BLACK DOG: Irish take the mick out of May...

Irish ambassador Daniel Mulhall used a Guinness-soaked reception to take aim at Theresa May for her clear-as-mud mantra that ‘Brexit means Brexit’. 

To roars of approval from Remainers, Mulhall jokingly likened the exit vote to previous injustices inflicted on the Emerald Isle by its neighbours – ‘the Elizabethan conquest, the Jacobean plantations, Cromwell’ etc – before remarking pointedly that he looked forward to the moment when the UK finally figured out ‘what Brexit really means’. 

Not very diplomatic, Mr Ambassador…

Irish ambassador Daniel Mulhall used a Guinness-soaked reception to take aim at Theresa May for her clear-as-mud mantra that ‘Brexit means Brexit’.

A celebratory curry for Team Corbyn after Jeremy’s latest leadership victory was sabotaged by a member of vanquished Owen Smith’s camp, who persuaded the Indian restaurant to pipe the Blairite anthem Things Can Only Get Better through the sound system as Seumas Milne, Jezza’s spin chief, prepared to toast the arch-Leftie’s triumph. If only Owen’s lot had been as imaginative during the campaign.

Defence spokesman Clive Lewis’s histrionics after Labour spin doctors ordered him to alter his conference speech – he punched a wall – will amuse ex-colleagues at BBC Look East. The one-time TV reporter, whose dad was from Grenada, claimed ‘racism’ there denied him a role as presenter. This paper revealed the real reason. ‘He had no credentials for that job,’ snorted his ex-line manager, adding he didn’t know enough about politics. 

Blair babe Ruth’s new ties to Theresa 

Ruth Turner worked closely with Blair at No 10 and became boss of his Faith Foundation

Matthew Taylor’s appointment by Theresa May to head a review into work rights brings a distinct whiff of Blairism to her Government: not just through sepulchral Taylor, who ran Tony’s policy unit, but also through Ruth Turner, left, who worked closely with Blair at No 10 and became boss of his Faith Foundation. 

Four years ago, Turner – described by colleagues as ‘sexy and bright’ – had a baby with Taylor. Whatever must the former PM make of it all? 

When Labour’s ruling NEC met at the party conference, a fresh new face was present: 20-month-old Albert George Cryer. His dad, Labour MP John Cryer, and partner Ellie – both NEC members – discovered too late that the conference crèche was closed. So they took Albert with them. ‘He was babbling away throughout but thankfully he didn’t move any motions!’ joked John.

Heavy breaths? It’s Vaz

A separate NEC gathering was halted by an uncontrollable fit of the giggles at the expense of Keith Vaz – the Labour MP still reeling from a rent boy scandal. 

With Vaz still to arrive in person in Liverpool, his was one of several contributions patched down the phone line for a conference call. 

One troubled-looking NEC member said: ‘I’m sorry, but what is that heavy breathing sound?’ Up piped Vaz: ‘Er, I think that might be me.’

At the age of 46, rising Labour star Stephen Kinnock confesses to the early signs of a midlife crisis. 

After sporting a black leather jacket to work, Neil’s son admits fellow MPs have started dubbing him The Fonz, after the ageing lothario in the 1970s series Happy Days. All Stephen needs now is the motorbike. 

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