Footballer's fiancé who wanted to make her own fortune launches a fashion brand in her kitchen that's loved by celebrities (and she didn't use a penny of her man's money)

  • Hannah O'Neill, 26, from Stevenage, is engaged to Middlesbrough's Daniel Ayala
  • She wanted to prove to her children that their mother could earn her own money
  • Launched HA Designs - personalised gifting company - last year whilst pregnant
  • Mother-of-two now has celebrity fans, sold in Topshop and set to turn over £1m

With the average footballer earning £25,000 a week, most WAGs shun full-time work in favour of shopping, jet-setting and daily beauty treatments.

But one footballer's fiancé wanted to break the mould and prove to her children that she could earn her own money, too, so she launched her own business from scratch - and her personalised gift company is set to turn over £1m this year.

Hannah O'Neill, 26, from Stevenage, who is engaged to Middlesbrough defender Daniel Ayala, launched HA Designs last year when she was six months pregnant - and she's already sold thousands of products and has a celebrity roster of fans.

Hannah O'Neill, 26, from Stevenage, who is engaged to Middlesbrough defender Daniel Ayala, wanted to break the mould and prove to her children that she could earn her own money, too, so she launched her own business from scratch - and her personalised gift company is set to turn over £1m this year

Speaking to FEMAIL about her decision to set up her own brand, she said: 'After moving to four different cities with my partner's job I knew I had to start my own business if I wanted to work and still have the flexibility to move within a minute's notice, which is the reality with football.

'I launched HA Designs when I was six months pregnant and the day we launched we sold something within the first hour. This will always be my most important sale as I knew people must have liked the concept and it gave me confidence.'

Despite living in a glamorous world where money is no object, Hannah was keen to ensure that her products didn't cost the earth.

Entrepreneurial Hannah used her life savings to invest in her first batch of stock - and didn't use a penny of her man's money towards her business venture

HA Designs is an affordable collection of personalised gifts. Her range includes phone cases, which cost £20, left, clutches for £35, £13 mugs and document holders for £50. She also sells keyrings for £18, right

Hannah launched HA Designs when she was six months pregnant and the day she launched , she sold something within the first hour. She has gone on to launch a wider range of products including personalised tracksuits, pictured, which cost £50

Her range includes phone cases, which cost £20, clutches for £35, £13 mugs and document holders for £50.

'I love anything personalised so I set out to design affordable goods without compromising on quality,' she explained. 'It has all happened very naturally, as I always provide a product that I would be looking for at a price that I couldn’t find elsewhere.'

Entrepreneurial Hannah used her life savings to invest in her first batch of stock - and didn't use a penny of her man's money towards her business venture. 'I remember paying a £500 invoice and I was so scared it would fail,' she said.

Three months after Hannah launched her brand, she had her first child and then fell pregnant unexpectedly three months later. 

'It’s not easy,' she admitted. 'I make sacrifices all the time and divide my time between my family and work, but since having children I have never known any different. I have an amazing family who help to look after the boys so I can work'

Three months after Hannah launched her brand, she had her first child and then fell pregnant unexpectedly three months later

Hannah's office is in Hertfordshire but she lives in Middlesbrough four hours away so spends most of her time either on the motorway or a train (Hannah is pictured selling her goods at the Clothes Show)

'Being a working mum is difficult because you always feel guilty that you’re not spending enough time with them but I’m slowing learning to deal with it,' she said.

'I work from home so I can be with my children but I have amazing staff so we are on the phone all day and I feel like I’m there. As soon as my partner comes home we switch roles and I’m in the office for the evening.'

Hannah's office is in Hertfordshire but she lives in Middlesbrough four hours away so spends most of her time either on the motorway or a train and with two children to look after.

'It’s not easy,' she admitted. 'I make sacrifices all the time and divide my time between my family and work, but since having children I have never known any different. I have an amazing family who help to look after the boys so I can work.

'The year we launched was very difficult as I had no staff and was trying to juggle having a new baby with designing, packing and replying to emails. My partner is a footballer so he needs his sleep; that’s why I have always done the night feeds.'

Hannah used her life savings to invest in her first batch of stock, such as this £50 document holder. 'I remember paying a £500 invoice and I was so scared it would fail,' she said

Hannah, who says she has never taken a day off and was teased by her friends because she was making calls to the office when she was in labour, even worked until 1am on Christmas Day.

'It was crazy and very hard at times but that is what makes the highs all the more worth it. Money has never been my motivation and I don’t think it should be as you have to work incredibly hard and long hours so you have to love what you’re doing.

'My partner has been successful in his work and I wanted my children to learn that I’m not only a mum and that I could do something to make them proud, too.'

HA Designs has drawn a starry roster of fans, including Chloe Lewis, Georgia Kousoulou, Danni Armstrong, Katie Wright, Gemma Merna and Denise Van Outen.  

The brand also recently had a pop-up shop in Topshop Oxford Circus, which Hannah says was 'very overwhelming.'

Hannah now has a full team of staff and is getting set to introducing a men’s collection. 

She added: 'I started the company when I was 25 and I’m now 26 with two young children and a growing business; it’s crazy how much can change in a year.'


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