BLACK DOG: Ted turned evil eye on Maggie 

Ex Tory PM Edward Heath loathed successor Margaret Thatcher so much that he mocked her when she had eye surgery, according to a new biography of Heath by Michael McManus. 

Heath sneered: ‘Even her eyes can’t stand her.’ Heath was so petty, he never forgave Maggie for the way she wrote to him offering him the plum post of our man in Washington. 

Her crime? She signed it ‘Margaret Thatcher’ instead of ‘Margaret’. 

Ex Tory PM Edward Heath (pictured in 1974) loathed successor Margaret Thatcher so much that he mocked her when she had eye surgery, according to a new biography of Heath by Michael McManus


Theresa May’s regal ‘to the manor born’ style when inspecting the troops on arriving in Berlin for talks with Angela Merkel impressed a former Army officer who worked for ex-PM John Major. He commented: ‘Theresa walked along the line, ramrod straight, and looked the soldiers straight in the eye. She could have been trained at Sandhurst. When poor old Major used to do it, he shuffled along awkwardly, looking like Adrian Mole.’ 


Chuka's so happy to give drugs the push

Labour gent Chuka Umunna, whose South London constituency includes Brixton, had short shrift for complaints at a local meeting about the ‘gentrification’ of the area hit by riots in the 1980s. Going upmarket was good for Brixton, said Chuka, left. ‘Before gentrification, when I came out of Brixton Tube station, I was bothered by people trying to sell me drugs. At least now that doesn’t happen.’ 

Labour gent Chuka Umunna, whose South London constituency includes Brixton, had short shrift for complaints at a local meeting about ‘gentrification'


Hard-nut Brexit Minister David Davis boasted to a pal over a drink how he led a training exercise in his SAS reservist days to rescue two posh officers – ‘Ruperts’, as council-house kid Davis derisively called them – who had made a mess of a major assault. ‘Just like your Cabinet comeback after “Rupert” Cameron and “Rupert” Osborne messed up the referendum!’ quipped the pal. 


 Plucky Percy's revolt

No wonder subservient Tory MPs overlooked in Theresa May’s reshuffle are miffed that serial rebel Conservative MP and foundry worker’s son Andrew Percy has been rewarded with a ministerial post. One-time Tory Chief Whip Sir George Young was so fed up with Percy’s constant revolts against Cameron that he summoned the Brigg and Goole MP for a rollocking. Plucky Percy duly turned up – and told Young to go to blazes. 


Sacked Arts Minister Ed Vaizey is struggling to adjust to post-ministerial life. A fortnight on from his defenestration, Vaizey – an old Oxford University chum of David Cameron – is still sending out his usual weekly email on Government announcements and cultural events as if the reshuffle was just a bad dream. Wake up and get over it, Ed. 

Sacked Arts Minister Ed Vaizey is struggling to adjust to post-ministerial life


Newly appointed non-Brexit Cabinet Ministers have been hit by a Whitehall ‘Brexit brain drain’ as the cream of Whitehall has joined a stampede to win new jobs with the ‘Three Brexiteers’ – Boris Johnson, David Davis and Liam Fox. One mandarin who has applied for a senior Brexit post said: ‘Every soldier wants to go to war and this is the nearest the brolly brigade will get to such excitement.’

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