Get ready for the virtual reality GYM: Icaros 'active VR' gives you a full-body workout as you swivel to control flight

  • System requires player to lie down and hold themselves in plank-like position
  • You can choose game depending on their physical abilities, and increase levels
  • Typically ships with Samsung’s Gear VR, but works with Oculus Rift or HTC Vive

Gone are the days where gaming equated physical inactivity – an exhilarating new virtual reality platform will let you exercise while you play.

The Icaros is a full-body system with a gyroscopic design, revealed at CES in Las Vegas.

This setup means you have to use your core strength to control the movements of the machine and in the game itself.

The player lies in a plank-like position the entire time while flying through an array of virtual settings.

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The Icaros is a full-body system with a gyroscopic design, revealed at CES in Las Vegas. This setup means you have to use your core strength to control the movements of the machine and in the game itself


Once you’re horizontal on it, you can move your shoulders forward to bring the system downward. 

Moving your shoulders back will pull you back up to a standing position.

To move side to side, just move your hips.

Icaros pro system aims to make working out far more enjoyable.

And, it’s much easier to use than it appears to be.

Players can choose games depending on their physical abilities, and work up to more difficult settings to increase the exercise benefits.

While they typically ship it with Samsung’s Gear VR headset, it can also work with the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive.

‘This is a combined exercise machine and virtual reality flight simulator that turns you into Superman,’ Johannes Scholl of Icaros told

‘You have a pretty good core workout while you’re doing that. We can do many different things here – we have a flying simulator, diving underwater with animals, driving a motorcycle, parachuting.’

This setup means you have to use your core strength to control the movements of the machine and in the game itself. The player lies in a plank-like position the entire time while flying through an array of virtual settings

The movements on the platform correspond with the actions in the headset.

So, if you’re playing the flight simulator and trying to move through the hoops, you move your body to guide the game.

The Icaros has a wide range of movement, allowing the player to top all the way forward almost until their head is at the ground.

While it seems complicated, all it takes is a bit of simple training to get it down.

‘To be honest nobody ever fell off,’ Scholl told tried out the Icaros, and found it was surprisingly easy to get the hang of – and really fun to play. But, you’ll certainly feel the workout

 Once you’re horizontal on it, you can move your shoulders forward to bring the system downward. Moving your shoulders back will pull you back up to a standing position. To move side to side, just move your hips

‘It’s more about getting used to it, being focused, well balanced, and using your core.’ tried out the Icaros, and found it was surprisingly easy to get the hang of – and really fun to play.

But, you’ll certainly feel the workout.

Once you’re horizontal on it, you can move your shoulders forward to bring the system downward. 

Moving your shoulders back will pull you back up to a standing position.

To move side to side, just move your hips.

The $8,000 system could be incorporated into gyms to bring the workout experience to the next level, the team says. 


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