Monday, 15 August 2016

Table of Contents


IF THE NUMBER of dystopian metaphors in circulation is any indication, we live in troubled times. Apparently, the Western world is asleep, absent minded, and on the path to suicide.  Read More...

HUMAN NATURE IS GROUP ORIENTED. Generally speaking, we like to harmonise with the people around us. Groupishness, to a large degree, is the natural state of humans. Read More...

THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. For this website, I'm going to assume that the pursuit of happiness is our goal as individuals. At least for most of us, most of the time. Read More...

INDIVIDUALISM WITHOUT GROUP DIRECTION. In recent times the West has made great strides in the pursuit of individual happiness. However, in many other ways, the West is headed in a distinctly unhappy direction. Read More...

UNDER PRESSURE, ONLY CLEAR and strong ideas survive. Vague, woolly, and complicated thoughts can get thrown by the wayside under the stress of competition. Read More ...