We've forgotten just what made British football great

Back when I was playing for Manchester United’s youth team, I could always hear the voices of our coaches, Nobby Stiles and Eric Harrison, on the touchline delivering short, sharp but consistent messages: ‘Get to the ball quickly! Win it back! Get to him! Shift it quickly! Move!’

Lots of English coaches would have been the same. They were characteristics of our game, the attributes that made up the British footballing identity: the speed of the play, the tempo of passing, sprinting to the ball and getting out of the box quickly to play offside. Values that were drilled into you.

The game has changed since then and we have been hugely influenced by the influx of foreign managers and players in this country, which helped to produce a golden period for the Premier League between 2007–2009, when, for three years, we provided three of the four Champions League semi-finalists. But as I watched Manchester City being beaten by Bayern Munich on Wednesday, I couldn’t help thinking we’ve fallen behind the curve in the terms of European football.

VIDEO Scroll down to watch Bayer 04 Leverkusen 1-1 Bayern Munich match highlights

Hard work: Pep Guardiola plays in a style that is very British - with a high line, lots of work rate and lots of pressing

Hunting in packs: Bayern Munich use lots of pressure to force the opposition into mistakes

At one stage Manchester City had a throw-in in the right-hand corner of their half and Bayern pushed all their players into that quarter of pitch. And I was thinking: ‘That’s what Eric Harrison and Nobby Stiles were telling me 20 years ago.’ It’s what English teams have historically done. 

I watched Bayern coach Pep Guardiola and I could see him doing that little punching action with his hands and he’s saying: ‘Sprint to them! Get to the ball!’ Ten minutes from the end, when they went down to 10 men, his arms were swaying at his back four urging them to: ‘Get up the pitch! Get up the pitch!’

Behind the times: English teams no longer play in an high-intensity style

Throwbacks: The style being used across Europe is reminiscent of the likes of Roy Keane and Patrick Vieira

Oh boy, that was some start by Januzaj

You always want to be careful talking about young players — but it is difficult when you see the performance that Adnan Januzaj put in for Manchester United.

They are a club steeped in history, with a tradition of attacking wingers and blooding young players. But even so it’s difficult to remember a debut with so much impact.
His goals, combined with David de Gea’s world-class save, turned the match from a game in which Sunderland felt they had a chance, to one in which Manchester United were in control.

The important thing for United is now to get him signed up because he only has eight months left on his contract.

But he couldn’t be at a better club for promoting young talent. David Moyes gave him his chance because he sensed the moment was right. And for taking that risk, he was rewarded. Januzaj is clearly a special talent: the smoothness with which he uses the ball, the way in which he rose to the task. 

The visiting fans know that, in this remarkable 18-year-old, they may have witnessed an extraordinary full debut and that their club’s long history of promoting youth is in safe hands.

Pep Guardiola has no shame or embarrassment that he wanted his team to be hard working, to sprint to the ball to hunt in packs. ‘Squeeze them in!’ is the shout we’d hear from the sidelines. But if an English coach was seen pumping his fists, waving his arms and screaming: ‘Squeeze them in!’ he would be in danger of being portrayed as a dinosaur.

The irony is that the best modern European coaches are pushing their defences up high; they’re encouraging their players to chase down the opposition very high up the pitch, rather than drop deep; they’re harrying the opposition all the time. And it’s the essence of the British game. If you look at the high defensive line Real Madrid or Barcelona play, you can’t help but think of Steve Bould and Tony Adams pushing up at Arsenal. If you watch Arjen Robben or Franck Ribery chasing back, it could be David Beckham and Ryan Giggs. When you think of the athleticism and energy of the Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund midfields, you think of Roy Keane, Patrick Vieira Steven Gerrard or Michael Essien at their best.

These sides are actually being more British than the British. What is worrying is that in the last five years, there has been a fusion of European styles but we’re the country falling behind. Twenty-five years ago you could argue Spanish football was slower, or Italian football more defensive or that Germans would use a libero in a back three. In those days Spanish and Italian teams would have a couple of players who would cheat. Whereas English players had been taught to get back into what I call honest positions — tracking back to where you should be — Italian and Spanish teams would often indulge one or two players, the more creative and talents, who wouldn’t be required to do that.

High lines: Across Europe teams are adopting the high defensive line that was Arsenal's trademark


But now there has almost been such a melting pot of ideas that those identities have become blurred. In England we needed to add some craft and invention, which we did mainly by importing Latin players, and in that period of 2007-09 we probably had the balance about right. But our quest to become more technical and creative has made us forget about the things we’re good at, and we’ve started to indulge a few players. 

Last Monday I watched Alan Pardew have to make a tactical alteration, switching Hatem Ben Arfa to the left because he didn’t think he would run back with Leighton Baines, before subbing him at half-time. The difference between Eden Hazard, Oscar, Juan Mata and Ribery and Robben in terms of quality is not enormous but there’s a massive difference in their application to win the ball back.
Meanwhile, the rest of Europe have looked at the Premier League’s best attributes and incorporated them into their game. When Jurgen Klinsmann remoulded German football in the run-up the 2006 World Cup, he cited the energy of the Premier League as one of his inspirations.

When Pep Guardiola took over at Barcelona in 2008, he inherited a talented side but they quickly became one of the greatest of all time. They were a good passing side under Frank Rijkaard but within a year Pep had turned them into a team of hunters in the way they chased the ball. He hadn’t changed the players, just the philosophy. They’re doing all the things we used to do well but doing so with players who are often technically better. The best German and Spanish teams are running all over Premier League teams — not in terms of possession but in terms of organised hard work.

Work rate: The biggest difference between the likes of Arjen Robben and Eden Hazard is their willingness to work hard for the team - Robben is much happier to track back and help his side

It’s almost as if we’ve been so beguiled by the importance of possession football that we’ve forgotten what we do well. You can dress it up all you want: call it the double pivot, 4-2-3-1 or concise precision pressing. What it is, is footballers with an intent to work their backsides off. The nearest man sprints to the ball, the next comes in behind him and the back four push up the play.

If we think our identity is one of trying to keep 70 per cent possession in the game, that’s nonsense. Ball retention is important and technique in British players needs to be good. But improving that aspect of our game should not be at the expense of the basics of being hard to beat. Spain regularly enjoy 70 per cent possession but the statistic that impresses me more is that they have not conceded a goal in the knockout stages of the World Cup or European Championship since 2006.


The modern identity of a British team shouldn’t change. It should have a tough back four that tackles hard and pushes up. It should have midfielders who get to the ball and win it back and wide players who sprint backwards as quickly as they do forwards. A British team should be built on tempo and speed of play.

Key to success: Manchester City's willingness to put pressure on their opponents was the vital component to success in the Manchester derby

Two weeks ago Manchester City put in one of the best performances by a Premier League side for years against Manchester United. They were magnificent in constantly sprinting to the ball while the back four were aggressive and all over the United forwards. But on Wednesday they looked laborious and jaded. I’m convinced City are trying to get to that level but, unfortunately, in Bayern they were up against a team that have almost perfected that model.

I’m convinced we can get back to where we were. I always say these trends go in cycles.

Encouragingly, there are signs the Premier League is waking up. You can see many of these traits at Tottenham, Arsenal and Manchester City. Southampton, under Mauricio Pochettino, play a very high defensive line and press the ball incredibly hard. Manchester United won the league without playing a high line but I’m convinced they’ll have to change because we’ve been overtaken in Europe.

But don’t let anyone tell you the most impressive thing about Barcelona, Bayern and Dortmund is the quality of their football. It’s not. It’s their work off the ball that is sensational and a privilege to watch.

The difference between the likes of Bayern, Barcelona and Borussia Dortmund is not their quality, but their work rate

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