BLACK DOG: Education Minister Rob bags his Brazilian beauty 

A happy ending for Education Minister Robert Halfon, on honeymoon in Brazil after marrying Brazilian partner Vanda Colombo. Halfon, 47, had to apologise to Vanda last year after allies of Tatler Tory Mark Clarke reportedly intended to blackmail him by filming him leaving London's East India Club with a lover – an ex mistress of Clarke – after the Election. An official inquiry revealed Halfon tried to get Clarke a job at Tory HQ around the same time. 

A happy ending for Education Minister Robert Halfon, on honeymoon in Brazil after marrying Brazilian partner Vanda Colombo


The roots of Liam Fox's feud with Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson over Brexit negotiations can be traced back to a referendum campaign ruckus. A 'Leave' campaign ally of Foreign Secretary Johnson said Fox – now International Trade Secretary – complained: 'Why is Boris on TV more than me?' The source added: 'We didn't have the heart to say, 'Because people think Boris is great and you're ghastly.' 


Dog's item last week about Michael Gove's 'trouser profile' – wife Sarah says she did not marry him for his 'big heart' – has jogged the memory of a pal of ex-journo Gove on The Times newspaper. Posing for a group photograph on a freezing winter's day, Gove told the snapper: 'Hurry up, it's so cold my **** has shrunk all the way up to my knee.'


Courteney makes friends with MPs 

A brief sighting of Friends star Courteney Cox at Parliament had MPs falling over themselves in a rush to take 'selfies'. The actress was in London to promote her film with outdoor adventurer Bear Grylls in which the pair abseiled down cliffs and shared maggots found in a rotting sheep. Sounds like a vicar's tea party compared to the Westminster political jungle.

Courteney Cox was in London to promote her film with outdoor adventurer Bear Grylls


Ex-Labour MP turned Strictly contestant Ed Balls seems set to make the same kind of balletic impact on the show as other, ahem, Westminster heavyweights such as Ann Widdecombe and political reporter John Sergeant. Asked to describe his style, Ed says: 'I've got rhythm. I can do the Hi Ho Silver Lining dance, rock 'n' roll, Eighties, UK indie, up in the air.' Anton du Beke must be quaking in his spats. 


Storm in a pint glass 

Jeremy Corbyn's refusal to use the G4S security firm for the Labour conference in Liverpool, because of the firm's links to Israel, has prompted derision from aides who work at the party's HQ at the 'Southside' skyscraper in London's Victoria. Labour shares the building with G4S and staff from both organisations drink together in a nearby pub. 'We get on fine, it's just political posturing,' said a Labour insider. 

Jeremy Corbyn's refusal to use the G4S security firm for the Labour conference in Liverpool has prompted derision from aides


Corbyn is walking into a trap if the Labour conference ever takes place. The Jewish Labour Movement will hold its first-ever rally at the gathering to protest at the alleged upsurge in anti-semitism in the party since Corbyn took over. Says a Machiavellian organiser: 'We have invited Jeremy, because if he comes he will just get monstered. And if he doesn't there will be outrage over his snub. He is hog-tied.' 

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