Two wheel Terminator! Arnold Schwarzenegger puts the pedal to the metal on a bicycle despite leg brace due to fracture

He's always been a Hollywood strongman and a physical fitness maven.

So perhaps it's no surprise that a simple leg fracture couldn't keep Arnold Schwarzenegger from peddling his bike around Venice Beach on Friday.

The 69-year-old one time Mr. Universe hit the road after a stint at one of his favorite workout spots, Gold's Gym.

Iron man: Perhaps it's no surprise that a simple leg fracture couldn't keep Arnold Schwarzenegger from peddling his bike around Venice Beach on Friday

Despite the massive walking boot on his right leg, it appeared that the muscleman had in fact participated in pumping some iron.

He was dressed for activity in a heather grey t-shirt, slate grey sweatpants, light socks and low white sneakers.

Other than a massive watch on his left hand, the former Governor of California was accessory free.

While he rode along, it was hard not to see similarities to his character in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, where the Terminator was tasked with riding around on a motorcycle for a good portion of the film.

Sporty: He was dressed for activity in a heather grey t-shirt, slate grey sweatpants, light socks and low white sneakers

More impressively, though he was peddling hard, he seemed unaffected by his leg cast.

The star has been wearing the brace since early December and told Live with Kelly recently that he sustained a stress fracture.

Arnie quipped at first that it was 'just a little pedicure mishap,' before explaining the real injury, saying:

Burning rubber: While he rode along, it was hard not to see similarities to his character in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, where the Terminator was tasked with riding around on a motorcycle for a good portion of the film

Patience needed: The star has been wearing the brace since early December (pictured here on December 20th)

'It could be from too much skiing or too much squatting ... but who cares? It's something that I've done too much of.'

'They say I have to wear this for a few weeks,' he added, 'but I’m going to replace it very quickly with ski boots.' 

Meanwhile, he may have also been enjoying a break from sparring with Donald Trump over the somewhat underwhelming ratings for his first turn as the host of The Celebrity Apprentice.

'Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got 'swamped' (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT,' Trump tweeted, using the initials of his full name to drive home the point. 

The Last Action Hero star hit back at Donald Trump's mocking of his television ratings on Friday by invoking Abraham Lincoln and urging the president-elect 'to work for ALL of the American people as aggressively as you worked for your ratings'. 

The producer speaks: Meanwhile, he may have also been enjoying a break from sparring with Donald Trump over the somewhat underwhelming ratings for his first turn as the host of The Celebrity Apprentice








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