How Ms Markle gets her sparkle! From massages on the INSIDE of her face to libido-boosting vitamins, Harry's girlfriend Meghan shares her bonkers anti-ageing secrets (including a blusher called Orgasm!) 

The smile is the same, as is the sultry gaze — not to mention the perky cleavage. This picture of a 22-year-old Meghan Markle, in jeans and vest top, could have been taken yesterday. 

So how has Prince Harry’s 35-year-old girlfriend remained as fresh-faced as she was 13 years ago? 

ANTONIA HOYLE shares the age-defying beauty routine Meghan posts on her Instagram page, from infrared saunas and facial massage to a cheekily named blusher called Orgasm. 

Of course, knowing you’ve bagged yourself a Prince can’t hurt either...

Above is a photograph of Suits actress Meghan Markle when she was 22 years old


There’s barely the hint of a laughter line on Meghan’s face, never mind a wrinkle, and she’s entirely preserved the complexion of her early 20s. So how has she kept ageing at bay, when other women her age are noticing with a sinking heart the first signs of the passing years — not least the Duchess of Cambridge who, whisper it, has already succumbed to a few fine lines?

Part of the credit must go to celebrity facialist Nichola Joss, who Meghan visits whenever she’s in London.

Joss’s 60-minute Bespoke Sculpting Inner Facial costs £250 and is beloved by everyone from Kate Moss to Kate Winslet. As well as massaging the outside of your face, Joss dons surgical gloves and massages the face from inside your mouth, too. Meghan says: ‘Nichola massages your face from the inside out (yes, really), sculpting your cheekbones and reshaping your face with targeted movements to lift and brighten.’

Meghan makes sure she visits celebrity facialist Nichola Joss every time she is in London

As well as this peculiar treatment, Meghan credits her mum, Doria, a yoga teacher and social worker, for her complexion. It was Doria who insisted Meghan started having professional facials at 13 — a habit she has kept.

Remembering her first forays into the beautician’s, Meghan says: ‘It seemed so silly at the time. We would drive home with my mom saying: “You must always take care of your skin.” ’

Despite her scepticism, Meghan now feels her mother was right, and is ferociously diligent about looking after her complexion. ‘To feel confident in my skin requires a bit of maintenance, from drinking lots of water, to always applying sunblock, and getting a facial as often as possible,’ she says.

Nivea's Skin Firming Hydration Body Lotion is a favourite of Meghan's and Kate Middleton's

It’s a constant battle: she sets herself the ‘seemingly impossible’ task of ploughing through two litres of water a day to ‘hydrate’ her skin; uses an electric Clarisonic brush, which has a rotating bristled head, and a tea tree oil cleanser to ‘really get in there’ morning and night and afterwards applies a Clarins serum and moisturiser.

While she could be said to be ageing better than Kate, they share a love of Nivea products, and Meghan praises the brand’s Skin Firming Hydration Body Lotion (£4.20 for 400ml). ‘It’s honestly my favourite lotion . . . it’s so affordable, and makes my skin look and feel amazing,’ she says.

She also says she ‘lives by the ethos that most things can be cured with either yoga, the beach or a few avocados’.


Like most celebrities, Meghan dabbles with a holistic — and at times more ‘Hollywood’ — approach to health.

In 2015, she said that every week she sits in an infrared sauna — which uses heaters to emit infrared light — to ‘sweat out all the toxins’.

She takes at least four supplements a day — including magnesium, crucial for strong bones and healthy body functions; B12 drops, which can alleviate tiredness; multivitamins; Cortisol Manager — a herbal stress-reducing aid — before bedtime; and, occasionally, ashwagandha, a herb that apparently can combat stress, boost the immune system and enhance sexual potency.

The actress also has cupping, which pulls blood to the skin’s surface with heated cups with the aim of stimulating healing (stock image)

Women who take ashwagandha, which is mentioned in the Kama Sutra, are said to experience an increase in desire and sexual satisfaction. Lucky Harry, eh?

As well as this, she is a devotee of Eastern medicine, especially acupuncture to encourage her body’s ‘energy flow’ and, like film stars Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston, uses cupping, which pulls blood to the skin’s surface with heated cups with the aim of stimulating healing.

It’s not surprising, then, that Meghan also expresses some rather hippy-dippy thoughts — running is a form of ‘moving meditation’. And she practises facial massage at home, as instructed by Nichola Joss.

The exercises involve pulling the skin into a variety of poses to stimulate muscle tone. ‘I swear it works,’ says Meghan. ‘On the days when I do it, my cheekbones and jaw-line are waaaay more sculpted.’


Apparently eschewing personal trainers — ‘if you can self-motivate that’s half the battle’ — Meghan’s favourite workout is a six-mile run.

But since taking her role in legal drama Suits in 2011, she struggles to find time.

‘I typically get picked up for work at 4.15am on a Monday, so there isn’t much time for jogging and I would rather have that extra hour of sleep. Now, I change it up. I’ll do yoga [left] a couple times a week — hot yoga, specifically.’

When speaking about her fitness routine, Meghan said: 'I’ll do yoga [left] a couple times a week — hot yoga, specifically.’

Practised in a room heated up to 37 degrees, the heavy sweating caused by hot yoga is believed to help flush toxins from the skin, as well as allowing devotees to assume deeper stretching positions, and attain ultimate flexibility.

When in LA, where she was brought up by her mother, Doria, and father, former lighting director Thomas, Meghan, said to be 5ft 7in and 9st 6lb, keeps her Size 10 figure (Size 6 in the U.S.) trim with ‘Platinum Pilates’.

This is no gentle stretching class. It is completed on a fiendish- looking machine that resembles a medieval rack, with a sliding platform, springs and resistance bands. It’s 55-minute workout burns a whopping 700 calories a time.

Meghan is a big fan, saying: ‘It’s the instant way to get your body aligned and looking toned.’ You can see the evidence today, as she’s managed to maintain the same trim midriff she had when she was 22.

As if that wasn’t enough, Meghan also advocates the regimes devised by Tracy Anderson — the whippet-thin American exercise guru who has trained Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow with some agonisingly difficult routines.

Meghan follows her DVDs at home and in her trailer on set during any spare 15 minutes. It seems there’s no such thing as downtime for the ever-active Ms Markle.


Like the Duchess of Cambridge, Meghan is wedded to her smoothie maker, and again, like Kate, she concocts vile-looking green juices to keep the hunger pangs at bay and her energy high.

Whereas most people would crave coffee after a 4.15am start, Meghan says ‘for an easy pick-me-up, I always lean towards a juice — specifically a green juice’. Why? Well, it’s something that Meghan describes as her ‘food-as-medicine philosophy’.

‘It’s easy to fall into the trap of rushing for a coffee when you hit that 4pm slump,’ she explains, ‘but if I blend some apple, kale, spinach, lemon and ginger in my Vitamix juicer in the morning and bring it to work, I always find sipping on that is a much better boost than having a cup of espresso.’

Rather than having coffee, Meghan blends apple, kale, spinach, lemon and ginger in her Vitamix juicer (stock image)

Considering that she is dating the hard-partying Harry, it comes as a relief to hear that Meghan doesn’t skimp when she’s pouring the wine.

In contrast to Kate, who rarely succumbs to alcohol, Meghan believes that wine is a ‘must’.

As well as enjoying a glass with dinner, in the summer she proudly declares it’s rose ‘all day’ and is so fond of a particular Italian red called Tignanello, which is priced at around £70 a bottle, that she named her website — The Tig — after it.


The rediscovered pictures show Meghan has always had a radiant flush to her cheeks — and today that’s aided by daringly named Orgasm, a pinky blusher by NARS (£28

She’s also adept at using make-up to enhance her bone structure, with clever tricks to make the most of what nature has given her: ‘I always put concealer down the bridge of my nose, a highlighter on my cheekbones, and a dab of shimmer in the corner of my eye.

‘These contouring tricks really help to angle your face.’

Meghan's favourite products include using coconut oil (left) as a deep conditioner and Yves Saint Laurent's classic product Touche Eclat to cover dark circles (right)

Off duty, Meghan has perfected the art of her ‘five-minute face’ with three make-up staples: Touche Eclat by Yves St Laurent, of which she says ‘if you’ve just worked a 17-hour day and have nothing else on, you will still look relatively alive’; mascara — her favourite is Diorshow Iconic — and that risque Orgasm blusher. She also says she can’t leave the house without perfume — her favourites being Oribe’s Cote d’Azur and Jo Malone. Another soft spot for a British icon, we see.

As for her hair, Meghan says: ‘Men really love to see hair down.’ While she uses celebrity hairstylist Michael Silva, she doesn’t always plump for products that require an A-list bank balance.

She uses plain old coconut oil as a deep conditioner and hair oil from Wella (Amazon, £14.70) which she says makes her hair ‘slippery and touchable’.


Perhaps the only thing that’s changed since those early photographs is Meghan’s dress sense. Gone are the jeans and flip-flops, and instead have come more designer clothes.

Meghan — who last year designed a capsule dress collection for the Canadian retailer Reitmans — credits this to her role in Suits, playing power-dressing Rachel Zane, which, she says, helped ‘my education of designers and really knowing what fits my body well’.

She credits playing playing power-dressing Rachel Zane in Suits as a way of educating her about designers and knowing what fits her properly

It seems that the determined Meghan is ruthless about eschewing any clothes that don’t perfectly flatter her figure. While saying that she loves Victoria Beckham dresses, Meghan admits she can’t wear them because ‘I don’t have the long torso to support that silhouette’.

Instead, she favours classic frocks from French firm Lanvin, which can cost upwards of £1,000, saying: ‘They’re so well made, with the most beautiful craftsmanship.’

Unlike many Hollywood stars, Meghan shows a keen self-awareness about her bad bits.

As well as a longer body, she would love to be taller, and says: ‘As I’ve gotten older, I like longer dresses, but my legs come up to my ears and I’m not very tall, so when I wear a short skirt I’ve got to be really conscious.’

As for jewellery, a favourite piece is her 14-carat gold £193 ‘asymmetric letter necklace’ by LA-based designer Maya Brenner, which carries hers and Harry’s initials.

And Meghan prefers ‘classic’ over ‘ornate’ — which, if the day should come, will make Harry’s task of choosing an engagement ring that much easier . . .


Meghan says to maintain her physique she eats 'as clean as possible', including fish and vegetables

Meghan sees her diet as a weapon in her war against ageing. ‘As I’m getting older, my approach to ageing is quite different,’ she says.

‘I take care of my skin and body. And I don’t just take care of myself for aesthetic reasons, but because how I feel is dictated by what I’m eating, how much rest I’m getting and how much water I’m drinking.’

Thankfully, she also loves a good feed. ‘I definitely try to eat as clean as possible,’ she says. ‘Mostly fish and veggies, but I am also a foodie, so on the weekend all bets are off.’

Her angel versus devil mindset influences her diet. When feeling saintly, she starts the day with hot water and lemon. Breakfast is steel-cut oats (which are whole oats chopped up) with bananas or fruit topped with manuka honey and bee pollen; lunch is salad with protein; and dinner typically pasta with lots of parmesan.

Her weekly speciality meal is roasted cauliflower with chickpeas and hot curry powder.

Favoured snacks include the not particularly appetising sounding apple slices with almond butter.

However, when Meghan is indulging, she feasts like a prince, saying: ‘If you deprive yourself of something, you’re going to crave it more.’

Her weakness is French fries and she says she eats so much pasta on holiday that her stomach swells.

‘I come back from vacation with a food baby and I’ve named her Comida (the Spanish word for food). I get to the set and I’m like: “Hey, Comida’s here, and she’s kicking!” ’


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