'Take a snack to the hairdressers, harness the power of social media and NEVER starve yourself': Personal trainer who transformed her own body to beat depression reveals how you can change your life too

  • As Lucy Watson approached her 30th she said she needed a life 'overhaul'
  • She felt stressed and depressed and was using food and alcohol as comfort 
  • Sydney resident joined gym and set up an Instagram page to stay accountable
  • After being inspired by photos of bikini competitors she trained for competition
  • Now she is an online personal trainer, using her own story to help others

A woman has revealed how a mission to transform her body helped pull her out of the depths of depression, and said she did it after becoming inspired by photographs of bikini competitors on Instagram.

Lucy Watson, 33, who grew up in England but lives in Sydney, Australia, said that in her 20s she was working long hours in her advertising job and found herself turning to food and alcohol for comfort.

But as she approached her 30th birthday, she realised a 'serious lifestyle overhaul' was due. 

'I was single, living away from my family in the UK, had been making a life for myself in Sydney and going hard on achieving my career goals in advertising, but I was stressed and depressed,' Ms Watson told FEMAIL. 

Lucy Watson has revealed that as she approached her 30th birthday, her life needed an overhaul. Lucy is pictured during her transformation between 2013, left, and 2015, right

Whilst she said she had never really struggled with her weight, when she first left home at 18 to go to university, she became aware how much lifestyle and a lack of nutrition affects the body. 

'When you’re young you don’t pay too much attention though,' Ms Watson said. 

'Throughout my twenties I worked long hours, ate and drank what I pleased and exercised to try and balance it out. Fast forward to my late twenties and my fail-safe method of losing weight, swimming, was not zipping me back into shape like it did in my late teens.'

Feeling stressed and depressed, in spite a moderate level of fitness achieved through doing triathlons, Ms Watson said she knew she needed to act.

Feeling stressed and depressed, in spite a moderate level of fitness, Ms Watson knew she needed to act.

Ms Watson said she started an Instagram page to document her progress in order to stay accountable

'I wasn't the fittest I could be, and I certainly didn't look it,' Ms Watson said of herself before she started documenting her progress online

How do I used social media to help me lose weight?

On her Instagram page, Lucy reveals her top tips for harnessing the power of social media to keep you accountable.  

Lucy says: 'Take progress pictures. It's important to have more than one type of measurement. Do NOT just look at the number on the scales.'

Other types of measurements include: Girth measurements with a tape measure; How your clothes feel; How you feel... energy, happiness, stress levels; Pictures; Feedback from other people. 

Lucy says: 'This could take eight to 12 weeks by the time friends or colleagues notice but trust me the comments will come!

'Use them all, chip away at your goal every day.'

'I’d tried short-term fixes like shakes, fat burners, diets... I needed to do this properly now,' she said 

'I wasn't the fittest I could be, and I certainly didn't look it. I joined a bootcamp to add variety to my training, and my state of mind started to improve.'

However, the bootcamp sessions weren't easy. 

'I actually hit rock bottom after a particularly tough 6am bootcamp session,'Ms Watson admitted. 'It broke me because I was so weak mentally, which led to me taking a mental health day off work.'

It was a turning point for Ms Watson, who now offers online personal training at her website Lucy Loves Fitness.

Within a couple of months, she had started lifting weights at the gym and started an Instagram page to stay accountable and encourage herself to fulfil her goals. 

'In April 2014 as I was looking for gym inspiration on Instagram I stumbled across a post of a bikini competitor,' Ms Watson said.

Ms Watson said that by becoming a certified personal trainer, she adjusted her focus from her job to herself and helping other women

'It’s all about the little decisions you make every day', Ms Watson said of achieving your fitness goals

'Since then I’ve competed in three competitions in Sydney and pushed my body and mind to the limits. I followed a strict training and nutrition plan, and learnt a lot about myself along the way.'

Ms Watson said that by becoming a certified personal trainer, she adjusted her focus from her job to herself and helping other women.

'Getting on stage isn’t for everybody, that was just the way I did it, I needed something drastic to pull me out of depression and it changed my life,' she said.

'Once people around me saw my transformation – both physically and mentally – they asked me to help them. I now help women all over the world to change their lifestyle with online training, which is exercise programming as well as nutrition and mindset coaching. A lot of people can’t afford face-to-face sessions with a personal trainer in a gym.'

She advised others to take food out with them if they're going to an appointment what may mean they're hungry by the time they leave

Ms Watson said that social media was a huge motivator for her personal fitness journey. 

'Instagram is where this all started for me, so I make sure I use that to connect with people every day, showing that it’s possible to live a healthy lifestyle,' she said,

'It’s all about the little decisions you make every day, and that’s something I really try to get through to my clients. There isn’t one big step, it’s hundreds of little steps and soon the decisions become easier and more habitual. 

Having been through her own journey, Ms Watson now helps other achieve their fitness goals

'Women really struggle with nutrition, we tend to starve ourselves, yet our bodies need fuelling, not starving,' Ms Watson said

'All of these decisions add up to a healthier lifestyle and once they feel and see results, they know it’s worth it. For example, taking food to the hairdressers with you if you have an evening appointment so you don’t come out with fabulous hair, but a rumbling tummy and grab the closest food to the salon.

'Women really struggle with nutrition, we tend to starve ourselves, yet our bodies need fuelling, not starving, and that’s where most people go wrong. 

'Love your body and it will reward you by showing you what it’s capable of. This is not just about your physical appearance, it’s also about challenging your mind to change habits that are ingrained in your everyday life.'

For more from Lucy Watson, visit her Facebook page here 


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