My World: Bayern were 10 years ahead of United when I joined...

Mark Hughes will be writing regular columns for Sportsmail. In the first of his dispatches, he talks about his German adventure, the menace of Didier Drogba and Joey Barton's fate.

Big job: Mark Hughes (centre) is rebuilding at QPR after avoiding relegation

Bayern Munich were 10 years ahead of anything else I had seen. When I played there for a season in 1987, they showed me how to prepare fully for a high-intensity game. Even when I transferred back to Manchester United a year later, they were playing catch-up.

Bayern showed me how to prepare a team mentally and physically at peak fitness. They were taking supplements and vitamins, working on injury prevention, diet and rehydration techniques. I hope I have carried some of those lessons into my managerial career. They opened my eyes to a different way.

Deutsche Mark: Hughes played for Bayern Munich between 1987-88

This isn’t Barcelona v Real Madrid, but it’s not a bad final.
Bayern are a very accomplished team. They double up out wide and Chelsea will have to deal with Franck Ribery and Arjen Robben, but their captain Philipp Lahm is a problem too when he joins from full back. They beat Real Madrid, while Chelsea produced a remarkable result against Barcelona. Putting it simply, they did a job on the best team in the world.

Drogba v Tymoshchuk is a mismatch.
Chelsea have a problem with their suspended players, but so too do Bayern and if their reshuffle sees Anatoliy Tymoshchuk move into the back four from midfield, this can play into Didier Drogba’s hands. It should encourage Chelsea to get the ball into him. Drogba could have a field day, feeding off the right service.

Drogba is an intelligent player and a nightmare to play against.
He lulls centre halves into a false sense of security. He is quiet and appears uninterested and then he is suddenly VERY interested, as he was in the FA Cup semi-final against Tottenham, when he turned on the power, beat William Gallas then crashed the ball into the net.

He can go down too easily, but often he is breaking up the play and trying to win free-kicks. Then he will sense the opportunity and turn on the power. He is a remarkable specimen.

A real handful: Didier Drogba (centre) in training in Munich on Friday

Tough night ahead: Anatoliy Tymoshchuk

The season is over, but the work doesn’t stop.
I’m away for a few days with my QPR staff and we are building for next season. It will be the first pre-season we have had with a club for four years and we can’t wait for it to start. We’ve had to bide our time since coming in here; now we are trying to plan and to make our club stronger.

When I said no team of mine will be in this position again...
I meant it. Since we’ve been in the building it has been about creating the standards and behaviour we expect. Now we are ready for the next level.

In the past, I have signed Vincent Kompany (Man City), Christopher Samba (Blackburn) and Moussa Dembele (Fulham). They all increased in transfer value playing in those teams. I am seeking similar quality for QPR.

I am excited about what we can achieve here. The players I want to sign need to know we have plans to be a top club. I spent my career playing for big clubs and I want success. I am hungry and ambitious.

We are waiting to hear on Joey Barton’s punishment.
He is facing a long ban and we have to take stock of the situation. We are awaiting the verdict of the FA and the disciplinary process will take its course. As a manager there are 10 other players you have to think about, then 10 who played on against Manchester City. We stayed up. It’s a relief. And now we start again. This is not all about Joey Barton.

Awaiting punishment: QPR midfielder Joey Barton (centre) faces a long ban

There will be buys and sales.
When we walked through the door, there were a lot of players who hadn’t figured before and who haven’t made an impression on me and my staff. They’ll move on, they want to play. I want to strengthen, but I believe in buying players before you sell. I don’t want to weaken us before we get stronger.

Taking this job was a risk.
For me - and for my employers; we’ve all taken a risk. But let me say this - it is a good club with good people. I like the atmosphere, from the owners and the chief executive through to the staff.

There is a buzz, a determination and now we want to move forward. Good players will want to be part of what we are trying to create - that’s our story to tell. And our story will get better from here.

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