'He went from Daddy to Maddy': Wife whose husband became a woman reveals how she coped with his transition and why they continue to live together with their kids... along with her new boyfriend

A wife has revealed the moment her husband of 12 years revealed he wanted to be a woman.

Kristin Collier, 44, from Oregon, US, had only recently given birth to their second child when her husband, Fred, told her they needed to talk.

'He admitted to me what he hadn't wanted to fully admit to himself. He was transgender and wanted to live the rest of his life as a woman,' the mother of two said. 

Now Kristin has spoken to Daily Mail about how she came to terms with her husband's shock revelation and transition to become a woman called Seda, and why they continue to live as a family - along with Kristin's new romantic partner, Richard.

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Kristin Collier (front right) has revealed how she came to terms with her husband's transition to Seda (top left) and how they still live together with their children Trinidad (right) and Sam (left

Kristin said she had not previously suspected her husband wanted to be a woman

'I struggled to accept and then embrace this part of my spouse which wasn't easy at all,' Kristin said

Speaking to Daily Mail, Kristin revealed Fred's confession came shortly after the family had experienced a house fire - and had also recently welcomed a son, who was then seven weeks old.

'I had been with my mum, regrouping after the fire and he said "we need to talk when you get home".'

Kristin's husband was reluctant to elaborate until they met, but Kristin persuaded him to give her one word as a clue as to what was wrong - to which he replied 'clothes'.

However the mother of two found herself shopping for prosthetic breasts and earrings for her new wife

'As soon as he said that I freeze-framed on what happened on something that had happened early on in our relationship,' Kristin told Daily Mail.

'I discovered a dress that was ripped out at the waist. I had said "what's this?"  and the last thing I expected was for him to say "sorry, that will never happen again".' 

Fred had tried on her clothes - something Kristin filed to the back of her mind, until the day he told her he needed to talk.

Even when Kristin moved out of the family home for a while she said Seda remained very much part of her life

Fred proceeded to confess to his wife that he wanted to be a woman - something Kristin admits was 'confusing and scary'.

But, whilst the revelation was a shock, the pair did not decide to break up.

'We were so close as friends and partners,' Kristin said. 'We had been together since we were 18. We did not make a decision to stay together no matter what, but we made a decision to stay present and current with each other.' 

In time, Fred transitioned to become a woman, Seda, something his wife candidly admits she had conflicting feelings about.

'Despite the fact that we'd never sworn to stay together after her transition here we are still making it work under one roof,' Kristin said

'I struggled to accept and then embrace this part of my spouse which wasn't easy at all,' Kristin said. 'But then somehow found myself shopping for prosthetic breasts and earrings for my new wife Seda with children in tow.' 

'Eventually I realised that I was heterosexual and I began to explore new romantic relationships - while at the same time I continued gardening, homeschooling our kids and I helped to build an addition on to the house to accommodate our new family structure.'

While Kristin left for around three months to explore life in Florida with a new romantic partner, she said Seda remained very much a steady part of her life and their children's.

Kristin said that she and Seda realised that the home they had built to accommodate their new 'concept of family' was 'pretty comfortable'

'As I explored by own concept of gender and gender roles I became more clear about the future I wanted', Kristin says in a trailer for her book Housewife: Home re-making in a Transgender Marriage which she wrote about her experience.

Whilst she and her partner at the time parted ways, Kristin said that she and Seda realised that the home they had built to accommodate their new 'concept of family' was 'pretty comfortable'. 

'Despite the fact that we'd never sworn to stay together after her transition here we are still making it work under one roof,' she said. 

Kristin, Seda, their children Trinidad, 16, and Sam, 14, all now share a home along with Kristin's new partner Richard. It's an arrangement that Kristin said works well. 

She said the kids' relationship with Seda is better than the one they had with their father

'It's a joy,' she told Daily Mail. Richard is a chef and he cooks and Seda is a designer and the kids are learning construction from her. We all go to their soccer games and we all play football together.' 

She said the kids' relationship with Seda is better than the one they had with their father.

'Interestingly, when Seda was my husband he was pretty emotionally withdrawn and less available to the children. When he transitioned - and told them he of course still loved them - they were not concerned really.'

Kristin said the children 'pretty seamlessly' began calling their father 'Maddy not Daddy', which she explained is a mixture of the words 'mummy and daddy'.

'The degree of harmony and diversity we enjoy now as a family is so much richer and sweeter, and the family is even more full and sweet when Richard's seventeen year old son comes to visit from California,' she explained.

Kristin hopes that by sharing her story, she may help other families going through the same thing (pictured is her new family, with her partner Richard (left in black)

'My hope is that people will read this story and come to know my experience and my family,' Kristin said

By sharing her story, Kristin hopes to help break down the stigma of transgender marriage and help others who may be going through something similar.

'My story in Housewife will hopefully lay some of the foundations necessary to spread more understanding and safety out into the world,' she said.

'My hope is that people will read this story and come to know my experience and my family.

'Even more, I hope that they might see themselves and their own struggles and come to terms with some of the unexpected things that come from the people they love.'

Housewife: Home re-making in a Transgender Marriage by Kristin K Collier is available on request at bookshops, on Amazon and via Kristin's website here 


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