Who’s this sweet little Welsh miss? Adorable photograph shows Catherine Zeta Jones perched on her mother’s lap as a child 

Hollywood star Catherine Zeta Jones has come a long way from Swansea.

The Welsh actress posted this picture of herself as child, perching on the lap of her mother, former seamstress Patricia. Catherine, 47, is now married to actor Michael Douglas, 72, with whom she has two children, Dylan, 16, and 13-year-old Carys. She and her mother are sitting next to Catherine’s father, former sweet factory owner David.

Catherine Zeta-Jones shared this picture of herself sitting on her mother's knee as a young girl from Swansea

Zeta-Jones is seen above at the 15th Annual Movies for Grownups Awards in LA in February

Despite her working-class roots, life wasn’t too hard for young Catherine, whose parents were able to enrol her in dance and ballet classes after winning £100,000 during a night at the bingo.


Rocker Ronnie Wood turns 70 this year, but the father-of-six could still have more babies, according to his superstitious wife. Sally Humphreys, 38, who gave birth to twins last May, was shocked to see on two days running her breakfast eggs were ‘double yolkers’. ‘This apparently means I’m going to have two more sets of twins,’ she chirps.


Colin Farrell must overcome a Napoleon complex if he wins his Best Actor category at the Golden Globes tomorrow night.

Mavis Spencer, the model and a previous Miss Golden Globe, whose job it is to hand over the awards, recalls the 5ft 8in Irish star once had a hissy fit on stage. ‘I had a 6in pair of Valentino stilettos on,’ says Spencer. 

Colin Farrell with his sister actress Claudine Farrell. Sebastian Shakespeare says Colin Farrell must overcome a Napoleon complex

‘Colin was one of the presenters and just looked at me and said: “I’m not standing next to her. I’m not doing it.” ‘I was a bit taken aback. And he was like: “Darling, I really don’t mean that in a bad way — but you’re huge.” ’

Best to stop digging, Colin.


George Michael had fans in unexpected quarters — even in the Thurlow Hunt, whose Master, Robin Vestey, once remarked approvingly that ‘a rather rich Greek’ had moved into the area, prompting a pal to suggest they invite the newcomer to join the hunt. ‘Not while he’s in there,’ replied Vestey, gesturing at Highpoint nick, where George was detained after crashing his Range Rover high on cannabis. 


Lord Lloyd-Webber has previously complained about being a working peer

Lord Lloyd-Webber complained last year about the responsibility of being a working peer.

‘I’m fed-up with the fact that I keep being asked now to go in and vote for things about which I don’t have knowledge,’ he said.

Could the musical maestro have turned over a new leaf?

I note that he has just received answers to three written questions he submitted to Parliament. These were all about traffic volumes on the A34 in Hampshire. One asked ‘whether there are any specific proposals relating to the A34 to the south of the Chieveley interchange?’.

What could have brought about this sudden interest in Parliament, given that during his entire 20-year tenure in the Lords he has only turned up to vote 35 times?

Could it be that his 5,000-acre Sydmonton Court estate lies just south of the Chieveley interchange on the A34? Well, at least he’s sticking to what he knows.

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