s economic development.’

'The European debt crisis has continued to worsen, giving rise to serious concerns in the international community. Frankly speaking, I am also worried,' Wen told reporters after the meeting.

He cited uncertainty over whether Greece leaves the eurozone and whether Italy and Spain take 'comprehensive rescue measures,' a reference to budget cuts and tax increases to balance their budgets.

Talks: Merkel, left, listens during her joint press conference with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, right, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing

Talks: Merkel, left, listens during her joint press conference with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, right, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing

'Resolving these two problems rests with whether Greece, Spain, Italy and other countries have the determination for reform,' the premier said. 'Resolving the European debt problem requires fiscal tightening and finding balance within individual economies.'

Wen's comments were unusually pointed for China, which says governments should not interfere in each other's affairs.

But the country's leaders are increasingly worried about the safety of their European debt holdings and European economies where Chinese companies are expanding.

Wen said Beijing was willing to buy European bonds so long as it could evaluate the risks and to help the European Union, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank - the so-called troika - support indebted eurozone countries 'in overcoming hardships'.

Wen made a similar pledge of possibly Chinese aid to Europe during Merkel's last visit to Beijing in February.

Merkel told reporters that while the crisis is not over, countries such as Italy and Greece were 'on an intensive road of reforms. I am convinced that this will bear fruit.'

Greek politicians agreed this week on an austerity package demanded by creditors but were negotiating details. Inspectors from the troika are due in Athens next month for a review on which hinges a rescue loan installment of (euro) 31 billion.

'I want Greece to remain part of the eurozone,' Merkel said. 'I have at the same time indicated that credibility is very important in the eurozone. Therefore we expect the program to be implemented.'

Ahead of Merkel's visit, German officials told reporters Berlin wanted to reassure Beijing that European debt is a 'safe and good investment'.

United: The pair shake hands following the joint press conference

United: The pair shake hands following the joint press conference

Later, Wen and Merkel presided at a signing ceremony for billions of dollars in business deals - a regular event during visits by European leaders.

Airbus Industries committed to invest $1.6 billion in the second phase of an aircraft final assembly plant opened in 2008 in Tianjin, Wen's hometown.

A Chinese state company signed an agreement to purchase 50 Airbus jetliners valued at $3.5 billion.

Volkswagen AG, Europe's biggest automaker, signed a deal to invest $219 million in an 'environmentally friendly production facility' and vocational training initiative, also in Tianjin.

Officials of the two governments also signed agreements to collaborate in biotechnology, electric vehicles, agriculture, education, labor and the environment.

The next round in a regular series of Chinese-German meetings was scheduled for next year, but German officials say Wen asked Merkel to come early before the Communist Party begins a once-a-decade handover of power to younger leaders in October.

Merkel's two-day visit includes meetings with Xi Jinping, who is due to become party leader and president, and Li Keqiang, in line to become premier.

It comes as Beijing is struggling to pull China out of its deepest economic slump since the 2008 global crisis. The government has cut interest rates twice and is pumping money into the economy with a wave of investments by state companies.

Worries: The Chinese Premier cited uncertainty over whether Greece leaves the eurozone as a cause of concern. A view of the Acropolis in Athens is pictured

Worries: The Chinese Premier cited uncertainty over whether Greece leaves the eurozone as a cause of concern. A view of the Acropolis in Athens is pictured

A Cabinet official said Wednesday that official measures are starting to take effect and growth was 'stabilising at a slow pace.'

But corporate profits are down and a survey of manufacturers released last week showed future export orders have fallen.

Germany is China's biggest European trading partner and one of the few developed economies with which it runs a trade deficit, due to large imports of German factory equipment and industrial components.

Beijing reported a $16.3 billion trade deficit with Germany last year and $13 billion for the first seven months of this year.

Europe's downturn has battered China's exporters, wiping out thousands of manufacturing jobs.
Exports to Italy in July plunged 26 per cent from a year earlier, while those to even relatively strong Germany were down 6.5 per cent. Exports to France fell 8 per cent.

The trade slump, coupled with weak consumer demand in China, has raised the threat of unrest as the party tries to enforce calm ahead of its leadership transition.

Investment: Wen and Merkel also presided at a signing ceremony for billions of dollars in business deals with Airbus Industries committing to invest $1.6 billion in the second phase of an aircraft final assembly plant in Tianjin

Investment: Wen and Merkel also presided at a signing ceremony for billions of dollars in business deals with Airbus Industries committing to invest $1.6 billion in the second phase of an aircraft final assembly plant in Tianjin

Merkel was accompanied by a 20-member delegation of executives from German companies in the auto, chemicals, energy, commodities and other industries.

The visit also comes amid tension over a request by European manufacturers of solar power equipment for anti-dumping duties on Chinese products they say are improperly subsidised.

Chinese manufacturers that depend on the European market have warned Beijing might retaliate.

The visit focuses mostly on economic issues, but a senior German official told reporters he expects an 'open discussion' with Chinese leaders on Syria, which is in the throes of a civil war that has left an estimated 20,000 people dead.

Russia and China have repeatedly used their veto power in the U.N. Security Council to block strong Western- and Arab-backed action against President Bashar Assad's regime that could have led to sanctions.

Germany hopes a Security Council agreement on humanitarian issues could help provide a basis for a stronger agreement on political questions, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. 

Today, Merkel and Wen planned to travel to Tianjin, east of Beijing, to visit the Airbus plant.

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