Floral and fabulous! Zoey Deutch sizzles in lacy black dress at W Magazine It Girls luncheon

Zoey Deutch cut a stylish figure among the celebrities who swung by A.O.C. in Los Angeles on Saturday afternoon.

Famous figures ranging from Lily Collins to Amber Heard and Chanel Iman converged on the restaurant for W Magazine's It Girls luncheon.

Deutch beamed whilst arriving in a busily designed outfit, featuring a black and purple lacy skirt and metallic-studded straps.

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Beaming: Zoey Deutch cut a stylish figure among the celebrities who swung by A.O.C. in Los Angeles on Saturday afternoon

The studs were speckled across black strips, matching those that encircled her torso and waist and emphasised her svelte figure.

Square metallic designs glinted over her midriff, and an intricate purple and gold floral pattern was spattered over her bust.

The 22-year-old had pulled the majority of her dirty blonde hair behind her head, though she let bits of it dangle up front. Black stilettos completed the look.

The occasion: She was one of the famous figures who'd converged on the restaurant for W Magazine's It Girls luncheon

Pretty: She definitely turned heads at the star-studded occasion

Dynamic duo: She posed up next to fellow starlet Lily Collins

She'd been spotted the previous night heading into the celebrity-flypaper establishment Catch LA in West Hollywood.

Her black dress featured a fair bit of sheen and an asymmetrical neckline, and she'd flung a black leather coat on top of it.

This time, her wavy hair fell free over her shoulders, and she'd worn what appeared to be the same shoes she then selected for the W Magazine event.

Friday frolic: She'd been spotted the previous night heading into the celebrity-flypaper establishment Catch LA in West Hollywood

On the town: Her black dress featured a fair bit of sheen and an asymmetrical neckline, and she'd flung a black leather coat on top of it

Amber Heard arrived to that Saturday luncheon in a black, blue and gold dress, streaked with designs not only of flowers but also of what looked like a kangaroo.

A slice had been carved out of the midsection of her dress, showcasing the former Mrs Johnny Depp's enviably flat midriff.

Meanwhile, Iman wore black thigh-high boots that played up her spectacular legs and were lined with gleaming buckles.

Party night: Her wavy hair fell free over her shoulders, and she'd worn what appeared to be the same shoes she then selected for the W Magazine event

Her sheer pale blue dress was hemmed above the boots and sported a strip of black running down its front, as well as another one cinching the waist.

Collins' colourful dress - the top half of which saw green, purple and gold feather designs swirling over a black backdrop - bared quite a bit of cleavage.

The pleated bottom half was black, sky blue and dark red, and she'd popped on a pair of black ankle-strap high-heeled shoes. 

Meanwhile, back at the W Magazine event: At AOC on Saturday, Chanel Iman wore black thigh-high boots that played up her spectacular legs and were lined with gleaming buckles

Amber Heard had arrived to that Saturday luncheon in a black, blue and gold dress, which was streaked with designs not only of flowers but also of what looked like a kangaroo

When you got it: Lily Collins' colourful dress - the top half of which saw green, purple and gold feather designs swirling over a black backdrop - bared quite a bit of cleavage

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