GIRL ABOUT TOWN: Dating, mating, hitching... and ditching! Strictly star Daisy Lowe has a new man in her life

Strictly Come Dancing star Daisy Lowe has a new man in her life – the nephew of BBC arts presenter Alan Yentob. Josh Yentob, 28, spent last week getting touchy-feely with model Daisy during a beach holiday in Miami. Daisy, 27, spent New Year's Eve with her new beau, and the couple kept the party going the following day by enjoying an intimate date at a beach bar. The pair – pictured left during their break – were introduced by one of Daisy's exes, composer Joseph Reuben.

Strictly Come Dancing star Daisy Lowe has a new man in her life – the nephew of BBC arts presenter Alan Yentob

Actress Emma Watson could be in for a springtime surprise when she finishes promoting her Disney film Beauty And The Beast, which is due out in March. A source who knows Emma's tech entrepreneur beau William Knight tells me that he's ready to propose after they spent their first Christmas together, with Emma's family, at their Oxford home. Emma and William – known as Mack – have been dating for 18 months.

Actress Emma Watson could be in for a springtime surprise when she finishes promoting her Disney film Beauty And The Beast, which is due out in March

Like many celebrities, Olympic hero Tom Daley has chosen a private island for his wedding, but guests needn't pack the sunscreen – it's in England! I hear the 22-year-old diver had hoped to marry American Dustin Lance Black in May at the trendy Soho Farmhouse in Oxfordshire but negotiations have broken down, so the latest whisper is the pair have chosen a venue on Osea Island, Essex. Hardly exotic, Tom!

Like many celebrities, Olympic hero Tom Daley has chosen a private island for his wedding

I'm sorry to report that Jane Fonda has split from the love of her twilight years, Richard Perry. Thrice-married Jane, 79, fell for the record producer seven years ago but friends say the pair have found it hard to cope with Richard's Parkinson's disease – not least because of his refusal to 'take it seriously'. Richard, 74, is now moving out of Jane's Sunset Boulevard home.

Jane Fonda has split from the love of her twilight years, Richard Perry (pictured together) 


She's famous for her bizarre health and shopping tips – she once urged followers of her Goop website to buy a £5,000 T-shirt – but actress Gwyneth Paltrow has outdone herself with her latest idea: she wants everyone to have a home sauna. In her new book Goop Clean Beauty, Gwyneth, who lives in a £4 million LA mansion, says only a full-size sauna will do. If that's too pricey, why not follow her other top tip: walk barefoot to 'transfer Earth's electrons from the ground to your body'. Only on Planet Paltrow…

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow has outdone herself with her latest idea: she wants everyone to have a home sauna

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