Dumped with a note saying 'free pug': RSPCA reveals the 'designer puppies' abandoned by callous owners who couldn't be bothered to care for them 

  • Record number of 'designer' breed pups have been  abandoned in the UK
  • Puppies have been found in cardboard boxes, bins and by the roadside
  • One was found in a garden alongside a note that read 'Free pug xxxx' 
  • RSPCA blames underground breeders and traders for fuelling demand 

These heartbreaking images reveal the consequences of a soaring demand for 'designer' dog breeds such as pugs and French bulldogs.

Pups have been found in bins, cardboard boxes and left by the side of the road as the RSPCA reports a worrying increase in the number of increasingly fashionable breeds coming into its care.

In 2016, the animal welfare charity rescued record numbers of pugs and French bulldogs who had been abandoned, seemingly unwanted.

This tiny pug puppy was found abandoned in a garden in Wimbledon on 20 October alongside a note reading: 'Free pug xxx'. The little puppy was named Pumpkin by RSPCA staff

'There's huge demand in England and Wales for certain breeds of dogs that have been popularised and glamorised by celebrities, social media and popular culture,' said RSPCA chief inspector Ian Briggs, who leads the charity's special investigations into the puppy trade.

'In this country, we're seeing a huge increase in the number of people buying pugs and French bulldogs and now the RSPCA is starting to see that trend first-hand.'

The RSPCA was contacted on 4 December after a pug was found lying by the side of the road with serious injuries, having been thrown out of the window of a moving car

The charity launched an investigation after this emaciated blue French bulldog was taken into a veterinary surgery on 21 July. She was thought to have come from either Newport or Cardiff

He added that as reputable breeders struggle to keep up with demand, 'underground' traders are now filling the gap in the market - meaning buyers can get their hands on puppies at cheaper prices, with 'disastrous consequences'.  

'This is the price of poor puppy breeding - consumers faced with sick and dying puppies who need expensive veterinary treatment or lifelong behavioural support.

One, a tiny pup named Pumpkin, was found in a plastic pet carrier without a door and had a nasty injury to his eye which he later had removed.

A pair of frightened French bulldog puppies were found in a cardboard box in Pontypool Park, Wales, in November. The male pups were very emaciated and had severe skin conditions

A pug-type puppy abandoned in Wales. In 2016, the animal welfare charity rescued record numbers of pugs and French bulldogs who had been abandoned, seemingly unwanted

Inspector Phil Norman said: 'The note indicates that Pumpkin has been dumped deliberately so it may be that he was an unwanted pet and his owner didn't realise the amount of work it takes to look after a puppy, or that they did not want to pay the cost of vet care.'

Ian says a 'surge' in these breeds is now coming into rescue centres and charities from 'people who did not do their research before taking on a dog that requires a lot of time and commitment'.

The RSPCA was called late at night in March after a member of the public found a pug collapsed in a blanket in the street in Cricklewood, north-west London, with an infected eye

Milo the pug pup was just eight weeks old when he was dumped by a bin in Congleton, Cheshire. The little dog was lucky to be found by a passerby and was taken into RSPCA care

They have also seen 'an increase in the number of these breeds being abandoned either because, as puppies, they didn't sell or became poorly, or as breeding stock they couldn't produce litters anymore.

'Once again, organisations such as the RSPCA are left picking up the pieces, and the animals are paying the ultimate price - often with their lives.'

RSPCA England's Scrap the Puppy Trade campaign is calling for stricter legislation around the breeding and selling of dogs. 

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