'Nil point as a husband and nil point as a dad': Marco Pierre White's estranged wife condemns him after being told she faces eviction from her home because the chef has 'failed to pay the rent for 12 months'

Mati White is on the verge of being evicted from her flat in Chiswick, West London due to estranged husband Marco's (left) failure to pay rent

What a hideous year it’s been for Mati White, estranged wife of legendary chef Marco Pierre White.

She was facing charges of assaulting her two sons, Luciano and Marco Jnr - which she vehemently denied - but was cleared only this month after both men (Marco Jnr was ‘too hungover’) failed to attend court to give evidence against her.

But that was on top of the humiliation she suffered last month when Marco Jnr’s appearance on Big Brother generated more than 600 complaints when he was seen getting rather too intimate with fellow contestant Laura Carter.

And now further calamity has befallen Mati. She is, she tells me, on the verge of being evicted from her flat in Chiswick, West London - a direct consequence, she alleges, of her husband’s failure to pay his dues.

‘He hasn’t paid the rent for 12 months,’ claims Mati, explaining that she learned of her plight only when she returned home a week ago to meet her landlord, a man she identifies as ‘a lovely gentleman, half-Greek, called John’.

Apparently, he told her that she was in peril of having her belongings thrown into the street and the locks being changed.

The crisis inspired her to a burst of creativity, which, in its way, is quite the equal of the artistry with which Marco once presented his Michelin-starred dishes.

Assembling a collection of framed family photographs, Mati arranged them in an impromptu display on the pavement outside the flat, embellishing each image with pertinent comment. ‘Should have stuck to making pizzas. Nil point as a husband and nil point as a dad’... ‘Evict Marco Pierre White, non-payer of rent’... ‘Wife and daughter being evicted’.

It is not Mati’s first protest. Four years ago, she admitted smashing the front and rear windows of Marco’s Range Rover and daubing graffiti in blood and scarlet nail varnish on his house in West London.

‘He had been screwing around,’ she says, recalling that battle. She and Marco appear destined to remain married, if only because divorce proceedings were halted after the legal bill reputedly reached £3 million.

‘I don’t want anyone to pity me, but enough is enough,’ she tells me. ‘He’s a troglodyte. He’ll have to ask someone what that means.’


 Which catwalk star is worth £64m?

She is one of the world’s highest-paid models, worth £64 million, and has become an internet superstar.

No, not 24-year-old Georgia May Jagger, but Grumpy Cat.

Grumpy Cat (pictured with Georgia May Jagger)  - real name Tardar Sauce - has made a fortune from an array of merchandise, including bestselling books, a brand of coffee called Grumppuccino and a film

In just two years, the American feline - real name Tardar Sauce - has made a fortune from an array of merchandise, including bestselling books, a brand of coffee called Grumppuccino and a film.

Grumpy’s permanent scowl is a result of her having been born with dwarfism and an underbite. So famous has the four-year-old Snowshoe Siamese become that celebrities, including Sir Mick Jagger’s daughter, are flocking to have their pictures taken with her.

Sorry, Georgia May, but you are no match for this sour puss.


Her raunchy performance in Basic Instinct is one of the most memorable in modern cinema - but 24 years on and Sharon Stone is still unafraid to bare all. 

‘I like myself and my body. Being nude to me means having fun - fun with myself and my looks,’ says Sharon, 58.

‘Only women who feel good about themselves and have self-confidence can also be sexy. Sexiness comes from deep inside. ‘It’s the feeling of being present, having fun and liking yourself enough.’

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