BLACK DOG: Theresa May's former London abode which she quickly sold in a bid to become a 'local' MP is now worth double the price of her constituency home

Theresa May’s rise to the top has come at a price

Theresa May’s rise to the top has come at a price. 

When she was first selected to stand as an MP for Maidenhead in 1996, she was so desperate to show local party chiefs she would live in the area that she flogged her Wimbledon home for £50,000 under the £350,000 asking price to move to her new Thames Valley des res in a hurry.

Her old SW19 home, little more than an Andy Murray lob shot from Centre Court, is now worth an eye-watering £1.6million – double the value of her Berkshire home.

No wonder the PM wants to curb house-price inflation.


Hold on to your hats. Priapic MP Simon Danczuk has a new girlfriend. Motormouth Danczuk, 50 – suspended from the Labour Party over claims he ‘sexted’ a 17-year-old – is dating a nurse 20 years his junior. 

He says he is keeping the identity of his mystery blonde amour under wraps because she ‘dislikes publicity’. Opposites attract…


The days when MPs could drink, brawl and fornicate to their hearts’ content in the Palace of Westminster are over. CCTV cameras will soon start sprouting up all over the estate, recording their every indiscretion. 

The stated objective of ‘tracking potential terrorists’ prompted a ‘yeah, right’-style response from one cynical MP. Stand by for lots of supposedly high-minded objections to ‘Big Brother’ from our elected representatives… 


New Tory peer Gabby Bertin

Awe-struck Gabby survives 'execution'  

Making her maiden speech in the Lords last week, new Tory peer Gabby Bertin – former top aide to David Cameron – confessed to being overawed as she was escorted into the Upper Chamber for the first time by ex-Cabinet Minister Tom Strathclyde. 

Said Lady Bertin, left: ‘I must have looked so serious as I walked down the corridor to the Chamber on my first day that Lord Strathclyde whispered in my ear, “My dear, you are being introduced to the House of Lords, not being led to the scaffold. Do try and smile.” ’ 


Ex-Prisons Minister Ann Widdecombe’s lethal ‘something of the night’ jibe against her old Tory boss Michael Howard always seemed a tad harsh. 

In the light of the former Conservative leader’s court conviction after ‘forgetting’ whether he or wife Sandra was driving when their car was clocked for speeding, maybe wicked Widders was on to something. 


Tories in a car jam...  

Ex-Prisons Minister Ann Widdecombe’s lethal ‘something of the night’ jibe against her old Tory boss Michael Howard always seemed a tad harsh. 

In the light of the former Conservative leader’s court conviction after ‘forgetting’ whether he or wife Sandra was driving when their car was clocked for speeding, maybe wicked Widders was on to something. 


Tory Nadine Dorries is so desperate to beat rival political scribblers Lord Jeffrey Archer and Lord Melvyn Bragg to win Parliament’s ‘novel of the year’ award, she brazenly emailed fellow MPs: ‘Could you click on the link below and vote for me?’ 

If it happened in a Third World election, they would demand a recount. 

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